Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 9:14 am
Every other month on Facebook I see a flurry of "posts," "likes," and "shares" in regards to "Moneybags." Typically I skip right over these posts, mentally ranking them right up there with "Please click LIKE to help me get some virtual horse shoes for my virtual horse," however due to the most recent rash of posts (I have three on my Facebook Wall from this morning), I decided to look into this mysterious phenomena known as "Moneybags."
Here is the text as it appears on my wall:
01. "This year, July has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays." Actually, no it doesn't. You can verify this by clicking on your computer's calendar and moving forward three months. For a month to have 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays, and 5 Sundays, the month has to have 31 days, and the 1st has to fall on a Friday. July 2012 has 4 Fridays, 4 Saturdays, and 5 Sundays.
02. "This happens once every 823 years." Actually, no it doesn't. October 2010 had 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays, and 5 Sundays. That's 2 years, not 823. And if you're strictly sticking with October, the next one with 5F/5S/5S is in 2021. So that's every 23 years, not 823 years.
But here's the thing -- it's not just October -- it's any month. Some guys on Reddit did the math and the odds are 1 in 12 each year that a month with 31 days will begin on a Friday. So if it happens in March, then March is the Moneybags month. If it happens in December, then December is the Moneybags month.
AND, sometimes it's not 5F/5S/5S. I went back and looked and the last time I saw this stupid thing being posted, it was because a Moneybags month is any month with 5 Sundays, 5 Mondays, and 5 Tuesdays. Any month with 31 days will have 3 days that repeat 5 times. THAT'S ... THAT'S ... THAT'S A LOT OF MONEYBAGS!
AND, sometimes (like with this post) the month doesn't even HAVE the 5 days repeating like the post claims. Apparently Moneybags is powerful enough to change space and time as well.
03. "Based on Chinese Feng Shui, this is called money bags." Actually, no it isn't. First of all, as one web site put it, "[A]ncient Feng Shui masters never used chain letters to bring luck" Plus, I'm pretty sure in China, this is the Year of the Dragon ... at least that's what the last paper buffet place mat I consulted said.
If you Google "Feng Shui" and "Money Bags" the only hits you'll find refer to this stupid chain mail message. There actually is a "money bag" in China (some depictions of Buddha have him carrying one) but it has nothing to do with Feng shui, or calendars, or multiple days of the week, or ... brain explodes.
04. "If you share this info, they say money will arrive within 4 days." Actually, no it won't. Of course "they" are always saying stuff, aren't they? So i guess if you forward this to all your Facebook friends and find a quarter on the ground, you can attribute this wonderful discovery to the magical power of Feng shui.
Because, after all, that's what Fung shui is all about, really -- finding loose change on the sidewalk and pissing off all your Facebook friends.
05. "The one who does not share.....will be without money." Actually, no you won't, but what a great threat it is. It's right up there with, "How can you win the lotto if you don't play?" But hey man, if you want to be a bankrupt asshole just because you didn't forward this message to all your Facebook friends, be my guest. And when you're broke and starving and need a nickle for a cup of coffee, don't come begging to me pal, because my only response is going to be FUNG SHUI MOTHER FUCKER. I will seriously stand straddled over your emaciated body with a Big Mac in each hand, licking the special sauce that has run down my arm as I watch you take your last breathes while painfully starving to death.
Wow, this took a dark turn.
06. "Well, I'm not taking any chances. :)" This may be the most annoying part of the message. In six words, the author issues both a mea culpa and a "why not?" type of response. "Hey, I probably won't get any bags filled with money from forwarding this, but hey, you never know, and wouldn't it be foolish if I didn't try?"
And there's the problem. At least with old chain letters, it cost the sender a few minutes of their time, along with the price of a stamp and an envelope. But with e-mail, and particularly Facebook, forwarding this bullshit along costs the sender literally nothing. Just a mouse click, and it's over.
Who it costs though is ME. *I* am the one that has to see it. *I* am the one that has to skim it and see if it's something important or not. *I* am the one that has to waste time on the Internet bitching about it. *ME*.
And, oh, what a con-veeeeen-ient little clause the sender put in there. If they don't come in to money, no harm no foul. But if they DO come in to money, they can attribute it to sharing this crap on Facebook. I don't know which is worse, the fact that the person might attribute finding money to forwarding some stupid freakin' icon on Facebook, or the fact that I know this surely guarantees that I will get MORE of these posts from this person. Stupid positive reinforcement!!!
So let's put this to rest, shall we? There are no money bags, no magical months, no easy way to get rich by clogging up the intertubes with your bullshit. Feng shui has as much to do with the ancient art of money bags as Confucius, Sun Tzu, Egg Fu Young and Miao Yin. It's stupid, stupid bullshit and an embarrassing waste of the technology used to power the Internet. Stop it.
