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Shit I Bought From Steam 2011 Sale

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:08 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I hate to say it, but I can't justify spending more than $5 on a video game any more. Here are the reasons:

1) They are almost always buggy and if you wait till they are $5, you get a patch

2) So many are bog-standard genre pieces that bore me after an hour. So $5 for an hour of entertainment is worthwhile.

3) It's been ages since I was really touched by a game, and I doubt I ever will be again, so why bother spending $50 for bleh entertainment. Video games are getting surpassed by TV for Christ's sake.

4) With Steam, these games will come down in price. My computer was state of the art when I bought it in 2009 or whatever, and now they have something called Directx 10 or 11 which mine can't do. They can fuck off.

So here is what I got:

I bought Bulletstorm for $5. Status: installed. I hear there is lots of cursing in this!! God. I should kill myself.

I bought E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy for like $2.47. Status: installed, played for two minutes, will come back.

... Huh, for some reason I thought I bought more games, but I didn't. Anyway, this has been STEAM SALE 2011, and oh yeah, the UI for Steam and their new deals is completely unusable. REACTION???!

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:57 pm
by AArdvark
I strongly dislike buying a game for sixty bucks only to have it drop to $19.95 six months later. I know this is the way of the gaming world and always will be, I'm just not liking it. Since I really seldom play new games, I usually play the shit out of the ones I have. I just grabbed all the DLC for Mafia 2. What he hell, it's Christmas.
Next game on my list is Diablo 3. I'll need to upgrade my PC in order to play it so I'm damn sure I'll wait till the price hits under twenty bucks. Hope I don't need to put in those dual video cards like my kid has.
All I can say about steam is that I want a choice if I play a game with or without an active internet connection. Played Half Life orange box a while back and wasn't impressed with the hoops a body has to go through in order to play. I like the flash games I can't beat Pinback at better.


Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 1:22 pm
by Tdarcos
AArdvark wrote:. I like the flash games I can't beat Pinback at better.
'Vark, a company called "We Create Stuff" created a Flash version of Portal, in 2D. It's very good. Same idea, you use a portal to cross from one area to another, only it's a flat map rather than a 3D space (which makes it a little easier). They created it before the regular Portal came out.

Since Pinhead the Post Rapist has said that he won't compete on games requiring a puzzle component so you can try something fun that Pinhead won't compete on.

The game is "Portal: The Flash Game".

They also created a complete replacement for the regular map for Portal, which is called "Portal TFV mappack." It's fuckin' hard. This replacement map even includes something Valve put in its trailer for Portal that doesn't appear in the original game: a dropping ceiling with spikes, next to a pool of fire.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 1:43 pm
by Worm
I got Riddick as a gift for my brother and basically ignored everything else.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 4:31 pm
by pinback
Tdarcos wrote:Since Pinhead the Post Rapist has said that he won't compete on games requiring a puzzle component so you can try something fun that Pinhead won't compete on.
1. Why are you calling me such horrible names?

2. When did I ever say I wouldn't play puzzle games?

3. Portal: The Flash Game did NOT come out before Portal.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 6:11 pm
by Flack
For PC games? Yeah, I don't think I could spend more than $5, for several reasons.

1, my back log of games I haven't played is in the tens of thousands. The Commodore 64 alone has a library of roughly 20,000 games. Being generous, let's say that 90% of those suck; that's still 2,000 games I should probably play. With DOSBox on my machine, there are thousands of point-and-click adventure games, text adventures, and other old games I'd still like to play. Throw in the fact that there are literally thousands of NES, SNES, Genesis, and all other sorts of games that I could download and play with a single click ... and yeah, it starts to get hard to justify $50+ for a new game.

2, I don't like modern games. I don't like first person shooters and I don't like RTS games. That's left me out of the loop for a while.

3, there are like 200,000 games for iOS that are 99 cents or less. Actually if you steal them, they're all less than 99 cents, but that's another thread.

I will admit to buying some $20 games for my kid, mostly for the DS or the Wii, but even those are getting hard to justify at times. And I really can't justify $60 games for the 360 or PS3 when they cost half that in just a couple of months.