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New website.

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 4:06 pm
by pinback is on a LINODE now.

You can go there and play ZORK.


Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 6:08 pm
by Flack
That's cool. What's 4xgamer running off of?

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 6:37 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
You can also play Zork 2! Thanks, Ben.

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 6:39 pm
by pinback
Flack wrote:That's cool. What's 4xgamer running off of?
Your mom.

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:26 pm
by pinback
You can now also play Apartment F209 at:


Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:54 pm
by pinback
You can also play Zork by sshing in to with the username "zork" and the password "zork".

This function is currently in beta, let me know how it works for you, and how you've found a way to use it to hack into and destroy my linode.

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:59 am
by RealNC
There's two ways you've left open to get into the zork account right now. One is by simply logging in through SFTP. The other is by running an executable at login time (like /bin/bash). For example I can login with:

Code: Select all

ssh '/bin/bash -i'
and get a shell.

None of these result in root access of course. But people still get full access to a Linux shell on your server and read access over the whole file system. Which is not good.

Using SSH for this thing is probably not a good idea anyway. You could set up an anonymous telnet login for playing zork instead.

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:54 am
by pinback
Good stuff! Thanks! Yes, anonymous telnet! That sounds good.

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:40 am
by pinback
I couldn't figure out how to set it up!


Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:51 pm
by pinback
You can now access an old-timey dial-in BBS ("The Night Owl 2000"!!) by telnetting to!

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 2:15 pm
by RealNC
I thought you said "PROJECT CANCELLED"...

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 4:17 pm
by AArdvark
Went there and looked around. Lots of Chinese characters, might be my Firefox telnet add-on that's doing it. Will there be files for downloading? Isn't there some kind of PHPBB theme that emulates a BBS?


Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 6:33 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
One thing I noticed (on some other telnet BBSs) is that when I said YES to "Extended IBM ANSI Characters" things ended up looking like shit.

So maybe turn that off for everyone, Pinner? Please?

I do like that Ben and Flack now have BBSs. And that reminds me, I haven't been to Flack's in a while...

I think it is time to advertise this boards on Caltrops, perhaps. I will also try to create a sticky here so that people always know where to go when they want old school BBS flavor.

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 6:28 am
by RealNC
The ANSI character thing works just fine here using the standard Linux telnet client.

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 7:06 am
by Flack
What I found was that older versions of telnet.exe that came with Windows work great, and newer versions (Vista and newer) don't display right.

I have put the old version of telnet on my website here:

You can either overwrite the newer one (that's what I did) or rename it to something like telnet2.exe or telnet-old.exe or telnet-new.exe or lick-my-scrotum.exe, it really doesn't matter.

For my BBS I wrote a one line batch file that says "telnet" and then created a shortcut to the batch file on my desktop so all I have to do is double click that icon and the BBS opens up. I'll do the same for Pin's if it's up for more than two weeks.

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 7:13 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I am also happy that FLACK is BACK.