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I feel like I'm bringing the content and getting zilch back.
Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 8:42 pm
by pinback
Now, I don't mind this, you understand. I'll keep posting my stupid 4x and food and whatever else posts, but I'd like to know why it's all generally met with crickets. Is it:
1. Nobody cares about the topics.
2. My posts are informational but do not necessarily elicit or require a response.
3. Everybody hates me.
4. OTHER??
Thank you for your time.
Re: I feel like I'm bringing the content and getting zilch b
Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 12:17 pm
by Tdarcos
pinback wrote:Now, I don't mind this, you understand. I'll keep posting my stupid 4x and food and whatever else posts, but I'd like to know why it's all generally met with crickets. Is it:
1. Nobody cares about the topics.
2. My posts are informational but do not necessarily elicit or require a response.
3. Everybody hates me.
4. OTHER??
Thank you for your time.
You should have made it a survey. Frankly I suspect it's #1 or possibly #2. You're not Bradley Svedka so you can forget #3, or at least in my case, I don't hate you.
You seem to talk a lot about food of which I think most of us either don't care about or aren't interested in. Think about the stuff I did videos on. Most every person with little money has eaten ramen, and then I make it something extra by dumping chili into it, and I think almost everyone eats pancakes from time-to-time,.
This message posted in gorgeous 1920x1080 on my new 24" monitor.
Re: I feel like I'm bringing the content and getting zilch b
Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 12:26 pm
by Tdarcos
Tdarcos wrote:You seem to talk a lot about food of which I think most of us either don't care about or aren't interested in.
After I saved the above I realized I wasn't clear and I can't go back and edit it, but I felt I should be clearer.
I am not interested in calimari (octopus).
On the other hand, while I do care about chili, I do not care about chili without beans unless it relates to chili put on hot dogs, which 7-11 and most <s>roach coaches</s> (err I mean mobile food trucks) use the kind without beans.
Not interested, as I see it, means no desire to consider the subject at all. Don't care about means that you might be interested in that food, you're not interested in a particular subclass. I love fried chicken but I don't care for spicy,
This message posted in gorgeous 1920x1080 on my new 24" monitor.
Re: I feel like I'm bringing the content and getting zilch b
Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 2:21 pm
by Flack
pinback wrote:Now, I don't mind this, you understand. I'll keep posting my stupid 4x and food and whatever else posts, but I'd like to know why it's all generally met with crickets. Is it:
1. Nobody cares about the topics.
2. My posts are informational but do not necessarily elicit or require a response.
3. Everybody hates me.
4. OTHER??
Thank you for your time.
I think even you would agree pointing out what's wrong with all of your posts would be a daunting task. Maybe you could point us to one or two specifically and we could start with critiques on those?
Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 3:26 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I simply haven't had the time to write good posts! For the record, I am going to turn these into articles. Maybe we can have people come from the front page and join us.
I dunno, man. Jolt Country is an experiment that I think we can all admit failed. I've been doing this stuff for 24 years now, between Internet and dial-up.
At least we get regular contributions from Garth now.
Though I did successfully get JC taken off the Dell Web Sonic list for porn. So at least people can browse at work again.
Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 3:55 pm
by gsdgsd
#2, mostly. I always appreciate the food posts and frequently act on them, but don't really have anything to say other than "nice, informative post! Thank you!"
I never have anything to say beyond that, really.
Re: I feel like I'm bringing the content and getting zilch b
Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 4:05 pm
by pinback
Flack wrote:pinback wrote:Now, I don't mind this, you understand. I'll keep posting my stupid 4x and food and whatever else posts, but I'd like to know why it's all generally met with crickets. Is it:
1. Nobody cares about the topics.
2. My posts are informational but do not necessarily elicit or require a response.
3. Everybody hates me.
4. OTHER??
Thank you for your time.
I think even you would agree pointing out what's wrong with all of your posts would be a daunting task. Maybe you could point us to one or two specifically and we could start with critiques on those?
Why ya gotta break balls? :(
But okay, I'll play, mainly because I think there's a slight chance you misread the post and think Tdarcos wrote it, but:
Anything in the Space 4x thread, and anything in my Top 5 New Orleans food thread. I feel that was all pretty quality content.
Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:00 pm
by Flack
For the NOLA food thread, I'll vote #2. I didn't post in it because I thought it was your list of your favorite meals and I didn't want to fuck it up.
For the 4x thread I'll vote #1. I hate those style of games. I can't speak for the others here who like those types of games and didn't post in that thread. They are all assholes and I will join you as we together seek vengeance against them.
Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:01 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Revenge against all odds!!
Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:03 pm
by Flack
Nice try, ICJ, but you didn't respond in the 4x thread.
Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:23 pm
by pinback
Finally, we're getting somewhere.
