[PSO]Big Humungous Decision...

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Poll ended at Sat Apr 12, 2003 10:55 am

Just 'Cube It Up!
Xbox Si Teh Way To Go (Tho It Teh HueeegG!!
DC version, even tho it's full of ghosts, because some of you might get it eventually.
Both, but I'll pay :p
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[PSO]Big Humungous Decision...

Post by Lex »

The DC PSO servers are like a wasteland, apparently. Reports from several people say that the old servers are going to feel like ghost-towns in a couple of weeks, due to everyone migrating to the next-gen versions.

Now, there are two next-gen versions, and you folks are gonna help me decide:


Pros: Can play it now, 30 days free, play with all my mates.

The Gamecube version is quite a lot of fun, natch, and just like the other version. It also, unlike the Xbox version, has no region lockout, so I could convince all of you to get online and then proceed to beat you up online.

Cons: Ach. No keyboard available ATM, £6 fee, when a keyboard is available I will fucking die. Who remembers pausing to type on the older ones? + Fanboys.

Yes, there are some drawbacks. One of the many is expense; aswell as the £6 fee, which I may well be able to afford if I stop giving to charity :p, there is also the cost of a) a keyboard, 'specially made, b) the modem & (eventually) broadband adaptor. And Fanboys. Oh, jesus. I am under no illusion that every server will not be full of 12-year-olds "lol TEH XBOX SI HUEG!!" -ing it up. Don't get me wrong; it's a great little console, in many ways, but I

a) Really Hate Nintendo's business practices (which I can get over), and

b) Once spent a couple of weeks on the Official Nintendo forums. If those are the people I am going to be meeting online then I'd rather not (True Quote: "What's that there then an Xbox? Give us a smell *Sniff* *Sniff* smells like Shit!"; If this is the level of wit I am going to encounter on my average trip to Planet Ragol than I'll pass).

I think this is going to be a major one; Like it or not most kids, by which I mean genuine children of the 12-year-old variety, own a Gamecube if anything at all. I do not want them crawling all over my servers. You know they'd be a problem.

This post is more going to be a rant on both different versions, I guess, and leaving it up to you at the end, so we'll continue to degenerate, and then I'll sort it out;

A BIG PRO: One of the reasons I want to get PSO is to hang around with you guys; and now that the GameCube is price-dropping like crazy, I'm sure it'd be easy to persuade atleast some of you to come online:

http://www.fao.com/products/detail.cfm? ... egory=3949

.This is why I'm considering one; I could pick up a Gamecube, the modem adaptor, a game and a memory card all for less than the price of what the console itself was a week ago. And I need to get one for RE anyway.

Also: Downloadable NiGHTS. Unlike the Xbox version, GC links up to bring you EXCLUISIVE COOONTENT! to dah GBA.

Now, onto Teh Xbox*

Pros: Voice Comms, 60 Days Free, Instant USB Adaptor for Keyboard.

Hooray! Not only will I not die because I have to pause for 30 seconds to type something (longer, without a keyboard), but I can Plug in my own USB Keyboard for Haxx0ring later!

Cons: Lot's of em: Require broadband (So I couldn't for 6 months anyway, until my village is 'wired up.), I would also say the L!ve fee was a con, but as I fully intend to pay it anyway, that would be a little unfair. Another con = REGION LOCKOUT. This is a big one for me; I cannot play with people from Japan or Americans with this one; one of the main funny things to do with PSO is get together with a bunch of mates around the world to poke fun at the only Hebridian player. No more. :(.

And, of course, the fee. But charities = Away to fix that one. :p, as already said, d000d.

So, there are some bad points. As I've already said, one of the main reasons for getting PSO is so I could convince some of you guys to play with me, especially if you can get an entire GameCube / Online bundle for $100 somewhere in the next few weeks. And with the Xbox version, even if I could convince you I'd never see you online; region lockout'd keep me out of your servers.

so, I guess the main decider is; Do I wait, or is there any chance of you guys joining me in the GameCube version? I can always switch later, when Broadband comes out.




