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New Nook

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 7:56 am
by AArdvark
posting from the new Nook HD. This is more like texting as I am only able to poke out one letter at a time. I want to find a handwriting app that can translate to text so I can unleash the power of real writing. If this goes well I may upgrade my laptop to a full tablet in the next two years.
So far I give Android 7 out of 10. Interface is fair but kind of picky in terms of getting stuff done. Wish they had the dual display, the E-ink and regular backlight one.
input feels laggy cause there's no keyboard. Got a stylus yesterday and things are slightly better than the finger painting technique.

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 10:45 pm
by RetroRomper
The tablet itself is a bit sluggish: opening an Application, watching Netflix or pulling up the browser feels a tad unresponsive. Plus the following little quirks have materialized along the way:

1. The whole machine just magically factory reset itself one day, deleting my profile and thus the apps I had downloaded and configured.

2. Froze on me for no apparent reason while using the official book app to read a comic - had to restart, but when trying to load new pages it kept choking on what are essentially mid-res jpegs.

3. In the latest update, they replaced their own home brew browser with Chrome, which is fine, but what isn't okay is that they took away the "reader" option from websites. Which is complete and utter shit, as the extension isn't supported through Chrome and now I'm pointing and zooming on a webpage as opposed to having wrap around text.

4. It doesn't charge. Using the proprietary cable and charger that came with the unit, it won't charge at all (I've left it alone for 48 hours) and so I have to connect it to the USB out on my computer or to a hub. How long does it take to charge you ask? 8 - 15 hours.

5. The screen works, but the official apps lag and aren't fully response when I try to do an advanced, elite level action such as flip a page.

I haven't turned it on since it magically reset itself, which is a damn shame because I have a bunch of Dark Horse and Marvel comics in digital format that I wanted to read through. But I don't know if I just received a dud or if its a larger problem for the line.