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This year's Adam Parcells award goes to . . . Josh Powell
Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 12:29 pm
by Casual Observer
It's early in the year but I think I can call this guy, Josh Powell, to be the winner of the 2012 Adam Parcells award for most evil and cowardly dad of the year. You may remember reading that this guy's wife "disapeared" after he took an "innocent camping trip" with his two boys in the middle of the night in a snowstorm in Utah. After spending 2 years as the person of most interest in her disappearance and losing custody of the kids, this coward locks a social worker out of a supervised visit and blows up his house with the kids and himself inside.
**** A special bonus and dishonorable mention goes to Josh's father who is in jail for unrelated molestation and voyeurism of family and neighborhood girls. Way to go guys! ... -1.1017922
Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 12:55 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Too soon? Is it too soon?
Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 12:55 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
So, look, the shock has worn off about Jack Straw.
Did we ever get any answers?
Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 1:13 pm
by CO
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Did we ever get any answers?
To what questions?
Why did he do it? He was a fucking coward and probably mentally ill (bi-polar?).
Why not just kill himself? Turns out he was a narcissistic sociopath who wanted to hurt everyone who he imagined had hurt him.
Why did I ever hang out with him? Drugs, alcohol, and videogames were a seductive combination at one point in my life.
Why did I once hire him? He was wicked smart with internet searching and at one point had a decent work ethic. Ironically, he hated work involving the one thing he was really good at (computers) and so completely self destructed his own career.
Why didn't we see it coming? I knew he was often out of control and self destructive but was mistaken about what I thought was at least his sense of fair play but was really just selfishness.
Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:05 pm
by Tdarcos
I suspect the social worker was - even if she didn't admit it - grateful the guy decided to force her out of the house!
Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:47 pm
by Flack
I'm going to present my own nominee: Justin Adams
I don't know if this Oklahoma story made national news (yet) or not, but last month Justin Adams called the police to report his pregnant wife Jaymie missing. After they grilled him for a couple of days, he changed his story to "admit" that his wife was prostituting herself out (while pregnant), while leaving him at home to take care of their other 3 kids.
After her body was found on a nearby biking trail, Justin has been arrested and is about to be charged with murder.
It takes a special kind of slimeball to kill his pregnant wife and then (apparently falsely) tell the police she was a prostitute.
I dunno. Maybe not as bad as blowing your kids up in a house fire, but it's up there. ... oma-county
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:01 am
by RetroRomper
CNN wrote:The tragic tale of two boys killed along with their father in an apparent murder-suicide took another gruesome turn after authorities said the children suffered hatchet wounds before dying of carbon monoxide poisoning. [...]
Autopsies showed his sons, 5-year-old Braden and 7-year-old Charlie, suffered "chop" injuries to their necks, but medical examiners concluded both boys and their father died from inhaling carbon monoxide, the county medical examiner's office reported.