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This base will be destroyed on Christmas

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:58 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Unless there 100 new posts here by then.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:23 pm
by pinback
There will not be 100 new posts, but I would rather you did not destroy it.

Thank you for your time.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:49 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
OK, I will also accept one GOOD post.

Either 99 more posts (98 after this one) or one GOOD post.

The tables have turned, gentlemen. I don't know what that means.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:47 pm
by Tdarcos
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:OK, I will also accept one GOOD post.

Either 99 more posts (98 after this one) or one GOOD post.

The tables have turned, gentlemen. I don't know what that means.
I think it's some sort of off-handed comment to the effect that the shoe's on the other foot.

You know, I never thought about the meaning of "the tables have turned."

Idiom dictionary says it means "When the tables are turned, the situation has changed giving the advantage to the party who had previously been at a disadvantage."

So I wasn't too far off. ... urned.html

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:30 pm
by pinback
Well, I dunno what ol' blue-knee is talking about, but I can come up with one good post by Christmas.

That's firm but fair.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:11 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
That's not too bad, right? Especially since you can just inline a Day[9] routine or something.

I think it's very fair, but also adds a bit of spice to every post. Will this be the one? Will THAT be the one? This is a shitty, godawful post, so we know it's not the chosen one.

But the next one very well could be.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:26 am
by pinback
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:That's not too bad, right? Especially since you can just inline a Day[9] routine or something.

I think it's very fair, but also adds a bit of spice to every post. Will this be the one? Will THAT be the one? This is a shitty, godawful post, so we know it's not the chosen one.

But the next one very well could be.
And, worst-case, we're already up to six posts, after only a couple hours, and Christmas is years away!

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:27 am
by Flack
Wait, this thread doesn't count as one of the good ones, does it?

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:03 am
by pinback
Flack wrote:Wait, this thread doesn't count as one of the good ones, does it?
Doesn't have to, Flack! Now we're only 92 shitty posts away from the dream!

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:49 am
by Flack
92 corpses of Zergs on the wall,
92 corpses of Zergs,
take one down, to put in the ground ...

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:58 am
by pinback
Well, let's see, on the battlenet forums, if you mention the name "IDRA", you were guaranteed at least a 20-page thread. Let's see if that works here:


Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:52 pm
by Tdarcos
pinback wrote:Well, let's see, on the battlenet forums, if you mention the name "IDRA", you were guaranteed at least a 20-page thread. Let's see if that works here:

Who the fuck is IDRA? And if it's not an acronym, why is it in caps?

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:11 pm
by pinback
Who the fuck is Idra?!?!?!


Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:15 pm
by Tdarcos
IDRA is also "Idera Pharmaceuticals, Inc." which is traded on NASDAQ and is about $1.04 a share.

It's also the "Intercultural Development Research Association" which "is an independent, non-profit organization that advocates the right of every child to a quality education."

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:18 pm
by pinback
Okay Paul, but when discussing SC2, "Idra" refers to Greg Fields, one of the most respected foreign(*) <s>hungry animals</s> zergs, but also noted for being the biggest hothead, the biggest whiner, and the biggest draw for viewers because more often than not he will get all mad and quit a game too early, or break his keyboard, or otherwise act like a nasty little prick.

This base itself is named in reference to his most famous tournament meltdown!

(*) Did you know that in professional StarCraft, "foreigner" refers to anyone who isn't a South Korean? TRUE FACTS!

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:58 pm
by Idra
Tdarcos wrote:It's also the "Intercultural Development Research Association" which "is an independent, non-profit organization that advocates the right of every child to a quality education."
You are a fucking joke.... Fuck you.

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:18 pm
by RetroRomper
pinback wrote:Did you know that in professional StarCraft, "foreigner" refers to anyone who isn't a South Korean? TRUE FACTS!
Going even further, its possible to use South Korean as a unit of measurement. Pinback and I are in a word, awful at SCII: were both in the platinum or silver leagues though we don't actually deserve those spots. Our ranking in Starcraft however, entitles us to...

Pinback: .05 korean units
RetroRomper: .06 korean units

A friend of mine who spends his entire allotment of free time (after work and school, no less) is Chinese and in the master league in all fields. Being horribly well versed in the art of Starcraft and of an arguably Asian ethnicity, earns him the score of...

Random Chinese Friend: .70 SK units.

Idra is an odd case: he's white. Caucasian. But much akin to the gaijin fool who goes off and studies with a zen master on a mountain top, he ihas absorbed the wisdom, knowledge, and skills of SCII as he studied in South Korea with a professional group of players but he is still outside of the cultural boundaries of the sport. Only if he marries a SK woman and has a child to carry on his mantle, there is no possibly that he will achieve a full SK unit. He does however, come close.

Idra: .93 SK units.

There you have it, the racist guide to labeling and sorting your friend's in a pass time that develops skills that on the surface, have absolutely nothing to do with reality.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:05 am
by pinback
I object to Retro's assertions that:

1. I do not belong at least in at least silver league.

2. He is better than I am.

Just want that on record.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:23 am
by RetroRomper
Let me respond to Pinback's response to my assertions:

1. I assumed he was in Platinum.*

2. Roaches bitch!

*The existence of Silver league haunts me - Starcraft should not have a codified experience for people who are as bad or worse than I am.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:42 am
by pinback
RetroRomper wrote:Let me respond to Pinback's response to my assertions:

1. I assumed he was in Platinum.*
Gold Zerg, Silver Random. That's me. That is who I am.
2. Roaches bitch!
A game with Retro -- and I doubt he would argue the fact -- revolves around, do you spot/hold off his inevitable cheese. If you can survive the cheese, and get into a macro game, you win. Otherwise, you lose.

I doubt he would argue the fact because 1) it's absolutely true, 2) he's stated to me personally that for 1v1s all he does is practice all the popular cheeses available.