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The greatest thing on the internet right now.
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 5:19 pm
by pinback
Kaceytron is a girl with giant [breasts] who is terrible at League of Legends and makes a living on Twitch playing it.
Sounds pathetic, right?
It is: The greatest thing on the internet right now.
The whole thing is her playing terribly, and commenting the whole while about how good she is, and how she has talent scouts watching her every night, and how she's one of the top female gamers in the world, all the while stopping to move her hair away from her giant [breasts] and thanking people for donations.
MEANWHILE, she has 5,000+ viewers per stream, and the entire chat on the right side of the screen is at least 80% of them just screaming misogynist, hateful invective as fast as possible. Occasionally she'll pick one out and explain how she doesn't really appreciate all that negativity, and "we need to keep the chat conducive" (her weak grasp on the English language is part of the draw)...
It's magical. It's hypnotic. And it's fucking hysterical, because it's all a bit.
And the chat is a bit, too.
Everyone's in on it. Except for redditors who are the dumbest people in the world and spend most of their time complaining about how she is "bad for gaming" and "shameful to women", but what it is is the most brilliant satire currently available for your viewing pleasure.
It's incredible. It is Phil Hendrie in a hot girl costume. It is: The greatest thing on the internet right now.
And hey, even if you don't like it, check out dem titties yo!
Sorry, [breasts].
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 5:21 pm
by pinback
She just said "I know it says I'm Bronze 5, but we're all really Diamond. I'm Diamond 25."
She also just complained that she was losing because of her ping, and she needs a ping "at least double what it is now".
The greatest thing on the internet right now.
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 5:23 pm
by pinback
Her screen currently reads: "Sub goal: 13/6"
If you know how Twitch works and don't find that funny, there is no hope for you.
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 5:24 pm
by pinback
She claims to be anti-marijuana, so now she is playing a stream of songs all about weed and interrupting them halfway through, apologizing because she didn't know what the song was about, and moving on to the next song about weed.
Don Rogers isn't this funny on his best day.
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 5:33 pm
by pinback
If you want to weep for humanity's future, go here and read the comments: ... itch-terms
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 5:38 pm
by pinback
Now she's crying.
omg this is amazing.
Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 12:47 pm
by RetroR
That petition is perhaps one of the most pathetic things I have ever seen.
Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 9:24 am
by Tdarcos
I note that Bradley "putrid mass of pus" Svetka would get mad when I posted twice in a row, but apparently Pinhead doesn't mind posting six separate messages in a row and apparently that's not a problem.
Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 6:37 pm
by Garth's Equipment Shop
Wow this is hilarious. She seems to spend most of the time reading those gazillion troll spam comments and feeding her troll farm while her character in game just stands there afk facing a wall or something lol. I guess theres no PVP in LoL or she'd be eternally in respawn. She really doesn't understand how her hissy fits just feeds the trolls thereby ensuring they will continue with their hate spam lol.
Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 6:50 pm
by Garth's Equipment Shop
"I am not fucking dumb. I am actually fucking smart. I'm getting my master's degree in computers. I'm starting my own massage therapy business. I'm running my own computer languages."
Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:25 pm
by pinback
Garth's Equipment Shop wrote:She really doesn't understand how her hissy fits just feeds the trolls thereby ensuring they will continue with their hate spam lol.
Oh... she understands. It is, quite literally (she just sent a message to subscribers letting us know she was able to quit her job because doing this full-time pays the bills now), how she makes a living.
In a very real way, the trolls are "in on it".
3000 people a day show up at that stream to call her a fat disgusting cunt, and she makes ad money on every last one of them, and enough subscribers that THIS IS ALL SHE HAS TO DO now.
It's brilliant in every single way.
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:17 am
by Garth's Equipment Shop
Garth's Equipment Shop wrote:"I am not fucking dumb. I am actually fucking smart. I'm getting my master's degree in computers. I'm starting my own massage therapy business. I'm running my own computer languages."
So that was actually code for
"I only play 'dumb' on the internet. This is actually all part of my brilliant plan to seize the largest untapped market on the internet, the haters and trolls. I've got a Master's degree in the art of troll-baiting and massaging donations out of those foolish enough to believe my act that 'I'm just an innocent little gamer-girl who can't understand why all the haters?' Since my business requires that I subject myself to non-stop daily humiliation I have also learned to massage my ego in such a way that not only am I immune to the barrage of insults I encourage them to bring more of it with my vulgar display narcissism."
I couldn't think of a translation of her last comment as it just made no sense. Did she mean run her own programs? Or that she literally writes new programming languages? I think it was just one of those nonsensical things she throws into her rants now and then to make herself sound genuinely ignorant, as if she were unaware of how ignorant she sounded and making an entertaining show of a feeble attempt to appear full of knowledge. Truly she has mastered that art.
That camera angle is hilarious as well. It is obviously at that angle for only one reason, to point straight down into her cleavage even at the expense of her face which is seen at a terrible angle making it look all scrunched up, which I guess is also part of her act, adding as it does to her nerdiness. That or her face looks like that at any angle so she needs the cleavage to divert attention away from it.
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:21 am
by pinback
Garth's Equipment Shop wrote:I think it was just one of those nonsensical things she throws into her rants now and then to make herself sound genuinely ignorant, as if she were unaware of how ignorant she sounded
Now you're gettin' it.