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Neo Geo Restoration

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 5:53 am
by Flack
A few years ago at the height of my buying frenzy, I ended up with two Neo Geo cabinets. One had a 25" monitor, but was only a "one-slot" board. The other had a smaller 19" monitor, but was a "two-slot" board. Neo-Geo arcade machines use cartridges, and a two-slot board can hold two games at a time, allowing players to swap between the two. There are also 4-slot boards.

My plan was to (someday) swap the boards, pairing the two-slot board from the one machine into the cabinet with the bigger monitor. That would make one great machine and one okay one. The plan was to then sell the okay machine and keep the great one.

Like most of my projects, I never got around to it. When I began to run low on space I decided to sell the two-slot/smaller monitor Neo Geo machine. This is what it looked like when I sold it:


I sold the machine to a fellow collector named Stingray, who picked the game up in the back of his minivan. The guy drove down from Tulsa (about 2 hours) to pick it up, and while he was down we visited for a bit and ended up eating lunch together. He was a super nice guy. During lunch he told me all about his plans to fix up the Neo Geo. I just smiled to myself, thinking, "Yeah, I had plans too, but they didn't happen."

About a month later, Stingray sent me the following picture:


Down to the stenciled artwork, this is pretty much what a new Neo Geo machine looked like back in the day. The entire cabinet had been sanded down and re-painted. Along with the artwork, new t-molding had been added as well.

I was always jealous of that machine and a little embarrassed that I had never done the work myself. In the same token (hah), I always found that second picture inspiring. It showed me that, with a little elbow grease, a crappy-looking game can be restored and made to look brand new.

I keep searching for elbow grease on eBay to this day. Haven't found any yet ...

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 11:39 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Well, the deals you had lining up just overwhelmed you. You had good intentions, and you know what? I will say that because the deals in Oklahoma are so good and cheap, I understand exactly how they piled up. I'd be buying cabs all day long at the $100/$200 price point you seem to find them.

You have the other Neo-Geo left, right? Any chance it makes it to the new place?

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 12:20 am
by Flack
I do still have it, but doubtful it stays with the collection. MAME does a pretty good job of playing Neo Geo games these days so ... not much point. I'm not even a huge Neo Geo fan, to be honest. The Metal Slug games are pretty fun and there are a couple of SHMUPS I like, but 2/3 of the system's library are just terrible fighting games.

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:42 pm
by RetroRomper
If your willing to put down $400 or so for a full cabinet, than investing in a four slot Neo-Geo cab and paying the $200 - $500 per cartridge is justifiable and maybe even easier than doubling that price for shipping and logistics.

But then your maybe two steps away from just getting a full MAME cab up and running.

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:13 pm
by Flack
$200-$500? Maybe for complete (and good) games. I paid between $10-$40 for each of mine. None of them have the shock boxes and were cart only. I've sold a few off over the years, but here's what I have left:

Art of Fighting
Blazing Star
Double Dragon
King of the Monsters
Metal Slug
Metal Slug 2
Metal Slug X
Puzzle Bobble
Samurai Shodown
Samurai Shodown 2
Samurai Shodown 3

I also have a 16-in-1 cart and would like to pick up a 100-in-1, at which point I could get rid of most of the others.

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:15 pm
by RetroRomper
The last time I checked cart prices, was before SNK went under (and new carts direct from SNK with full kit, were going for around the $300 or $500+ mark).

But your right, according to the only games (loose carts) that are going for anywhere near that are...

Samurai Shodown V Special: $160 - $250

Pop 'N Bounce: $200 -$300

And strangely, a slot machine simulator...

V-Liner: $170 - $300

And for full kits, bloody hell...

Ultimate 11(Super S.4) Euro: $8000 - $10000

You were correct though - the majority of loose carts go for around $10 - $50, including Sengoku, Metal Slug, and a few other standbys (though strangely Metal Slug 2 and Sengoku 2 are in the $100 - $200 area... Not sure how rarity and popularity go hand in hand).