SC2 1.5.0 has been released.
Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 11:47 pm
It totally changed the user interface, it totally changed how the game is presented, it even totally changed some things about the in-game interface and the graphics.
I know I've criticized the SC2 community before for being "complainers", for being "whiny bitches" who just took any patch, any tiny little modification as an opportunity to bash the game, bash Blizzard, and basically turn the entire official forum into a cryfest a daycare center would be ashamed of.
But I gotta say, with 1.5.0, a pretty massive change, the community has really surprised me. They've learned the reasoning behind the changes, learned to adjust to them, taken a very thoughtful stance on analyzing the new patch, and have decided to become complete and utter dicks the likes of which I've never experienced in my life.
There are people in there DEMANDING THEIR $60 BACK.
They paid their $60 OVER TWO YEARS AGO!!! SC2 was released on July 27, 2010. This is like the millionth patch so far, in a gaming landscape where most games are already out of the bargain bin and lost to history by this point. And they're doing this to GEAR UP for the next installment in the series, which is going to have even more content, even more shiny shit, even more of all of this.
But 1.5.0 just goes to show "Blizzard is EA now". And I want my $60 back.
I used to be addicted to the SC2 forums. Now I just go there once every month or two, to see if it's the same. It usually is. Depending on the week, everyone still complains that Terran is either woefully underpowered or woefully overpowered, usually at the same time.
This one's special though. Gimme my $60 back, indeed.
I don't care how much of a debacle D3 was, SC2 still rules. Thank y'all for stickin' around.
I know I've criticized the SC2 community before for being "complainers", for being "whiny bitches" who just took any patch, any tiny little modification as an opportunity to bash the game, bash Blizzard, and basically turn the entire official forum into a cryfest a daycare center would be ashamed of.
But I gotta say, with 1.5.0, a pretty massive change, the community has really surprised me. They've learned the reasoning behind the changes, learned to adjust to them, taken a very thoughtful stance on analyzing the new patch, and have decided to become complete and utter dicks the likes of which I've never experienced in my life.
There are people in there DEMANDING THEIR $60 BACK.
They paid their $60 OVER TWO YEARS AGO!!! SC2 was released on July 27, 2010. This is like the millionth patch so far, in a gaming landscape where most games are already out of the bargain bin and lost to history by this point. And they're doing this to GEAR UP for the next installment in the series, which is going to have even more content, even more shiny shit, even more of all of this.
But 1.5.0 just goes to show "Blizzard is EA now". And I want my $60 back.
I used to be addicted to the SC2 forums. Now I just go there once every month or two, to see if it's the same. It usually is. Depending on the week, everyone still complains that Terran is either woefully underpowered or woefully overpowered, usually at the same time.
This one's special though. Gimme my $60 back, indeed.
I don't care how much of a debacle D3 was, SC2 still rules. Thank y'all for stickin' around.