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Me BMing a guy.
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:16 pm
by pinback
"BM" in the SC2 world stands for "bad manner", meaning, being a dick to your opponent. I never do it.
Well, I rarely do it:
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:49 pm
by RetroRomper
"BM" actually translates to "being a dick."
In SC or SCII, it was always enjoyable to "let it out" occasionally and pointlessly harp on a random stranger because your locked into mortal combat with them for five minutes to half an hour. In Brood War, it was especially enjoyable because the other player could be anywhere from twelve to thirty years old, probably didn't know how to mute you and the complaint system worked by being completely absent.
In SCII, its difficult to gain a reputation unless your a pro (or you upload of series of videos), however Blizzard went out of their way to implement mechanisms to punish griefers (for example, it is impossible to now hang out in the general chat channels and make off color jokes about jews and pizza) which includes an easily bypassed text filter and game keys that are associated with a persistent account.
Generally, the enjoyment of being a dick is still one of great and grand glee for a certain population. Pinback's example however, was by internet and earlier Starcraft standards, tame. Until you've caused someone to quit a 2 out of 3 clan tournament because you've slowly been insulting their kid sister with mild and almost subliminal sexual innuendo, one hasn't even begun to reach toward the pedestal of complete ass hattery.
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:10 pm
by pinback
pinback wrote:meaning, being a dick
RetroRomper wrote:"BM" actually translates to "being a dick."
R-- Right. That's what I meant.
Pinback's example however, was by internet and earlier Starcraft standards, tame.
And also, by StarCraft standards, hilarious!