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Classy Ramen- Adventures in Lowbrow Cooking

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:14 pm
by hapticanimal
Review #1- HapticAnimal's Begrudging Guest Review

I don't know why RR wants me to do this as he says that I am not funny. And yet he wants me to review for you guys of the ramen that I am eating. It was a stipulation he made if I wanted him to allow me to eat 2 packages of ramen. Whatever.

The spicy pork ramen I am eating is delicious. Full of salt, fat, and broccoli (I added this. Wouldn't it be cool if ramen came with freeze dried broccoli? No.), it has everything I could want in a meal (and has everything my doctor recommends for my low blood pressure.) There's a picture that I am too lazy to attach to this post that RR took while I got annoyed because I was rather hungry and RR is not a nice person (what a spectacular run on sentence.)

The one issue is that it's really not that spicy. At all. Whatever.

I lied, here's the picture: Image

The only reason that is there is because RR did all the work. I don't care that much.

(Now that I'm feeling less bitchy, please reread this with none of the biting indifference.)

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:59 pm
by Tdarcos
That's it, I'm releasing my video on making "Slop," it's been sitting in the can - in my cameras memory cards, anyway - for weeks while I frittered around with my hopeless lawsuit. I'm going to pull it up and edit it.

Watch for it shortly.

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 4:56 pm
by pinback

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 4:59 pm
by pinback
By the way, Haptic and Retro fake-fighting like this is eventually what killed the Don Rogers show, and it will kill this BBS too if allowed to continue.

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 5:24 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
LET it die

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 5:35 pm
by AArdvark
I was under the impression that the DR show was just re-tooling. Is it really dead?


Can't wait for the Slop video!


Classy Ramen, part deux

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:50 pm
by hapticanimal
Wow, what a delightfully lukewarm reception to my review. Warms a girl's heart.

Anyway, special grilled chicken ramen is my current favorite flavor. To date, I've had BBQ chicken, spicy pork, tom yum (too limey), and kimchi (spicy but otherwise blah.) Both the tom yum and kimchi were no me gusta. The others were great but special grilled chicken...

Special Grilled Chicken is amazing.

Whatever chemical crack they put in all ramen is tripled in special grilled chicken. There are unique flat noodles (you know how ramen noodles are usually round?), which help elevate the flavor to something, well... truly fantastic.

It's less salty than most ramen flavors, which makes it easier to detect the smoky grilled flavor, onion, and spiciness. There's even a slight creaminess, which coupled well with the broccoli I added. The flat noodles have a different mouth feel than the round ones, and it's something that I prefer.

This will definitely be a staple ramen flavor for me. It's simple enough to take the place of plain chicken but it's got enough twists to keep my palate interested. Definitely recommended.

Also, sorry there's no picture this time. I descended on it without thinking any further than "get it in my mouth, NOW."

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:19 pm
by Jizaboz
Tdarcos wrote:That's it, I'm releasing my video on making "Slop," it's been sitting in the can - in my cameras memory cards, anyway - for weeks while I frittered around with my hopeless lawsuit. I'm going to pull it up and edit it.

Watch for it shortly.
Hell yeah :cool:

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 4:15 am
by kanita
it looks like a half assed garbage plate on a fancy rich persons plate instead of in a styrofoam.
and why does that napkin have a cock ring?

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 10:33 am
by Flack
Here's a good Ramen recipe for you.

01. Open a pack of Ramen.
02. Smash the shit out of them.
03. Pour them into a big bowl.
04. Add enough water to make 'em float.
05. Microwave for 3 mins.
06. Add spice packet.
07. Wait for it to cool so you don't burn the shit out of your mouth.
08. Eat.

If you're feeling really fancy, cut up some leftover steak and toss it in there.

It got me through college.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 5:29 pm
by RetroRomper
That is close to the recipe for "soup" or prison Ramen:

1. Obtain a packet of Ramen
2. Man handle the bag, breaking it apart.
3. Open one side.
4. Take out then apply contents of seasoning packet.
5. Add hot water.
6. Either add to plastic bag or hold close and mix contents.
7. Let soak for 45 minutes.
8. EAT

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 9:46 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
kanita wrote:it looks like a half assed garbage plate on a fancy rich persons plate instead of in a styrofoam.
and why does that napkin have a cock ring?
Why the fuck is kanita quoting a post Jack Straw made about Pink Flamingo?

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 8:37 am
by Flack
RetroRomper wrote:That is close to the recipe for "soup" or prison Ramen:

1. Obtain a packet of Ramen
2. Man handle the bag, breaking it apart.
3. Open one side.
4. Take out then apply contents of seasoning packet.
5. Add hot water.
6. Either add to plastic bag or hold close and mix contents.
7. Let soak for 45 minutes.
8. EAT
Have you seen how buff those guys in prison are? Obviously they're doing something right. I am switching to this diet on Monday.