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The Day[9] Daily is dying.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:17 pm
by pinback
Coincidental or not, the week after Destiny proclaimed SC2 is dying, I am proclaiming the Day9 Daily is dying. Except it's not so sad:

1. Dude has done over 500 shows about StarCraft, 98% of which have been about StarCraft II specifically.

2. Nobody will ever beat that level of dedication for making shows about one stupid goddamn game, and if you know the Daily, you know that though it went for an hour, there were at least 3-4 hours of prep time beforehand every show.

3. Thought the "metagame" has changed, these are all still epic, relevant shows to people who enjoy the game.

But since episode 500, most of the shows have been just him playing ladder games on the HotS beta, or otherwise goofing around. Tonight's Daily was cancelled in lieu of streaming Team Fortress 2.

Maybe he's said all he has to say about SC2. I'm okay with that. Nobody in the world has said even a hundredth of what he's said, and nobody managed to make it a hundredth as entertaining.

Day[9] is my hero, even though he screams like a maggot playing Amnesia and Slender. Maybe because of it.
