AArdvark's hardwood floor project
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 2:20 pm
One of the reasons I ditched teh Facebook is so I have more time to put into stripping and refinishing the floors in the home sweet home. Thinking about posting photos but if everyone was to do a google photo search for finishing hardwood floors you'd come up with 10X the photo quality I could do and it would (wood!) look better than the results I am getting.
One of the things I have discovered over the years about home ownership and hope repair projects is that you spend more time fixing previous owners fuck-ups than you do fixing normal aging and weathering.
The last owner stripped the living room floor and parts of the upstairs floors with one of those big industrial belt sanders you rent by the day. Problem is that the previous owner didn't 'sand with the grain' creating a lot of deep scratches and grooves. Also brought the entire level of the floors down about 1/16 of an inch except around the edges of the room where the thing couldn't fit.
Oh yeah, and he used cheap polyurethane as a top coat.
My goal is to strip off all the gunk till I get down to solid oak,
Re-nail the loose boards. (when you strip of 1/16 of the floor thickness you tend to sand right through nail heads sometimes)
Sand everything smooth (getting the scratches and low spots out is the hardest part.
Stain everything a nice golden oak or slightly darker
Apply three to five coats of tung oil. More in traffic areas.
Right now I'm about halfway through stripping the floor. I'm going to finish that half, then move everything and do the rest. I'm only putting in two hours a day so I can't have the room totally empty while I do this.
One of the things I have discovered over the years about home ownership and hope repair projects is that you spend more time fixing previous owners fuck-ups than you do fixing normal aging and weathering.
The last owner stripped the living room floor and parts of the upstairs floors with one of those big industrial belt sanders you rent by the day. Problem is that the previous owner didn't 'sand with the grain' creating a lot of deep scratches and grooves. Also brought the entire level of the floors down about 1/16 of an inch except around the edges of the room where the thing couldn't fit.
Oh yeah, and he used cheap polyurethane as a top coat.
My goal is to strip off all the gunk till I get down to solid oak,
Re-nail the loose boards. (when you strip of 1/16 of the floor thickness you tend to sand right through nail heads sometimes)
Sand everything smooth (getting the scratches and low spots out is the hardest part.
Stain everything a nice golden oak or slightly darker
Apply three to five coats of tung oil. More in traffic areas.
Right now I'm about halfway through stripping the floor. I'm going to finish that half, then move everything and do the rest. I'm only putting in two hours a day so I can't have the room totally empty while I do this.