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Get Yer Phantasy Star Online, Bitches!

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 5:16 pm
by Guest
Phantasy Star Online, that is.

Seriously; Robb has a Dreamcast, Jill & I are about to get Dreamcasts, Alistair (Phruitcake) has a Dreamcast and a level 100 guy, so let's all get together, and go slayin': You can pick up a copy of PSO for $5, and the first one has no monthly charges (with the cap at Level 150, or No Fucking Scemitars).

In that 4 people can journey together at a time, it would be rather cool. And with Phruitcake to grant us access to the latter levels...


Seriously; Let's get a JC Clan going; we could be the Bad Boys, what with Player-Killin', and all. LETS BE BASTARDS ROBB YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO. Admittedly only 4 of us could fight at a time, but atleast we'd be there ;). Besides, what with half of you in the states, and in different time-zones, im sure it'd work out ;). ;). Let's get groovy! ::Rollseyes:: !!! LROFAEG!

i]To those that don't know[/i]:

Phantasy Star Online is the first version of the online version of the version of the Phantasy Star RPG; every other character is a player, natch; This game is really great to play, because all four of you play together; you look out for each-other, watch each-others backs, perform healing spells, etc.; Unlike conventional online RPGs, there is never another reason to hit human players (albeit he is being an asshole and dropping shitty items everywhere -- In which case, a dose O' PK Error is possible).

It looks something like this:


And is quite cool; meant to be used with the Dreamcast Keyboard, so you can actually chat in-game, as opposed to using the Dreamcast control for static messages. The ability to make your own symbols was great; Phruitcake made a version of the Phruitcake Symbol (TM) That popped up every time he made a kill and roared -- And yet no-one got tired of it. Community spirit is what this game is about -- and though I am usually opposed to such things, bullied as I was at school -- I feel a simple, cheap game that unites members of the Jolt Country Squad would be cool. (Especially as you can pick up a Dreamcast for $20).

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 5:17 pm
by Guest
That being said, it's supposed to look like this

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 5:23 pm
by Lex
This probably sums it up better, and helps towards maintaining the "Posting Drunk" rule: ... taronline/


Edited by ICJ: Jesus Christ man, the Korean KEKE guy doesn't need to be SIX PAGES in length!

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 5:30 pm
by Roody_Yogurt
I've got a Dreamcast and PSO, also. I just wish the broadband adapter for Dreamcast didn't cost so much, because I don't really have a phone line to spare.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 5:36 pm
by Lex
You don't "Have a phone line to spare"? Christ, is extension chord so hard to find in the states? Way to break the community spirit, asshole.

Ps. thanks for teh money KTHXBYE SORRY!

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 5:38 pm
by Lex
Also: What the fuck is wrong with this thread? I think it's Rudy's fault.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 5:39 pm
by Roody_Yogurt
Hehe, well maybe I'll figure something out if this gets going. Even though I'm not sure I could ever play it again, 'Phantasy Star II' is still one of my favorite console RPGs.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 8:11 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I think that every single thread you start breaks the dimensions for the BBS in some manner. That is what I think.

I would love to player kill people playing an on-line RPG in a three-years-dead system with you and yours, but it will realistically not be until the end of this month before I have enough time. Every spare moment of my time will be taken up by, well, you know.

But after I get this thing out the door, sure. How much is this going to cost me? There can't possibly still be a Sega ISP any longer, can there?

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 8:24 pm
by Roody_Yogurt
You can pretty much use any dialup ISP. There should be web pages out there with instructions on each one, including pages for how to use the free Juno service.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 8:31 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Shit. I cancelled my landline.

Is there a way to get the thing "dialing" into my router?

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 8:38 pm
by Worm
You could get a converter like roody mentioned. I don't see how you would get your router to do anything like you mentioned. If you got a software war dialer "OMG" and dialed them ... no that is totally absurd isn't it?

I'd love to do this too but I have one land line that is constantly used as our main phone line ... how much does the broadband adapter cost?

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 9:42 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Right. If I had actually read the thread before jerking off onto it, I would have seen the "broadband adapter" bit.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 12:54 am
by Lex
Yeah; the broadband Adaptor is quite easy to find; but technically the "Sega" doesn't support it; so setting it up to play PSO can mean jumping through hoopes a few times (but is infinitley rewarding when you do). ARF! ARF!

