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Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 9:54 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Hey, two quick questions for you:
1) What is the best e-mail address to reach you with?
2) Have you ever put in a car stereo by yourself? I have a woofer that has been sitting in my Neon for over a year. I hooked it up to my old Neon by taking it to a Best Buy... that ran me a lot of money, money I currently don't wish to spend. If I took a bunch of pictures detailing what I have, currently, and the connections, would you be able to say, "Ah, I know just what you need to get that hooked up!"? I am not sure what parts go into getting the connection complete, and /or what I need to get.
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 2:44 pm
by Jack Straw
Best email is, but it does get a lot of spam and I'm constantly deleting so make the subject something other than "hi" or "Legal Cable Descramber!!!"
If you wanted to take pictures I could probably tell you wht you need. Do you have preamp outs on your head unit? If the woofer's not powered you would also need an amp.
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 2:52 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Jack Straw wrote:Best email is, but it does get a lot of spam and I'm constantly deleting so make the subject something other than "hi" or "Legal Cable Descramber!!!"
OK. If you want a Jolt Country e-mail address I can hook you up with one. Permanent... like lightning! And Justice! Also, the spam filters that were just installed at Zombieworld ( kick an ENORMOUS amount of ass. I highly recommend them.
If you wanted to take pictures I could probably tell you wht you need. Do you have preamp outs on your head unit? If the woofer's not powered you would also need an amp.
OK. I will take pics tonight. I currently do not know what a head unit is, but I will look that up (I don't mean to make you Encyclopedia Brown on here -- I have plenty of time to research it).
I think the woofer is powered. I'll snap off some JPGs and upload them tonight. There is no logical reason why I shouldn't be able to do this myself, so if I can do it I'll save myself a lot of money and be pumped with new bass in the process.
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 4:45 pm
by Jack Straw
It's most likely powered if you weren't using an amp in the other Neon.
And head unit=stereo. Just need to know if there's outputs.
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 4:57 pm
by Jack Straw
Line or speaker level, and you should probably find out if the sub takes speaker or line (or both)
In any case, shouldn't be too hard to get you RAWKIN.
Me Want!
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:59 pm
by Bugs
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
OK. If you want a Jolt Country e-mail address I can hook you up with one. Permanent... like lightning!
Gr. I want a Jolt Country e-mail address.
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 6:36 pm
by Jack Straw
Hey, is that pop3? I've been looking to dump my Eforce thang thang ever since they shitcanned me and it's just a matter of time until some BOFH has the e-mail account list and the ex-employee list at the same time.
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 11:12 pm
by loafergirl
grr not gr.
Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 2:49 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I think you can check it with POP3, yeah. I don't have Eudora or anything working it that was on mine, but I think you could.
Let me check on three things: 1) If POP3 can work, 2) how many of these addresses I am allowed to have and 3) what it will take to install the optional filters software. Should only take a day. Mail me (or private mail me on here) with what you two want your addresses to be.
Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 5:31 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
OK, I crashed when I got home, as I had been up until four a.m. Sunday night (er, Monday morning) coding. So I'll get pics today.
The other thing I meant to mention was that my stereo receiver at home (non-car) has been giving me shit for four years now, having the right side cut out unless I, seriously, whack it. It'll fix itself for a few moments and then gradually die out again. Is it unrealistic to expect to get a decent stereo receiver for less than a hundred bucks? Crutchfield starts them out at $149.99
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2003 12:15 pm
by Jack Straw
I had some trouble finding a new stereo reciever - they were all 5.1 when I was looking.