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ACK Mega Patch v0.8

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:29 am
by rld
Version 0.8 of the ACK mega-patch has been released and can be downloaded from:

Changes for this release:

Code: Select all

o  Added extended DRAW commands to break the display of a short
   message up into two parts, allowing additional text to be
   inserted into the short message window before the keypress
   message is shown.

o  Added extended DRAW command to allow an object name to be 
   displayed in a specified color.

o  Fixed bug that was preventing the "invulnerable to certain 
   weapon types" option for creatures from working properly.

o  Fixed bug that caused creatures to be able to walk on top of
   obstacles under certain circumstances.  (O_PLAY3.PAS/checkdest)
   [ Thanks to Tdarcos for debugging assistance ]

o  Fixed bug that was causing creatures to ignore range 
   restrictions when using distance weapons.  

o  Under certain circumstances in room-type regions, the step macro 
   was not firing after the player selected to [D]ESTROY 
   an object instead of dropping it.  Fixed.

o  Under certain circumstances in room-type regions, the player was 
   able to pick up and drop vehicles as if they were 
   movable objects. Fixed.

The purpose of the new DRAW commands is to allow short messages to be displayed which include some dynamic content. For instance, if you wanted a short message to say:

"The countdown timer reads <x>."

where <x> is a number stored in a variable, you can use the 400 command to display the short message, whose text reads:

"The countdown timer reads "

and then append the number to the message using SAYVAL. Then, the 401 command can be called to display the "PRESS A KEY" message, wait for a key, and restore the screen (clearing the short message display).

This was difficult using the existing commands because the SMSG macro command displays the message, accepts the keypress, and then clears the message again without giving the macro a chance to do anything else before the message is cleared.

The 999 402 command can be used to display an object name on the screen, similar to SAYVAL, allowing things like a chest which gives a random object to the player and displays a message like:

"You open the chest and find: <object>!"

without having to manually write a different short message for each potential object the player might receive. Might also be useful for macro-based implementations of shops where items can be bought/sold.

Unlike SAYVAL, the 999 402 command also allows you to use any of the font colors for the object name display.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 2:49 pm
by Garth's Equipment Shop
Hey rld,

Just tried installing the .8 megapatch. I unzipped the files to the ACK directory allowing it to overwrite the old files. When I run the launcher I can't create new adventure I get dosbox error.

dosbox.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Also I can load an existing adventure but get same dosbox error when I try to click any launcher editor button.

Ill try it without the launcher...

EDIT: Nope nothing either way I try...

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 7:56 am
by rld
I downloaded the official v3.251 ACK release with the Windows launcher included, and then I copied only the two binary patch files ACK02.EXE and ACK02.OVR into the ACK subdirectory (where all the ACKxx.EXE files are located). These are the only two files needed to run the patch.

This version seems to run just fine on my system - I was able to start ACK from the launcher and run the TUTORIAL adventure without any issues. Of course, I am still running XP, as I have been; are you on a newer version of Windows now?

The working version I have with patch installed is available at: ...

if you want to download it and try it out directly.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:53 am
by Garth's Equipment Shop
Damn that didn't work for me either. I am still running XP. It must be something to do with my DOSBOX installation. Ill try reinstalling dosbox. But wait, doesnt ACK use its own copy of dosbox? Now Im really stumped.

I pastebin'd the error report for you

Each time i try it I get a temp file called "(random code)-appcompat.txt" which is promptly removed seconds after it is created. Somehow I managed to get one open before it disappeared.

What kind of error report is that anyway? Why is it in xml tags and why is there no actual error reported? It just seems to be a log of the processing that occured before it crashed. It doesnt say anything about an error that I can see.

Ok this is crazy. Now I get the same error even with just plain ACK with no mod. OMG I broke the ACK!

EDIT: I got ACK to run by running the installed version of DOSBOX and using commandline to run the clean version of ACK. I was able to create adventures, and load editors from there. Now I will try same thing with the modded version.

Interesting. That worked too! So I can run both regular ack and patch .08 ack from my full install of DOSBOX but cannot run either one now from the launcher nor from the dosbox included with ack. Any clues to what that means? I have nothing.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 12:34 pm
by rld
Yeah, I thought it was odd that the patch would have broken it, especially since you got an error right out of the gate trying to run the 'adventure selector' or various editor modules from the launcher.

The patch only replaces ACK02.EXE and ACK02.OVR, and these modules are only run for the actual 'play game' function. They don't affect the behavior of the rest of the ACK engine, including all the editor modules which I have not touched.

I am wondering if it is just a problem with your DosBox installation having trouble coordinating with the launcher. I would try uninstalling your 'centrally located' DosBox completely, and just running the DosBox that is embedded with ACK and see if you still have the problem.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:24 pm
by Garth's Equipment Shop
Yep that did it, thanks rld. At first it didn't work when I uninstalled dosbox. But then I rebooted and it worked. So maybe it was actually something in memory and not the dosbox installation? I've always had a dosbox installation in addition to running ack in its own dosbox with no problems before. Somehow it must have gotten some kind of hiccup in memory and couldnt shake it till i rebooted.

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 7:47 am
by joebonk
7) The "T" variable can be set to trigger a 'time stop' when set to a non-zero value. While time is stopped, creatures will not move or attack, although the player can still attack and talk to them normally.

Does this mean if the patch is installed, then set the z variable to the bits parts, then using "t" is other then 0 will make time stop?

512:Z.9 - Check T for time freeze

Would we just type in the start macro:
set z.9=512

Also does it do it for a duration? If not would the step macro seek to stop it after a set period? Or how would we make a duration for it?
Thanx. Having fun as always with ack :)