Re: I feel like I'm bringing the content and getting zilch b
Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:04 pm
by Molly Muffsweet
pinback wrote:1. Nobody cares about the topics.
I doubt I'm alone when I say I'm having the time of my life!
Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 10:21 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I used to write for 4xgamer! You can't do this to me, I am elite! Elite, I say!
Well, shriek.
Re: I feel like I'm bringing the content and getting zilch b
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:42 am
by Garth's Equipment Shop
Molly Muffsweet wrote:pinback wrote:1. Nobody cares about the topics.
I doubt I'm alone when I say I'm having the time of my life!
Definitely not alone. And I shall join in the crusade to cleanse the interwebs of all anti-4x barbarians.
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 3:28 pm
by AArdvark
I enjoy the posts but usually have very little to add to the conversations. And it would be less than polite to hijack threads and make them about me. The only hot sauce I use regularly is Tobasco and I've never been to Nawlins, but it looks like a fun city.
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:30 pm
by Flack
Garth, by way of posting in the 4x thread, has joined our ranks. We are now three-men strong -- three united souls who have been assembled by none other than God himself with the sole purpose of demolishing ICJ's very existence with our mighty fists of hate.
I feel like Aardvark should, by his impeccable honor alone, also be allowed to join. So that's four. FOUR. WE HAVE VALOR IN NUMBERS MY BROTHERS.
The greatest issue our party currently faces is our alignments. Pinback is chaotic evil, obviously, I am chaotic neutral, and Aardvark is somewhere between chaotic good and neutral good. Technically Garth's Equipment Shop is a building and therefore does not have an alignment, but if a building is willing to raise arms beside his brothers in this united goal of smiting ICJ, then he shall be allowed to. This party does not discriminate.
Also since he runs the place ICJ should be allowed to join the party out of a matter of principle, which will really complicate things.
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:51 pm
by AArdvark
I hope to have a Jolt Country party (that is, pre-assembled characters) when RobB releases his next game.
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:42 pm
by Garth's Equipment Shop
Flack wrote:Garth, by way of posting in the 4x thread, has joined our ranks. We are now three-men strong -- three united souls who have been assembled by none other than God himself with the sole purpose of demolishing ICJ's very existence with our mighty fists of hate.
As proprietor of the equipment shop which put all other equipment shops out of business in Skara Brae you can count on my steel. Gauntlets for our mighty fists. And the many years of experience gained from my former life as an adventurer afford me the ability to identify all manner of magic items useful to our sacred cause.
Flack wrote:I feel like Aardvark should, by his impeccable honor alone, also be allowed to join. So that's four. FOUR. WE HAVE VALOR IN NUMBERS MY BROTHERS.
By far the greatest weapon in our arsenal tis the legendary Fire Horn. But only the dulcet tones of a Bard can control this extremely volatile weapon of mass destruction. I believe Aardvaark's silver tongue will be more than capable of taming the savage fury of the Fiery Horn Resounding.
Flack wrote:The greatest issue our party currently faces is our alignments. Pinback is chaotic evil, obviously, I am chaotic neutral, and Aardvark is somewhere between chaotic good and neutral good. Technically Garth's Equipment Shop is a building and therefore does not have an alignment, but if a building is willing to raise arms beside his brothers in this united goal of smiting ICJ, then he shall be allowed to. This party does not discriminate.
As you might have guessed from my profession as a legitimate shop owner I am obliged to work within the confines of law and order like any good businessman must. Therefore I tend toward the Lawful alignment. On the other hand the town where I conduct my business, Skara Brae, is not like most modern day towns you may be familiar with. It is more like one of your Old West towns from your own short history. So our definition of law is a bit fuzzier than you may be accustomed to.
Not to mention the fact that "arms dealers," to use the modern nomenclature, are often looked down upon in polite society as contributing to disorder and encouraging violence or even as outlaws. And as an experienced adventurer of the warrior class (as opposed to say a Paladin) I sometimes had to do some pretty terrible things to survive out there. Some Lawful Good Paladins and Clerics might even judge me evil for some of my deeds. But to the many brothers and sisters who fought side by side with me against the tides of demons, scarlet monks, and practitioners of the black arts I am considered a hero.
So I guess for lack of a better classification I would have to call myself Lawful Neutral. But it somehow seems to miss the mark as clearly I was not always so lawful even by Old West standards (taking anything not nailed down was simply a part of the adventurer's profession, as was killing everything in our path with no offer to parlay as the kinder folk of the Forgotten Realms sometimes did), and certainly not lawful by any modern standard.
Flack wrote:Also since he runs the place ICJ should be allowed to join the party out of a matter of principle, which will really complicate things.
Indeed lol. But what well rounded Party of Adventurers would be complete without it's wacky motley crew of incompatible misfits right?