An inside look at the American Military
Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 11:00 pm
So I'm trying to send a buddy of mine in Afghanistan one of them viral videos so popular with the younger generation, when he informed me that the computers over there lack audio. This lead to the following conversation. Our names are redacted, as sensative military communication doctrine demands.
9:35:02 PM me: What
9:35:39 PM me: Are you serious? $150 billion a year and they can't skim a 10 dollar pair of speakers off the top? I thought this was the American government we were talking about.
9:36:50 PM me: I bet you'd get speakers with your computer if you worked for a merc^H^H^H defense contractor.
9:37:32 PM him:it's funny that you say that, because i'm looking into XE services formerly known as blackwater
9:37:50 PM me: Down that path lies only darkness.
9:38:04 PM him:may I quote Hemingway for you?
9:38:16 PM me: You read Hemingway?
9:39:14 PM him:"There is no hunting like the hunting of men, and those who have hunted armed men long enough, and liked it, Never cared for anything else thereafter"
9:39:49 PM me: Interesting. Well, I'm sure you mean that in the context where that is not creepy and sociopathic. Yeah?
9:40:33 PM him:my truck has already been dubbed "Kiddy Crusher" it's stenciled on the front bumper. in my defense, the kid had an AK-47 and was shooting
9:42:14 PM me: Oh, well, kill the kid then, absolutely. Little kids are fuckers.
9:43:10 PM him:Aren't they though? I still enjoyed the hell out of it though, we don't use humvees anymore, we use MATV's which are the size of monster trucks and weigh in at 36 tons
9:44:29 PM me: Okay, how old was this kid? And was he, like. Shooting it at the giant death machine roaring down on him with it? Or someone else? Set this scene for me, uh, if you don't mind.
9:45:42 PM him:on the side of the road, trying to get at our gunner with his ak, i drove off the road and smashed the kid, he was like 8 or something, looked pretty prepubescent before he was a squishy liquid pancake
9:46:28 PM me: Was he a good shot, particularly? And do they commonly arm their under-10s with guns?
9:47:17 PM me: WTF. It's not as if the guy had any sort of chance of like, winning. I'm not trying to call a small child an idiot, but did whoever gave him the gun not have any sort of, you know, plan
9:47:31 PM him:fuck no! you kidding, a kid with an ak that fires 7.62 with no recoil from the hip?
9:48:19 PM me: Right right, dumb question. I bet he didn't even remember to squeeze not pull! Hah hah, these small children, thinking they're expert marksman. Oh, my sides
9:49:13 PM him:dude, most taliban around here don't aim down the fuckin sites they just scream ALAAAH and shoot like mad people
9:50:28 PM me: Er, I'm sorry, I don't know exactly why I find myself suddenly rooting for the terrorists. Let's move on.
9:35:02 PM me: What
9:35:39 PM me: Are you serious? $150 billion a year and they can't skim a 10 dollar pair of speakers off the top? I thought this was the American government we were talking about.
9:36:50 PM me: I bet you'd get speakers with your computer if you worked for a merc^H^H^H defense contractor.
9:37:32 PM him:it's funny that you say that, because i'm looking into XE services formerly known as blackwater
9:37:50 PM me: Down that path lies only darkness.
9:38:04 PM him:may I quote Hemingway for you?
9:38:16 PM me: You read Hemingway?
9:39:14 PM him:"There is no hunting like the hunting of men, and those who have hunted armed men long enough, and liked it, Never cared for anything else thereafter"
9:39:49 PM me: Interesting. Well, I'm sure you mean that in the context where that is not creepy and sociopathic. Yeah?
9:40:33 PM him:my truck has already been dubbed "Kiddy Crusher" it's stenciled on the front bumper. in my defense, the kid had an AK-47 and was shooting
9:42:14 PM me: Oh, well, kill the kid then, absolutely. Little kids are fuckers.
9:43:10 PM him:Aren't they though? I still enjoyed the hell out of it though, we don't use humvees anymore, we use MATV's which are the size of monster trucks and weigh in at 36 tons
9:44:29 PM me: Okay, how old was this kid? And was he, like. Shooting it at the giant death machine roaring down on him with it? Or someone else? Set this scene for me, uh, if you don't mind.
9:45:42 PM him:on the side of the road, trying to get at our gunner with his ak, i drove off the road and smashed the kid, he was like 8 or something, looked pretty prepubescent before he was a squishy liquid pancake
9:46:28 PM me: Was he a good shot, particularly? And do they commonly arm their under-10s with guns?
9:47:17 PM me: WTF. It's not as if the guy had any sort of chance of like, winning. I'm not trying to call a small child an idiot, but did whoever gave him the gun not have any sort of, you know, plan
9:47:31 PM him:fuck no! you kidding, a kid with an ak that fires 7.62 with no recoil from the hip?
9:48:19 PM me: Right right, dumb question. I bet he didn't even remember to squeeze not pull! Hah hah, these small children, thinking they're expert marksman. Oh, my sides
9:49:13 PM him:dude, most taliban around here don't aim down the fuckin sites they just scream ALAAAH and shoot like mad people
9:50:28 PM me: Er, I'm sorry, I don't know exactly why I find myself suddenly rooting for the terrorists. Let's move on.