ACK Mega Patch v0.8
Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:29 am
Version 0.8 of the ACK mega-patch has been released and can be downloaded from:
Changes for this release:
The purpose of the new DRAW commands is to allow short messages to be displayed which include some dynamic content. For instance, if you wanted a short message to say:
"The countdown timer reads <x>."
where <x> is a number stored in a variable, you can use the 400 command to display the short message, whose text reads:
"The countdown timer reads "
and then append the number to the message using SAYVAL. Then, the 401 command can be called to display the "PRESS A KEY" message, wait for a key, and restore the screen (clearing the short message display).
This was difficult using the existing commands because the SMSG macro command displays the message, accepts the keypress, and then clears the message again without giving the macro a chance to do anything else before the message is cleared.
The 999 402 command can be used to display an object name on the screen, similar to SAYVAL, allowing things like a chest which gives a random object to the player and displays a message like:
"You open the chest and find: <object>!"
without having to manually write a different short message for each potential object the player might receive. Might also be useful for macro-based implementations of shops where items can be bought/sold.
Unlike SAYVAL, the 999 402 command also allows you to use any of the font colors for the object name display.
Changes for this release:
Code: Select all
o Added extended DRAW commands to break the display of a short
message up into two parts, allowing additional text to be
inserted into the short message window before the keypress
message is shown.
o Added extended DRAW command to allow an object name to be
displayed in a specified color.
o Fixed bug that was preventing the "invulnerable to certain
weapon types" option for creatures from working properly.
o Fixed bug that caused creatures to be able to walk on top of
obstacles under certain circumstances. (O_PLAY3.PAS/checkdest)
[ Thanks to Tdarcos for debugging assistance ]
o Fixed bug that was causing creatures to ignore range
restrictions when using distance weapons.
o Under certain circumstances in room-type regions, the step macro
was not firing after the player selected to [D]ESTROY
an object instead of dropping it. Fixed.
o Under certain circumstances in room-type regions, the player was
able to pick up and drop vehicles as if they were
movable objects. Fixed.
"The countdown timer reads <x>."
where <x> is a number stored in a variable, you can use the 400 command to display the short message, whose text reads:
"The countdown timer reads "
and then append the number to the message using SAYVAL. Then, the 401 command can be called to display the "PRESS A KEY" message, wait for a key, and restore the screen (clearing the short message display).
This was difficult using the existing commands because the SMSG macro command displays the message, accepts the keypress, and then clears the message again without giving the macro a chance to do anything else before the message is cleared.
The 999 402 command can be used to display an object name on the screen, similar to SAYVAL, allowing things like a chest which gives a random object to the player and displays a message like:
"You open the chest and find: <object>!"
without having to manually write a different short message for each potential object the player might receive. Might also be useful for macro-based implementations of shops where items can be bought/sold.
Unlike SAYVAL, the 999 402 command also allows you to use any of the font colors for the object name display.