Sick fuck Bradley Svedka now wants run Caltrops into ground
Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 9:05 pm
That sick fuck Bradley Svedka wants to ruin Caltrops the way he tried to ruin Jolt Country when he pissed me off so bad I just kept posting just to piss him off.
Check out his balsy posting at the address below, and maybe you can think of a better way than I did to tell this sick fuck to get lost and stay there. ... pid=163708
"This message sponsored by the Let's Give Bradley Svedka Cancer Foundation, organized for the purpose of turning him into a mass of tumors, Leukemia and Hodgkins' Lymphoma."
Check out his balsy posting at the address below, and maybe you can think of a better way than I did to tell this sick fuck to get lost and stay there. ... pid=163708
"This message sponsored by the Let's Give Bradley Svedka Cancer Foundation, organized for the purpose of turning him into a mass of tumors, Leukemia and Hodgkins' Lymphoma."