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Realm of the Mad God (no not tarjan)

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:30 am
by Garth's Equipment Shop
I love this game!


Its free and you can start playing immediately. You go through a fast tutorial map that interactively teaches you all the games features which are so simple a child could understand and then you enter the larger world where theres a bunch of other live players fighting to survive. You should probably run as soon as you spawn into the live world because its a battlezone there , not sure if you can die from friendly fire i didn't stick around long enough to find out.

Anyway, the whole game has a really cool retro feel to it but with a more modern isometric, shadowing and lighting, real time aspect to it. Kind of like minecraft but not 3d, this is top down and more stylistic and 2d than minecraft and stylistically it looks way better. The controls are the tried and true old wasd to move, space bar for special weapon, point and click to shoot something.

It has roguelike or classic dungeon crawl stuff like false walls you shoot to destroy, secret tunnels, plenty of easy to kill creatures as well as bosses and generally deadly stuff, healing potions, experience/levels, hit points and magic points, and hit enter to have your character speak something on screen in a talk bubble as well as in the chat log that scrolls over the game window (which I actually dont like at all - always hated big fat chat logs cluttering my game screen.)

I havent gone to the registration email yet so I suspect I must do that before I log in officially. But I was able to play without doing so. Once I died the first time I was shown some sort of in game control panel type screen probably where you can choose a server, see whos on, and all that jazz.