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Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 12:55 am
by looper
I have several general questions...

I'm asking because the denizens of this board seem to have a lot of the same interests as myself, and also because I've noticed a reference to the "Colorado base":

1. How many of the people on this board know each other face-to-face?

2. What's the significance of the Colorado base?

(This question is basically a poll) 3. How old are you?

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 1:45 am
by Lex
I am a l33t student from Scotland; I am the latest member to this little club of people...

Y'know what? This is Jonsey's territory, I wasn't there At The Beggining.

BBS History Mistar Robb!

-Leading onto Worm & I. HE sucks, I don't. HE HAS EVIL LINKS TO THE [strikethru]Al-Quaeda[/strikethru] LEAPED FROG!

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 2:06 am
by Roody_Yogurt
I once was in the same room as bruce, but there were a lot of people there so we didn't end up having a conversation. I haven't met anyone else from here.

I'm twenty-five.

Re: ?s

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 2:15 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
looper wrote:1. How many of the people on this board know each other face-to-face?
I've met Danzaland, Jack Straw, Aardvark and Loafergirl... I am probably forgetting another regular. If so, I apologize: it's 2:10am out here, much too late.

2. What's the significance of the Colorado base?
That's just where I am living currently. I used to run a dial-up BBS and I had a base called "The Pleasure Wharf." This was back in Rochester, New York, and that base was where we discussed our get-togethers. I kept the base structure in place for whatever reason when I created this forum, but as I no longer live in Rochester, the Pleasure Wharf was a kind of pointless base to have around. If I move again I'll change it to the "Syracuse Base" or something and then the "Syracusian" can anonymously post articles which make Syracuse look bad. Ha heh ha.

(This question is basically a poll) 3. How old are you?
I'm 28.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 2:39 am
by Debaser
You and Ben have never <s>had hot sexy mansex</s> met in person, Robb? I'm kind of surprised.

As for me, I'm probably the only regular/semi-regular on this bbs to have absolutely no contact with any of the others in any form outside the bbs itself.

And I'm twenty-two and a half.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 6:37 am
by Lex
What about me? Does e-mail count? Okay, I guess it does, or you wouldn't say that.

My tenure up in this piece

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 8:29 am
by Bugs
I've never met any of you people face-to-face, but I've been around, technically, since the dial-up daze in Rochester, nigh on 10 years ago. I now live in Boston.

Actually, I did personally know this one former denizen, Rachel, from the dial-up daze. But I forgot what her handle was. And I've lost touch with her anyway.

I'm 25.

Whatever happened to Matt Gracie?

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 9:13 am
by bruce
Roody_Yogurt wrote:I once was in the same room as bruce, but there were a lot of people there so we didn't end up having a conversation. I haven't met anyone else from here.

I'm twenty-five.
What room? When? I'm assuming some Princeton function.

I'm thirty-one. That makes me feel like a dirty old man hanging around the playground. Hey little girl, wanna Blow Pop?


Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 9:17 am
by Roody_Yogurt
That Italian restaurant in New York, a belated celebration when certain ifMUDders got married. You sat near Sarinee or Eileen or someone.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 9:18 am
by bruce
Roody_Yogurt wrote:That Italian restaurant in New York, a belated celebration when certain ifMUDders got married. You sat near Sarinee or Eileen or someone.
Oh, yeah. That's right. I spent my time hanging with Sarinee and David Cornelson, and incidentally horrifying Adam Cadre.

I bet <i>he'd</i> like my new beard; I'm keeping the skull shaved but growing the beard long, so I look like the Psycho Hillbilly I've always wanted to be.


Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 9:21 am
by Roody_Yogurt
Hehe, all those alt-country shows are starting to affect you, I see.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 10:48 am
by bruce
Roody_Yogurt wrote:Hehe, all those alt-country shows are starting to affect you, I see.
I'm getting in touch with my Inner Hillbilly, is all.


Re: My tenure up in this piece

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 11:31 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Bugs wrote:Actually, I did personally know this one former denizen, Rachel, from the dial-up daze. But I forgot what her handle was. And I've lost touch with her anyway.
She called herself "Carrie" on the old JC. I met her once, she dropped by the townhouse that Jeff and I were living at. She is, without question, one of the five sexiest human beings I have ever been in the same room with. She was ESPECIALLY sweet on you, I should add. That's when I can safely say that Mr O'Brien went from 'funny JC denizen and comrade' in all of our eyes to 'intergalactic super-hero.' We all thought of you as fucking Space Ace from then on. I don't recall if she chose the handle of "Carrie" from that old Stephen King book, but it sure fit as that girl could light up a room so well that spontaneous, fiery cataclysm in her presence wouldn't be out of the question or unexpected.

