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Back to Silver.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:56 pm
by pinback
Well, I had my random account in Gold last season, but the new season started today and I got pushed back to Silver.

I'm okay with that. I am really not that good at this game. If I could focus and apply myself, I might get better.

Havin' a little trouble with that, though.

Anyhow, I spend most of my time watching SC2 videos instead of playing the thing.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:57 pm
by RetroRomper
You should play.... NOW[/i]

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:26 pm
by pinback
I did!

Three hatcheries in your main, dude? You know, live your life however you want, I'm just saying.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 2:43 pm
by pinback
pinback wrote:I did!

Three hatcheries in your main, dude? You know, live your life however you want, I'm just saying.
I demand an explanation from Retro about this, BTW.


You know, "15-Hatch" means building another hatchery on 15 food, not buildi--- well, you know.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:58 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Pinback, I don't think I am going to be able to get you those hatch chiles. In my main area.

Re: Back to Silver.

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 5:11 am
by Tdarcos
pinback wrote:Well, I had my random account in Gold last season, but the new season started today and I got pushed back to Silver.
You're lucky that's all it was reduced to. It's actually more than you deserve, you goddam scumbag. Fucking loser dickwad asshole.

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 1:42 pm
by RetroRomper
pinback wrote:
pinback wrote:I did!

Three hatcheries in your main, dude? You know, live your life however you want, I'm just saying.
I demand an explanation from Retro about this, BTW.


You know, "15-Hatch" means building another hatchery on 15 food, not buildi--- well, you know.
Internal monologue:

Three minutes into game -
Me: I've been conscious enough to keep my workers at the pop cap while expanding it, but I haven't built anything..
Four minutes into the game -
Me: Enough gas and minerals are available, maybe I should / could rush Ultralisks? Is it still early enough into the game to rush anything?
Five minutes and fifteen seconds into the game -
Me: I have over 1500 minerals and 1000 gas... I can afford two more hatcheries!
Six and a half minutes into the game -
Me: Ultralisk den is half complete, maybe... Oh hell, zealots and stalkers. Good game.

Re: Back to Silver.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 10:08 am
by Tdarcos
pinback wrote:Well, I had my random account in Gold last season, but the new season started today and I got pushed back to Silver.

I'm okay with that. I am really not that good at this game. If I could focus and apply myself, I might get better.
If you have nothing else to do, you can get an awful lot of practice done and get good at it. Most of us don't have that kind of luxury, we have jobs to go to and chores to do and so on and so forth.

Bill Murray: Come on, be the hat! (tosses another playing card into the hat, perfectly)
Andie McDowell:(misses) Oh, I'm never going to get this!
Bill Murray:All you need to do (tosses another card in, perfectly) is practice, I mean, four, five hours a day for, oh, three or four months, you'd get pretty good at it!
- Groundhog Day

Sometimes I think after I ended up retiring on disability, my life seems more and more like that movie, I don't really have a good reason to get up in the morning. I can't get fired, I have a reasonable enough pension that I usually don't have money problems, and if I don't want to do anything, usually I don't have to.

Sometimes that changes, and you know what? It's wonderful.

(Just doing my part to help save this base, only 66 more posts needed.)

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 10:47 am
by pinback
I've played about two games of SC2 in the last month. I really would like to play/practice more. Season Five has just started, and I will have a few (or more) days off in the coming month.

I gotta start playing again.