Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Tdarcos wrote:I am trying to write a text adventure and get around the bugs I didn't know were in Hugo
There aren't any bugs in Hugo. If you think you've found a bug in Hugo, you haven't. It is bug-free.
Bullshit, Bullshit, Bullshit. "Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining."
I read - here in fact - that someone wrote a game that caused the Hugo compiler to crash. A program that crashes because of bad input is by definition not bug free. Some asswipe PR flack from Microsoft once tried to claim that if a Word document was contaminated or badly formed, Microsoft Word would crash
as a safety feature! Any brain-dead moron knows that's an excuse and justification for bugs and errors. (Actually it was because Microsoft had no interest in fixing an existing version, preferring to sell people the upgrade to the next release.)
Any software application of any significant complexity has errors in it. This applies even more explicitly to a closed-source application like Hugo, where the compiler internals are not public and thus nobody but the developer sees it.
Over time, an application subject to regular use and examination with bug fixes becomes closer and closer to error free, but never quite makes it because if it is a living application, it will be subject to updates and improvements. But any change leads to the possibility that the change can affect something badly and break the application(s). Eventually there are so many interconnections that making changes becomes too dangerous because it's really easy to break something unless you are extremely careful. This situation continues, until the application becomes so bloated and fragile that it makes sense to rewrite it.
At that point it starts over as a brand-new application, full of bugs that have to be found and corrected.
Now, there are exceptions, but to get to that state means the application has to be designed from the beginning to allow for enhancements and maintenance. This requires detailed specifications, advanced planning and proper design, which is extremely expensive to do, meaning that all of which are virtually nonexistent in any software package unless it is designed to do something ultrahazardous, like operate a nuclear power plant, a pacemaker, or the control software for an airliner or fighter jet, and sometimes not even then.
I've been doing programming for 34 years; don't try to tell me there's such a thing as a bug-free application. Once any program gets much longer than "Hello World" the probability of bugs goes up exponentially.
The story of IBM's "IEFBR13" program for its OS/VS1 mainframe operating system, which was created to do
nothing and yet required an update because
it failed to correctly do nothing indicates that as long as human beings write computer programs, even the simplest ones, they will have errors.