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Jonsey, are you in trouble?

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:30 pm
by Tdarcos
I don't know whether you're just making fun with the people at Caltrops where you admitted about offering me money to post there and why you're not any more - which you had already told me and even before you did I didn't expect you to pay me over a long time - or you're seriously having money problems.

If you are having problems, I can give you back the $20, then at some point when you're no longer in trouble, you could pay it back if you felt you were capable. I don't have a whole lot but since I can manage without it for now it doesn't make much sense not to do something for a friend when I could. I don't know if this will help much but I wanted to make the offer.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:09 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Whoa, that was the best twenty dollars I've ever spent on the Internet!

My company is in difficult financial times and it's affected the rank and file, but these days that seems to be the norm. Couple that with additional expenditures around Christmas and there ya go. Hopefully the place I work can bounce back for a strong 2012 and Tdarcos can be on the big purple payroll once more!!!!