Destiny proclaims SC2 dying.
Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 4:41 pm
The big news in SC2 this week is that part-time pro and full-time agent provocateur Steven Bonnell II, or "Destiny", wrote a big goddamn essay on why SC2 is in its death throes. This got EEEVERYONE in a, shall we say, "twitter", with throngs of self-entitled 19 year olds proclaiming him the righteous messiah, and Blizzard employees replying "uh.. wha?"
I have never seen a worse, more obnoxious player base than SC2, and I know they're far from the worst. I think video games need to be stopped, at this point, because what was ONCE a goddamn pastime you could drop a quarter into and try to blow up the mans or save your own mans to escape your horrible life for a few minutes has become a thing to be OUTRAGED about.
In summation, SC2, I love you. SC2 community, you are largely dispensable. Destiny, I love you because some of your shit is the funniest shit I've ever seen. Everyone else: Just play the goddamn game.
I have never seen a worse, more obnoxious player base than SC2, and I know they're far from the worst. I think video games need to be stopped, at this point, because what was ONCE a goddamn pastime you could drop a quarter into and try to blow up the mans or save your own mans to escape your horrible life for a few minutes has become a thing to be OUTRAGED about.
In summation, SC2, I love you. SC2 community, you are largely dispensable. Destiny, I love you because some of your shit is the funniest shit I've ever seen. Everyone else: Just play the goddamn game.