Play it now.
Play with you. (Plausibly)
Downloadable NiGHTS.

Expense of Adaptor, Expense of Keyboard (when it comes out). Hunter's Liscence ($6/9)
No Keyboard.
Damn kiddies. This cannot be stressed enough.
Also: HACKING. Characters are not stored server-side, and Gameshark, etc, have already been released for the 'cube, it's only a matter of time...


Comms. Play.
Not so much hacking (Patching via Hard Drive, which the GameCube will lack).

Hunters Liscense.
Won't get to play with you.
Could be Aaaaages until I can play.
Won't get to play w/o countries online. I state it again because it is So Important!

So, thoughts?

NotE: OptioN 3 is pretty much useless, because the servers will probably be shut down in the next 6 weeks, and Robb'll never be online anyway :(.

There is, of course, the option of doing both, but someone'd have to be willing to pay for my GameCube subscription ;).


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Post by Worm »

Well, I'm not going to buy a new system or pay monthly. Sorry. I might of gotten a Dreamcast.
Good point Bobby!

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Re: [PSO]Big Humungous Decision...

Post by Phruitcake »

Lex wrote:
Cons: Ach. No keyboard available ATM, £6 fee, when a keyboard is available I will fucking die. Who remembers pausing to type on the older ones? + Fanboys.
Alex......when have you ever paused an "over the net" game?

You definatly Didn't ever need to pause the DC version.

Get GC version - its better.
as for hacking.....Sega are top notch at getting it stopped.

And...c'mon man NIGHTS!
I am the lone Locust of the apocalypes, think of me when you look to the night sky...


Post by Guest »

Then how come you haven't voted? Voting, man, it's the lifeblood of the Internet!

Also: I didn't mean literally "Pause", as in a button on the control pad, I meant actually stopping in-game while I'm being beaten up. Not that that was a problem for you; I tended to just block your screen with useles rubbish when you handed me the keyboard with your HUMAR (or whatever).

But, Okay, GC version if you can promise me I'll see you online at some point. And I'll get the Dreamcast version anyway, provided it turns out that the servers will not be shut down in two weeks.

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Post by Phruitcake »

Well, we could ensure that the servers arn't shut down...

UK DC PSO Rally!



Well, it was just a thought - it would be a shame for the servers to be shutted down now, wouldn't it?

Oh, and sorry for the misunderstanding, I was stoned.
But even that wasn't a problem (stopping play to type) because no-one in their right mind would stop slashing at a "thing" to say "Oi! Bob! Over here!" when you could just program a macro button to say it for you..

Hey remember my PhruitSO logo?

Lol - I still have it.
I am the lone Locust of the apocalypes, think of me when you look to the night sky...

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Post by Lex »


We have to get together just for that. Why don't you bring your DC round at some point in the next 'few weeks an we'll see just how empty the servers are. If they're up & running, I'll put down the $20 for a working copy of PSO2, or two copies, if you'd prefer that. Basically, I'm offering you a choce; For your birthday I will either buy you a working copy of PSO Ver 2, or a modem adaptor for your Gamecube (But you'd have to pay Hunter's Liscense).

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Post by Lex »

Choce=Choice, natch, and as the Broadband adaptor costs exactly as much that's a choice, too. Point being; I will shortly be loaded, either thru legal proceedings or selling Box No Stock on Ebay. I mean, as the Gamecube can now be had thru pricematching with that store for So Very Little (tm), I'd be willing to buy you all Broadband adaptors.

Seriously, tho, is Bauldy likely to get it? Cos a clan of A Wanker With A Sword, A Bigger Wanker with a Shotgun, and Poncey McSpellcaster would be quite cool. I know jill'd join us as a Big Stompy Robot, but she wouldn't rally-it for four hours at a time like we would.

Damn girls.

This post actually had a point, but I have completley forgotten it.
No, wai...

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