Whatever happened to Matt Gracie?
I think he might be working in some capacity for either the University at Buffalo or Buffalo State. I can't recall which. I haven't heard from him in a long, long time, though.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 11:32 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
bruce wrote:
Roody_Yogurt wrote:That Italian restaurant in New York, a belated celebration when certain ifMUDders got married. You sat near Sarinee or Eileen or someone.
Oh, yeah. That's right. I spent my time hanging with Sarinee and David Cornelson, and incidentally horrifying Adam Cadre.
Waitasec, Roody, Bruce, Underdog, Jarb and Cadre were all in the same room together at one point?! When was this? That's IF history right there.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 12:44 pm
by bruce
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: When was this? That's IF history right there.
Yeah, when David Dyte married Stacy, and there was a get-together in NYC. Probably, oh, in early 2000 or late '99 ?


Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 1:08 pm
by looper
I'll answer my own question; I'm 24. An additional question:

4. How many of you have written text adventures and what are they called?

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 1:10 pm
by bruce
looper wrote: 4. How many of you have written text adventures and what are they called?
I have.

<i>Sins Against Mimesis</i>
<i>Chicken and Egg</i>
<i>In The End II</i>
<i>Stiffy Makane: The Undiscovered Country</i>

and persistent rumor, which I can neither confirm nor deny, suggests that I might have had something to do with

<i>The Incredible Erotic Adventures Of Stiffy Makane: MST3K Version</i>


Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 1:36 pm
by Worm
Lex wrote:-Leading onto Worm & I. HE sucks, I don't.
You sir Lex are that which is the long feared suck which is foretold in the Bible!
bruce wrote:I bet he'd like my new beard; I'm keeping the skull shaved but growing the beard long, so I look like the Psycho Hillbilly I've always wanted to be.
I'm letting my hair grow long now so I can have long grey/silver hair when I get real old. You need long grey/silver hair to take over Tokyo like in all the animes.

So, anyway.

1. None.

2. Jonsey covered this.

3. 17

4. I never have.

Re: My tenure up in this piece

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 2:18 pm
by Bugs
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: She called herself "Carrie" on the old JC. I met her once, she dropped by the townhouse that Jeff and I were living at. She is, without question, one of the five sexiest human beings I have ever been in the same room with. She was ESPECIALLY sweet on you, I should add. That's when I can safely say that Mr O'Brien went from 'funny JC denizen and comrade' in all of our eyes to 'intergalactic super-hero.' We all thought of you as fucking Space Ace from then on.
Well now. Had I known I enjoyed "Space Ace" status with anyone, I probably would've hung out with you guys some more so as to bask in the glow of my own self-worth. When was it that she visited youse guys?

Interesting. I didn't know she was all sweet on me and shit, at least not at the time. Of course, it all makes sense in retrospect, especially after our ill-fated trip to California in the summer of 97 (or was it 96? 98? My sense of time is very bad.)

Of course, I've been told by others I was an idiot for not realizing that a chickie that asks you along to California with her for a week probably doesn't have the most innocent of intentions. But whatever. She had a douchey boyfriend for most of the time I knew her, so that threw me off the trail completely. I accept no blame.

Last I knew, she had graduated from Towson State in Maryland and was working in HR or some shit.

Oh, well... (For some reason the bassline from "Another One Bites the Dust" is going through my head.)


Re: My tenure up in this piece

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 2:37 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Bugs wrote:Well now. Had I known I enjoyed "Space Ace" status with anyone, I probably would've hung out with you guys some more so as to bask in the glow of my own self-worth. When was it that she visited youse guys?
I think it would have been... right after New Year's in 1998. I think I left for Colorado at the end of July, 1998, and said meeting took place the January of that year. There's a chance that my timeline is all messed up and that it was 1997, but I don't think that's quite it. I'll go with 98 for the block, Wink.

But yeah, that's one of the things I now regret about the old days: I wish that I had gotten together more often with you, 'Vark, Perry and everyone. Aaron Gold now lives in L.A. and with Jeff and Da King in Rochester, it makes the get-togethers extremely rare.

Interesting. I didn't know she was all sweet on me and shit, at least not at the time. Of course, it all makes sense in retrospect, especially after our ill-fated trip to California in the summer of 97 (or was it 96? 98? My sense of time is very bad.)

Of course, I've been told by others I was an idiot for not realizing that a chickie that asks you along to California with her for a week probably doesn't have the most innocent of intentions. But whatever. She had a douchey boyfriend for most of the time I knew her, so that threw me off the trail completely. I accept no blame.
Right, that's just it. Believe me, I totally understand where you are coming from. What kind of guy would you be if you started hitting on a girl who had a boyfriend -- even a douchey one? I do commend you for being able to keep it together for a week, though. I'm sure that no matter how cool I tried to play it (and it wasn't even like I was on a "date" or anything) I probably came off like a Ancient Grecian Nobody getting a visit from Aphrodite or something. I mean, going into it you figure that there's a better chance that a girl who logs onto dial-up BBSs in the mid-90s is going to be more like Amy Friday than not.