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Another Retro Exclusive

Posted: Wed May 22, 2002 8:17 am
by Mister X
Not sure this shouldn't be in the Hammurabi thread, tho that is supposed to be Hugo stuff -- but along the lines of old and simple game systems -- I thought I would mention this page

wherupon can be found a game written with a 1994 dos game creation gui, which does not even have a game on the Archive, and which game weighs in at 7 kb. Because it is sometimes amusing just to see what can be done with very little -- I suppose.

Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 9:31 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Heh. That *is* pretty cool. I am always amazed by games that are made under restraints like that. Will this work in Windows, though? (I am back home and on my dad's PC which doesn't have true DOS on it.) I am getting a runtime error when I attempt to run Abyss.tag.

Posted: Sat May 25, 2002 11:01 am
by Eric
I am using Windows 98. Downloaded the file off the site, unzipped it and just clicked on it in Windows and it ran fine, for what it was worth - actually a fair number of words but not a whole load of usable commands.

This worries me some though -- I know they have trashed DOS -- so when I am finally forced to upgrade (which is what it will take to get me to buy a new computer) does this mean I won't be able to run all the old DOS games I like to download.

How's that "about" command coming along for Hammurabi?
Are you going to put the .hug file someplace? Not that I know much about Hugo but I know enough to be curious to see how you did that. I had a pretty good plan at one point starving the population down to ten and then buying up a ton of land, but then I screwed up and entered a buy when I meant to sell.

Posted: Sun May 26, 2002 10:39 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
A Hammurabi update: due to a number of factors, mostly that my father's keyboard is one of those ergonomic "split" ones, I can't get any work done while back east. I'll try to upload a new version of it on Tuesday.