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Defrag Completed - New Feature?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 6:05 pm
by Admiral Ackguh
While in the Macro Editor menu screen, not the editor itself, I accidentally pressed D, and got the message "DEFRAG COMPLETED" on the bottom of the screen.

I assume that means the macro files were defragged or at least cleaned up?

- A:A:

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:53 am
by rld
This has always been in there I think. From what I remember looking at the code, it basically does what you would expect - it attempts to 'defrag' the macros in the macro file so that lines in a given macro are stored contiguously.

Whether this makes a noticeable difference in gameplay I don't know. Maybe if you had really long macros running every turn, like a step macro.

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:42 am
by Tdarcos
rld wrote:This has always been in there I think. From what I remember looking at the code, it basically does what you would expect - it attempts to 'defrag' the macros in the macro file so that lines in a given macro are stored contiguously.

Whether this makes a noticeable difference in gameplay I don't know. Maybe if you had really long macros running every turn, like a step macro.
Well, let's see. At the time the game was originally developed, it was a DOS-based game played on probably 20 or 40MHZ machines? Ben, help me out here, wasn't the 386 you sold me circa 1994 was about a 33MHz machine?

My slowest computer right now is a 2.6 GHz machine, or 100 times as fast as those machines from that period.

So I suspect it's not going to make a whole lot of difference.