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A couple reasons why I can't play Path of Exile

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 6:44 am
by RetroR
It was fun up until I figured out the following:

1. There is 0 relevant story.

2. Not all of the classes are balanced (and spending all your time leveling your Witch to max level results in a nearly unplayable character).

3. Class balance sucks when playing co-op, as one character will decimate everything while the other falls behind

4. While the skill tree initially appears to be overly complex, is actually stupidly simple.

5. Skills are granted based on the gems / items that are equipped... Which means you either trade up or get bored because you have been using the same attack for the last twenty hours.

Its fun up until the levels essentially repeat themselves (as there are no obvious story hooks to enthrall you) and replicates the spirit of Diablo II gameplay, but it just doesn't feel as if there is anything under the hood.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 12:40 pm
by RetroR
The latest expansion pack to PoE hasn't improved things at all, though the DIII expansion now rips on several elements of its spiritual successor:

1. The world maps of DIII look identical to those found in PoE (same style and overworld setup).

2. DIII added items that expand on already basic abilities (maybe too generic for an argument for or against, but they essentially level up in a similar manner to PoE).

3. The story is about as bad as PoE and amounts to essentially road signs in the sand.

Anyway.... Guess I just don't like any Diablo type game that isn't D2! What I don't understand is, why did everyone decide to go stupidly item / gear heavy in regards to how a game should be played? Its ridiculous.

Re: A couple reasons why I can't play Path of Exile

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 9:29 am
by Tdarcos
RetroR wrote:It was fun up until I figured out the following:

1. There is 0 relevant story.
Maybe it has to do with the type of game. Why is the issue of a relevant story important to this game?

I mean, DOOM's backstory is just a crutch to argue for the premise of the game, shoot anyone who moves and run for the exit. The whole UAC on Mars backstory is completely irrelevant to playing the game. To paraphrase what Hall and Oates sang in Kiss on Your List, the purpose of DOOM was, "I sometimes feel the need to blow those bastards away."