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Destiny proclaims SC2 dying.

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 4:41 pm
by pinback
The big news in SC2 this week is that part-time pro and full-time agent provocateur Steven Bonnell II, or "Destiny", wrote a big goddamn essay on why SC2 is in its death throes. This got EEEVERYONE in a, shall we say, "twitter", with throngs of self-entitled 19 year olds proclaiming him the righteous messiah, and Blizzard employees replying "uh.. wha?"

I have never seen a worse, more obnoxious player base than SC2, and I know they're far from the worst. I think video games need to be stopped, at this point, because what was ONCE a goddamn pastime you could drop a quarter into and try to blow up the mans or save your own mans to escape your horrible life for a few minutes has become a thing to be OUTRAGED about.


In summation, SC2, I love you. SC2 community, you are largely dispensable. Destiny, I love you because some of your shit is the funniest shit I've ever seen. Everyone else: Just play the goddamn game.



Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 6:19 pm
by RetroRomper
Logged into SC:BW today while waiting for everyone else on this BBS to get their collective asses together and either contact me or tell mention they wouldn't be able to play and...

Brood War USA - 1
6 people in the channel

All of my old channel hangouts are empty. There are maybe four games (melee and / or map settings) hosted and ready to go.

Its official - Starcraft: Brood War is dead!

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 8:01 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I bought the shitty Warlords game for XBLA. I could not find another player to play with. I bought the shitty Robotron game for XBLA. I could find one maybe every 7-8 minutes? It's goddamn spooky when games get abandoned by the players like that. We expect publishers to pull the plug. Having my Xbox up in the room "Waiting to Connect" to another Robotron enthusiast made me think of the dial-up BBS days.

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 10:28 pm
by pinback
Okay but there are like a million people logged into SC2 at any time, tournaments are as highly attended as ever, it still doesn't take more than three seconds to get a game going on the ladder.

These aren't people saying "It's dead!" like they're reporting what they're seeing. These are people who love to complain about everything possible, assume everyone's as obnoxiously outraged as they are and getting some reddit facetime.

Destiny's one of those guys it's hard not to like, but also hard to take seriously. Problem is, people do, so now "SC2 dying" is a thing in the community, which it should have just been dismissed out of hand.

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 12:34 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Is Destiny's show fully nude or does she keep the g-string and pasties on?