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Me, personally

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 8:48 pm
by Tdarcos
Despite comments to the contrary, I'm not hard to get hold of, you just have to know how.

1. My Cell Phone. Anyone who knows this knows me personally and almost always has an important reason to contact me.

2. My office phone. Anyone else who really has an important need to contact me, calls me on my phone.

3. Public messages here. I check this place out often.

4. E-Mail. I read it, but not always every day.

5. Private messages here. You have to tell me that you left me one, as I am not otherwise informed. You would think the stupid BBS software would warn people if they have PMs. But it doesn't.

People can say a lot about Wikipedia and its problems, but if you have a message posted to your user page, you get a message on Wikipedia warning you that you have new messsage(s) and you get an e-mail warning.

Re: Me, personally

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 10:41 pm
by pinback
Tdarcos wrote:1. My Cell Phone.
Nobody here is going to call your cell phone.
2. My office phone.
Nobody here is going to call your office.
3. Public messages here.
We need to contact YOU PERSONALLY though.
4. E-Mail. I read it, but not always every day.
You need to be better about this. I think we all agree, you have to improve your email response times.
5. Private messages here. You have to tell me that you left me one, as I am not otherwise informed.
That is incorrect. The "PM STATION" button at the top of the page will have a little mail icon next to it if you have a message, AND the BBS will send you an email to tell you it's happened, if you have it set up thusly.
message on Wikipedia warning you that you have new messsage(s) and you get an e-mail warning.
This place does both of those things, PAUL.

Re: Me, personally

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 9:48 am
by Tdarcos
pinback or is it pinhead? wrote:
Tdarcos wrote:4. E-Mail. I read it, but not always every day.
You need to be better about this. I think we all agree, you have to improve your email response times.
Try again, Pinhead. Since I'm on disability I don't pay taxes, so of the two things you have to do, pay taxes and die, the only thing I have to do is die! I could quit reading e-mail altogether if I choose. Or I can read it every other day. Or once a week.

The only reason I would have to be reading my e-mail is if I was working on a project that either I was seriously interested in and/or was being paid to do. When I'm not involved in serious work, I don't check my e-mail that frequently because in almost every case, it's not important. And "important" means "by my standards, not yours."
Pinhead Chrome Dome wrote:
Tdarcos wrote:5. Private messages here. You have to tell me that you left me one, as I am not otherwise informed.
That is incorrect. The "PM STATION" button at the top of the page will have a little mail icon next to it if you have a message,
Try again, Pinhead Chrome Dome. I sent myself a message, and nothing changed. I then went in and changed the settings so it is supposed to notify me, and still nothing happened.

I then used my KVM to switch to my other computer, connected to the BBS as a not-logged in user, then registered a new user with the really hard to figure out user name of "Paul Robinson" and had him send me a private message, after I have told the system to warn me if I get private messages. I still did not see any change.

Damn, I should have called him Lester Snow, then I could have pulled the same stunt as I did (after you suggested it) at Bull & Finch Pub, and see how long before someone noticed!

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 9:52 am
by Tdarcos
I just checked. If you're notified you have a PM, the system sends you an e-mail. It does not change the appearance of the PM station button or otherwise change the UI of the BBS.

Re: Me, personally

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 10:01 am
by Paul Robinson
Tdarcos wrote:
pinback or is it pinhead? wrote:(Text deleted for brevity)
Try again, Pinhead.
Pinhead Chrome Dome wrote:(Text deleted for brevity)
Try again, Pinhead Chrome Dome.
Commander, I am deeply disappointed in you. You're 50 years old, not 5, and you can do better than making trivial and silly comments about Mr. Parish's username. If you disagree with him, that's fine. But being insulting just drags you down to his level.

I mean, you read his apology he sent to you in e-mail, and basically your response was to trash it and make fun of it. I saw it, and I think that it was a heartfelt apology and an attempt to offer you an olive leaf. Your response to him reminded me of a offer of poison ivy.

You can do better, and you should.

Re: Me, personally

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 10:04 am
by Tdarcos
Paul Robinson wrote:Commander, I am deeply disappointed in you.
Christ, I'm so bored I'm reduced to talking to myself! Paul, do you have any suggestions on what I can do to improve?

Christ! You know it ain't easy
You know how hard it can be
The way things are going
They're gonna crucify me!
- The Beatles, The Balad of John and Yoko

Re: Me, personally

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 10:06 am
by Paul Robinson
Tdarcos wrote:Paul, do you have any suggestions on what I can do to improve?
Well, since you said of the two things you have to do, you can't pay taxes, well, there's one possible option.

Oh hell, now you're turning me into a cynic!

Re: Me, personally

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 4:41 pm
by realitycheck
Paul Robinson wrote:
uh oh, the caltrops has escaped.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 5:40 pm
by AArdvark
the only thing I have to do is die!
No hurry, though.

And then all the other stuff that I just skimmed.

Re: Me, personally

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 6:45 am
by Tdarcos
realitycheck wrote:
Paul Robinson wrote:
uh oh, the caltrops has escaped.
Oh please, do you really think I would stick people here with that kind of spiked and otherwise pointedly bad humor? I mean, do you think I'm going to needle the people here with that sort of stabbing humor?