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Creature behavior when invisible

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 10:26 am
by rld
Has anyone else noticed this? It seems that if the player goes invisible, sometimes creatures will still follow you around.

If you go into a room already invisible, the creatures don't head your way, but if they see you first and then you turn invisible, they will keep following you.

I think the ideal behavior would be whenever the player is invisible that not only do the creatures not attack, but also they don't 'track' the player and move towards the player's location either. Does that make sense?

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:29 pm
by RetroRomper
Wouldn't the correct behavior be..

If creatures see player turn invisible = continue and converge on location but do not follow.

If player enters creature's range after turning invisible = creatures do not track.

Perhaps this should also be handled by the game itself as opposed to a hard code into ACK? I can easily think of a number of variations of this behavior that would be suitable only for specific situations.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:32 pm
I don't think Chris intended for invisibility to work that way rld but it just so happens that it works for a non-fantasy game when you want your invisibility spell to serve as a sneak-skill. Once seen it becomes much more difficult to successfully sneak past the enemy that has seen you. :)