Did they actually offer any insight or advice into the game?
I mean, this is a bit different than say NFL or World Series games where the audience have probably played baseball years ago as kids or for a few seasons in Highschool or College. When I listen to SC2 commentary, I'm trying to learn! Not have a play by play of events and strategies that I'm already well aware of and accustomed to.
Which I guess, amounts to guessing for a large part of it... Because they are trying to predict how the game will play out while it is actually going on. Becomes tiring after a while.
Re: Day[9] jerking off while broadcasting.
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 3:58 pm
by Tdarcos
pinback wrote:As one of the SEMINAL moments in SC2 history, it seems appropriate that you can hold down "3" and watch Day[9] furiously rubbing one out.
To repeat my remarks here from May 16, 2008, "Benjamin, dear, your sophomoric and childish attempts at levity are the strained and vapid murmurings of a routed ex-champion, worn out by the wretched refuse of time and tide." Or as they say on TV Tropes, Don't Explain The Joke.
Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 1:12 am
by pinback
RetroRomper wrote:Did they actually offer any insight or advice into the game?
What insight or advice do you need about that game?
"1. Don't attack your own command center with your own goddamn tanks."
"2. Don't ragequit a game that you have already won because you didn't realize the other guy blew up his own command center, and you thought he killed your workers, after forgetting that you sent them all to a geyser instead."
What--- what more are you looking for, from that game?
This is all the insight you need:
Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 1:15 am
by pinback
Actually, HERE is all you need to know about that game:
Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 7:40 am
by Tdarcos
pinback wrote:Actually, HERE is all you need to know about that game:
I spent 3 minutes and 52 seconds of my life listening to this crap (before I decided I'd wasted a shitload of time and stopped), and feeling like someone took a dump on me. I mean, at least when I have to take a dump I get the nice feeling of emptiness as the filth hath evacuated my body. Here, I not only have a (metaphorical) load dumped in front of me, I still feel like I have to go.
If he has something to say, say it. Cut, cut, cut. Drop the natter and timewasting, and get to the meat of the issue. I mean, I watch other people like Dan Brown (Youtube ID pogobat) and Phillip DeFranco (sxephil) and they get to the point quickly. If Day9's trying to talk to people, tell us something but don't waste our time.
Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 12:51 pm
by pinback
What is wrong with you? I talked to Ray Gordon and he said he loved it!
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 9:55 am
by Tdarcos
pinback wrote:What is wrong with you? I talked to Ray Gordon and he said he loved it!
That wasn't funny and you could have done better. And why did you commit false advertising? I did not see any video showing - or even implying - that some guy was masturbating while doing a broadcast.
You lied. You owe me a refund.
(Just doing my part to help this base survive, only 67 more posts needed.)
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 10:48 am
by pinback
Ray Gordon owes me a refund, so once he refunds me, I will refund you.