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Selling off collection on eBay.
Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2003 5:09 pm
by gsdgsd
My parents brought out the 15 or so boxes of comics that have been sitting around their house. I have a much smaller house, and I need money, so I'm selling the suckers off on eBay. Rock-bottom prices! Everything must go! Unfortunately, my digital camera cost about $10, so the images suck. But rest assured you're getting the best of several misspent years working in a comic shop.
User ID is gsdgsd. There's only a few things up now, but the flood will begin if I ever get a day off.
Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2003 5:31 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
What kind of titles are you selling? I could be quite interested -- it could work out for both of us, while you'd still get whatever price you wanted, you wouldn't have to worry about seller drama, and I wouldn't have to worry about somebody stating a comic held together with snot rather than staples is "NM/M."
I think I have managed to pick up most of the stuff from, say, 1999 and later direct from the stores, but there is a host of stuff that I missed from 92-99, and of course, any Marvel books from the 70s and 80s that I didn't get when I was young.
Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2003 7:20 pm
by Greg
It's not even remotely sorted yet, and I've forgotten a lot of what I have... as I sort through it, I'll post the stuff I've got here.
Thus far, I've only posted a few things on eBay (the Peter David Aquaman miniseries, most of the run of DC's "Titans", the Daredevil "Yellow" series, a 1960s Green Lantern). Some of the other stuff I've got out of the first box (out of 12-15, so there'll be a ton):
*most of Peter David's run on Hulk from #393- up through, oh, 430 or so (I'm at work right now, away from the stuff, so numbers are a bit unclear)
*The first 35+ issues of David's run on Aquaman
*Pretty much every issue of DC's original Justice League of America series, from about #29 on... so that's early '60s to mid-'80s
*Most of Grant Morrison's run on Doom Patrol
*Scattered issues of DC's 1960s "Atom" (then "Atom and Hawkman" series)
And, hmm, that's most of it so far. I'll post things as I dig them out/sort them before I put them on eBay-- holler if anything strikes your fancy. The vast majority will be DCs from the '60s through '90s -- not sure how much is left from Marvel, as that was never my thing (and I sold most of it off before moving out here).
Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2003 7:40 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Greg wrote:And, hmm, that's most of it so far. I'll post things as I dig them out/sort them before I put them on eBay-- holler if anything strikes your fancy. The vast majority will be DCs from the '60s through '90s -- not sure how much is left from Marvel, as that was never my thing (and I sold most of it off before moving out here).
When you're ready to sell off PD's run on Hulk there, just let me know how much you'd like for it. I love that guy's scripts and the Hulk while he's writing him. He's the man, and that's great stuff. I think he was on the Hulk for a long time, as I've got part of that earlier run sitting in a box back in New York.
Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 6:29 pm
by gsdgsd
I'm still sorting the Hulks -- I found a bunch more today -- and will email you in the morning with a list of what I've got.
Other stuff about to go up:
the "Spider-Man: Blue" mini-series by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale
the "Batman: Family" mini-series
Batman #608-612, the first few issues of the Loeb/Jim Lee story
Brave and the Bold 61 and 62 from the early '60s, with Starman and Black Canary
the "Challengers of the Unknown" mini-series by Loeb and Sale again
the "Vigilante" mini-series by James Robinson and Tony Salmons
That's it for now.
Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 10:49 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
gsdgsd wrote:
Batman #608-612, the first few issues of the Loeb/Jim Lee story
I missed out on this. Superman gets his ass handed too him again, right? FUNNY BECAUSE SO DID KANSAS AND HE IS FROM KANSAS
A few more.
Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 10:08 pm
by Greg
Already up on eBay... Green Arrow #1-21 + Secret Files.
Other stuff going up soon:
the "Shade" miniseries (Starman spinoff)
Some 1960s issues of Hawkman, in insanely crappy condition
A whole mess of Mark Waid-scripted issues of "Flash".
Gregory S. D'Avis
Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 10:13 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Juuuuuuuuuust got back to you with your last e-mail (sorry for the delay on that).
Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 11:11 pm
by Greg
No problem... I don't think I've checked that account since I sent it. So we're even. I ain't moving too fast these days.
Riddle me this.
Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2003 7:34 pm
by Greg
So I sold the run of "Green Arrow" up till the most recent issue. In general, runs of Smith's issues only were going for $30ish on eBay-- I had Smith's run plus the second guy's run, and the "Secret Files".
It went for $12.
The seven or so extra issues drove the price down?? Why? They weren't that bad.
The world is a cold, cruel place.
Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2003 11:25 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Shit! I didn't Paypal you yet. OK, lemme go find my wallet here. I don't mean to flake. More, I don't want this to end up on Parrish's list of Things I Have Ruined.
Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2003 11:33 pm
by Guest
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Shit! I didn't Paypal you yet. OK, lemme go find my wallet here. I don't mean to flake. More, I don't want this to end up on Parrish's list of Things I Have Ruined.
No worries. I haven't been to the post office since I emailed you last... or done much of anything else. Not a rush.