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I Am A Terrible Sniper

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2003 5:59 pm
by Lex
Well, I'm actually pretty good at it... ... :EOAB:UK:6

I feel so dirty...

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 7:07 am
by Worm
blueperfectblue(8) $42.51 Mar-02-03 16:52:31 PST
blueperfectblue(8) $42.51 Mar-02-03 15:48:54 PST
rogerjoyal(234) $41.51 Mar-02-03 15:13:58 PST
blueperfectblue(8) $41.00 Mar-02-03 15:30:07 PST
blueperfectblue(8) $30.00 Mar-02-03 15:29:19 PST
blueperfectblue(8) $20.00 Mar-02-03 13:56:23 PST
rogerjoyal(234) $12.01 Mar-01-03 19:50:10 PST
blueperfectblue(8) $12.00 Mar-02-03 13:55:55 PST
blueperfectblue(8) $11.00 Feb-28-03 11:22:36 PST
blueperfectblue(8) $10.00 Feb-24-03 07:36:28 PST
jaqer(43) $10.00 Feb-27-03 07:34:37 PST
jaqer(43) $8.00 Feb-27-03 07:05:41 PST
jaqer(43) $6.00 Feb-27-03 07:05:32 PST

Does this bid history seem odd to anyone? I don't get it.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 11:43 am
by Lex
Hey, are these things automatically generated? Cos if not, that's pretty weird.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 12:59 pm
by Jack Straw
Is that what you needed to borrow 30 bucks for?

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 1:22 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 3:56 pm
by Lex
In short; I bid on this item in the MISTAKEN APPREHENSION that I was being paid for... 4 months of work I have yet to recieve pay for at GAME (EB); as it turns out, the manager has been an asshole; and has only just put in the forms. Christ, apparently people don't need to eat in his world.

So, in short, I was promised 4 months backpay this week.

It didn't arrive.

It does in next Friday's post.

If not, I will sue.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 4:24 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Yeah, don't take that shit. If you're working for a company out here (and they are not going bankrupt) and they try to pull this shit it usually requires just a little "Great, I'll be getting a lawyer" talk to get things moving.

4 months backpay, though? I'm not exactly the first guy who is going to break out the torches and pitchforks, but I would have stopped coming to work after the first month. Fuck them. They can't possibly pay all their employees like that. Why did they single you out for an ass-fucking?

For fun, consider demanding that the manager pay you out of his own pocket. Also, you're young enough where getting your dad to scream him down won't reflect negatively on you. Four months is just insane.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 5:02 pm
by Guest
Yeah, yeah, I know. Why was a singled-out? I wasn't. It all started at Christmas; As you know, my P45 came through, without any cash. So I went in complained, and he gave me a job.

Put off and put off signing a form.

Yesterday finally forced him too; Though he misdated it before I did, and before "Date of Employment" was written down.

I don't trust this guy.

But I have been promised a free Gamecube for my efforts.

Well, Dreamcast, but still. PSO, eh?

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 5:49 pm
by bruce
But I have been promised a free Gamecube for my efforts.

By the same people who aren't paying you for 4 months of work?

Dude, you are getting seriously buttfucked here, and you need to stop taking this shit and do something about it.


Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 8:29 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Look, I don't really know how you guys exchange goods for services in the U.K., but...

.. ah, I was going to rag on you and work in the terms "barter" "rocks" and "frogs" but it would be too predictable. Especially since the English currency is far more valuable than my own.

Anyway, you know what you have to do: STEAL ALL THE SHIT YOU CAN. Seriously, man. Also: I didn't have anything to do with this, did I? I know that you look up to me in some form or another, but I certainly hope that I in *no* way romanticized working in an Electronics Boutique (or "GAME" as they call it over there). Let me disavow you of any sort of romancing. Ahem. I will do so now:

The year and a half I spent working at an Electronics Boutique probably comprises the worst chunk of time that I have ever continuously spent in my entire life. The job sucked away my faith in humanity, made me a cretin with a one-track-mind for games that caused, in at least a small part, the driving away of the only girl that I have ever been truly and unreservedly happy with, and gave rise to the only recurring nightmare that I have ever had in my entire life. There isn't a fortnight that goes by that I don't wake up drenched in anxiety because my sub-conscious had me working back there during Christmas season. If I had to do it all over again, if I had to essentially sacrifice the mountain of trivia I acquired regarding these silly computer and console games for time instead spent working on a bachelor of science in computer science degree, I would do it in an INSTANT. I tried to make the best of my abject failure by writing that game last year, but my strong, measured advice is to RUN LIKE HELL and ensure you don't get anywhere close to falling into the same footprint-of-failure as me.

Seriously, m'man. You know I'm fond of you like that little brother I never had. Er, wait. I mean, the little brother that writes me e-mail that I never had. If it really looks like that manager is going to fuck you over, grab all the shit you can and quit going to work there. Find out what in this world you can stomach, in terms of revision, and put your four years of study in. I mean it with all my heart when I say the LAST thing I want to see happen to you is some sort of perverted pantomime of my own miserable, worthless, dream-abandoned and altogether hopeless existence.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 1:52 am
by Lex
Thanks, m'man, that means a lot to me. I know I haven't been around recently; I'm back. Also: What's with the three Terrabytes of data SomethingAwful shifted last month? (Not counting the forums.) Still, it's not like you're a total failure, I'm sure you get over a MegaByte, at times.

Also: I don't know if it was trying to emulate you, or subconsciously, or whatever, but bear in mind; this job rocks. I'm really having fun. I am not pushed on for quotas, forced to sell consoles I think are crap, or anything like that; I am genuinley helpful to customers and get to play with a GBA SP a month before release-date.

However, there is an awful lot of Stock No Box sitting in the back; I was seriously tempted to grab PaRappa the Rappa 2 the other day, and even put it aside incase I became evil, but I couldn't do it. Not just yet.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 5:33 pm
by Worm
They make the poor bastards at our local EB have to get green X's tatooed on their foreheads.