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 6:39 am
by Lex
So I was going to suggest we all 'cube it, 'cept it looks like the Cube version charges $5,99 a month, which sucks balls. ON TEH DREAMCAST TI SI FREE!

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 1:36 pm
by Jack Straw
Or you can just wait for a real MMORPG to come out for consoles.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 2:23 pm
by Lex
That won't happen; in a console environment, no-one wants to be the blacksmith.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 2:31 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I have an intense desire to go kill deer and sell the meat to pubs. Sorry, but if I can't do that in a video game then I DO NOT WISH to play it. I get the sensation that Phantasy Star On-Line isn't going to have this feature. Really, then, what's the point?

Additionally, I would like to wait in a line and kill only those monsters that other players -- not GMs, not the staff -- feel I should be able to kill. I don't know about the rest of you, but frankly the userbase that exists in a QUALITY MMORPG just can't be beat. It's like their wisdom is 18 in every and all cases!!! LOL!!!

Seriously, the MMORPG is probably the genre I most depsise. Every game is the SAME FUCKING THING, just a different texture pack. The people in charge of customer relations hate everybody, the players are some of the dumbest fucking people on the face of the planet, and the publishers see nothing but a bunch of animated credit cards. I will give an enormous amount of props to the developers, because creating something like that (even badly) is an enormous effort which is pretty much incomprehensible to me. But everyone else involved in the process helps to ruin it, and ruin it they do.

The best thing that Lex could say to make me want to play PS:O would be, "it's nothing like Ultima On-Line, Everquest, and Dark Age of Camelot. Nothing, I say!"

Voice of Ghod.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 1:06 pm
by Phruitcake

I can honestly say that "it's nothing like Ultima On-Line, Everquest, and Dark Age of Camelot. Nothing, I say!"

Its not even anything like the original Phantasy Star games, which is kind of idiotic, but hell - its a fucking awesome games.

Fucking Awesome I tells ya!!


*head pops*

Play it, be on our team, kick ass.
Or don't - and regret it for the rest of your crappy non-MMORPG life.

CRACK WHORE! Back me up here!!!!!

Re: Voice of Ghod.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 1:29 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey


Phruitcake wrote:Robb, dude, PLAY THE FUCKING GAME!

I can honestly say that "it's nothing like Ultima On-Line, Everquest, and Dark Age of Camelot. Nothing, I say!"

This fills me with a great deal of optimism. The fact that I am not going to be spending loads of time killing rats and avoiding giant rats is filled with excellence.

Play it, be on our team, kick ass.
Or don't - and regret it for the rest of your crappy non-MMORPG life.
Alright, as soon as I can I will get a broadband adapter and the actual game. Realistically, I can't really spend a whole lot of time on the game until I get the video game starring your boy Lex out the door, but that should be wrapped up by the end of this month. That's only a few weeks away, really, and it will give you guys a chance to level up so that I can be protected (I presume there's some PVP in this, right?)

Also: if you get a chance, start a thread or send me an e-mail at with what Dragonball Z episodes you'd been looking for. I have a second computer setup with internet access these days and I can basically leave it on 24/7 sucking down content which I can then arrange to get to you. I am not sure if you are still looking for them, but I lost the list you gave me a while back.

Just some thoughts...

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 5:38 pm
by Lex
There is a V2 Version of PSO for Dreamcast that is free in Britain, but you'd have to pay $5.00 a month for. This means that, while you languish around the hunting-wolves in teh-gaye-lollipop-forrests, Alistair & I will be level-200ing it up with secret rare items and sexXi0r web-babes.

But at least we'll be there to protect you, yes. I am playing a Wizard, and will pretty much be spending my time learning the PVP PK cheats, while Alistair has an already-pretty powerful Hunter-class dude, which, as far as I'm aware, the only non-energy based weapon in the game (swords, guns, etc, are based on Ions, or Xeta-rays, or something; meaning every sword looks like a light-sabre or whatever; Phruitcake has the only sword that is 100% metal, and thusly cleaves through all the anti-Ion-or-whatever technology the enemy are using.).

Which is nice.