Here is the text as it appears on my wall:
So, let's break this stupid myth down.THIS IS THE ONLY TIME WE WILL SEE AND LIVE THIS EVENT IN OUR LIFETIME Calendar for July 2012 . This year, July has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This happens once every 823 years. Based on Chinese Feng Shui, this is called money bags. If you share this info, they say money will arrive within 4 days. The one who does not share.....will be without money. Well, I'm not taking any chances. :)))
01. "This year, July has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays." Actually, no it doesn't. You can verify this by clicking on your computer's calendar and moving forward three months. For a month to have 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays, and 5 Sundays, the month has to have 31 days, and the 1st has to fall on a Friday. July 2012 has 4 Fridays, 4 Saturdays, and 5 Sundays.
02. "This happens once every 823 years." Actually, no it doesn't. October 2010 had 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays, and 5 Sundays. That's 2 years, not 823. And if you're strictly sticking with October, the next one with 5F/5S/5S is in 2021. So that's every 23 years, not 823 years.
But here's the thing -- it's not just October -- it's any month. Some guys on Reddit did the math and the odds are 1 in 12 each year that a month with 31 days will begin on a Friday. So if it happens in March, then March is the Moneybags month. If it happens in December, then December is the Moneybags month.
AND, sometimes it's not 5F/5S/5S. I went back and looked and the last time I saw this stupid thing being posted, it was because a Moneybags month is any month with 5 Sundays, 5 Mondays, and 5 Tuesdays. Any month with 31 days will have 3 days that repeat 5 times. THAT'S ... THAT'S ... THAT'S A LOT OF MONEYBAGS!
AND, sometimes (like with this post) the month doesn't even HAVE the 5 days repeating like the post claims. Apparently Moneybags is powerful enough to change space and time as well.
03. "Based on Chinese Feng Shui, this is called money bags." Actually, no it isn't. First of all, as one web site put it, "[A]ncient Feng Shui masters never used chain letters to bring luck" Plus, I'm pretty sure in China, this is the Year of the Dragon ... at least that's what the last paper buffet place mat I consulted said.
If you Google "Feng Shui" and "Money Bags" the only hits you'll find refer to this stupid chain mail message. There actually is a "money bag" in China (some depictions of Buddha have him carrying one) but it has nothing to do with Feng shui, or calendars, or multiple days of the week, or ... brain explodes.
04. "If you share this info, they say money will arrive within 4 days." Actually, no it won't. Of course "they" are always saying stuff, aren't they? So i guess if you forward this to all your Facebook friends and find a quarter on the ground, you can attribute this wonderful discovery to the magical power of Feng shui.
Because, after all, that's what Fung shui is all about, really -- finding loose change on the sidewalk and pissing off all your Facebook friends.
05. "The one who does not share.....will be without money." Actually, no you won't, but what a great threat it is. It's right up there with, "How can you win the lotto if you don't play?" But hey man, if you want to be a bankrupt asshole just because you didn't forward this message to all your Facebook friends, be my guest. And when you're broke and starving and need a nickle for a cup of coffee, don't come begging to me pal, because my only response is going to be FUNG SHUI MOTHER FUCKER. I will seriously stand straddled over your emaciated body with a Big Mac in each hand, licking the special sauce that has run down my arm as I watch you take your last breathes while painfully starving to death.
Wow, this took a dark turn.
06. "Well, I'm not taking any chances. :)" This may be the most annoying part of the message. In six words, the author issues both a mea culpa and a "why not?" type of response. "Hey, I probably won't get any bags filled with money from forwarding this, but hey, you never know, and wouldn't it be foolish if I didn't try?"
And there's the problem. At least with old chain letters, it cost the sender a few minutes of their time, along with the price of a stamp and an envelope. But with e-mail, and particularly Facebook, forwarding this bullshit along costs the sender literally nothing. Just a mouse click, and it's over.
Who it costs though is ME. *I* am the one that has to see it. *I* am the one that has to skim it and see if it's something important or not. *I* am the one that has to waste time on the Internet bitching about it. *ME*.
And, oh, what a con-veeeeen-ient little clause the sender put in there. If they don't come in to money, no harm no foul. But if they DO come in to money, they can attribute it to sharing this crap on Facebook. I don't know which is worse, the fact that the person might attribute finding money to forwarding some stupid freakin' icon on Facebook, or the fact that I know this surely guarantees that I will get MORE of these posts from this person. Stupid positive reinforcement!!!
So let's put this to rest, shall we? There are no money bags, no magical months, no easy way to get rich by clogging up the intertubes with your bullshit. Feng shui has as much to do with the ancient art of money bags as Confucius, Sun Tzu, Egg Fu Young and Miao Yin. It's stupid, stupid bullshit and an embarrassing waste of the technology used to power the Internet. Stop it.