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Matthew Good 4:15:03
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 4:40 am
by danzaland
welcome to the land of Matthew Good ala Nation of Cool dot com
Here Matt frequently posts his take on this mad mad world.
Today's episode:
Does the world seem a less intelligent place these days? Does it strike you as having slowly descended into a comfortable ignorance these past years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds? Is it a sign of the times or simply the revelation that we have always been this stupid and are just now waking up to the reality of just how stupid that can be?
Every time Donald Rumsfeld opens his mouth I feel like I loose brain cells. I have come to the conclusion that lie detectors within a ten mile radius of that man must be spontaneously combusting, leaving their operators perplexed as to why. There is no artful way to describe the absurd logic of the United States government. There seems to also be no way of stopping them or deterring their new course. They have become the playground bully that has the rest of the kids at school so terrified that they don’t sleep at night. And they call it exemplary freedom. What does that tell you?
The new McCarthyism is upon us. The blacklist is in the works and people such as myself will be called in front bullshit tribunals to defend our right to live by the very principles that our nations were founded upon but have somehow been thrust aside because they’re inconvenient. Idiots are at the helm of our ship, soulless men that seek greatness in the opposite direction of its true location and once they realize it decide to claim that wherever they’ve found is better.
I am tired of you comfortable clowns and your eagerness to let all of this wash over you because it’s easier than saying or doing something about it. I am tired of this lame mentality of soft violence that we’ve come to embrace in our arts and culture, elevating it to the highest of cools. If you want blood then let’s run through the streets like maniacs and bathe in it and have a taste. I am tired of this lame bravado of invincibility. If you’re willing to back something that you can’t control, then you had better be prepared to find yourself with no other option than to kill for it or be done away with yourself when it becomes too powerful to stop.
And how do such things come to pass? By saying that they could never, and that you would never allow it to get that far. That’s precisely how. ... ct=journal
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 6:03 am
by chris
Every person who voted for George Bush should get a swift kick in his tender vittles. It's pretty much a certainty that if Al Gore was leading this nation right now (as he should be, since he won the popular vote by 2 MILLION votes), we wouldn't have crap like the Patriot Act that's turning our country into a police state.
Rest assured that as soon as Dubya is kicked out of office in 2004, this Gestapo-esque transmogrification of our country will slowly be reversed.
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 6:39 am
by bruce
chris wrote:
Rest assured that as soon as Dubya is kicked out of office in 2004, this Gestapo-esque transmogrification of our country will slowly be reversed.
Dubya might get re-elected. I mean, legitimately. He certainly will find a way to get re-elected. Then in 2008 it's Jeb's turn, and in 2016, yeah, maybe it's the girls. Whoo! Party Town!
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 6:44 am
by Roody_Yogurt
The funny thing at my household growing up was that whenever I'd talk about McCarthyism, my grandmother would rush to defend him, as she and my grandfather knew him as a nice fellow that they would occasionally have over for supper. I think he was one of my grandfather's students or something. Whatever the case, in respect to those dead relations o' mine, I'm more inclined to believe the theories that he basically was the tool of other people's agendas and maybe an idiot for believing them instead of being an inherently evil person.
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 6:50 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
chris wrote:Every person who voted for George Bush should get a swift kick in his tender vittles. It's pretty much a certainty that if Al Gore was leading this nation right now (as he should be, since he won the popular vote by 2 MILLION votes), we wouldn't have crap like the Patriot Act that's turning our country into a police state.
Joe Lieberman was the biggest perceived fascist of them ALL in that election, though. The guy is a total corporate whore and censor of the highest extreme. In another era that guy was running the Salem witch trials. It really says something that Bush, Cheney, and their cronies managed to out-do him.
I would have happily voted for Gore back in 2000. But when he chose that Father-Knows-Best piece of shit as his running mate, I and thousands like me headed over to Nader -- not because we wanted to see that crackpot in charge of anything, but because we wanted to protest the fact that there was no difference in candidates.
Unfortunately, Bush has done such a ridiculously bad job when it comes to chipping away at the rights that the citizens of this nation have (or, I guess that should read, "good" job), people with no political affiliation like myself are finding themselves in a position where we may have to vote Democrat no matter how bad the nominee is.
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 8:36 am
by chris
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
Joe Lieberman was the biggest perceived fascist of them ALL in that election, though. The guy is a total corporate whore and censor of the highest extreme. In another era that guy was running the Salem witch trials. It really says something that Bush, Cheney, and their cronies managed to out-do him.
I wonder how many people in this country voted against Gore simply because his VP was Jewish (like THAT should make any difference). It's really sad that we live in an age when presidential candidates are forced to do crap like jog daily and go to church weekly, solely because a large number of really ignorant people won't vote for him unless he does all this crap that has absolutely no bearing on how good a president he'd be. I mean, what if this crap existed back in the 30's? Good old FDR wouldn't have been able to jog with those polio-riddled steel-braced legs of his.
Some guy could have the greatest aptitude ever to be president, but if he doesn't mention God at the end of a speech, people won't vote for him. Uh, hello? Separation of church and state? No wonder we get idiots like Dubya.
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 9:03 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
chris wrote:I wonder how many people in this country voted against Gore simply because his VP was Jewish (like THAT should make any difference).
Being Jewish is a plus as far as I am concerned. If I may be so bold, usually Jewish people aren't trying to hit you over the head with their religion and convert you.
One thing I forgot to mention is that being married to Tipper Gore probably didn't help Al either. I personally have no opinion of Hillary Clinton. I think a lot of people hate her because she's married to Clinton and they don't like him, or else they don't like women in positions of authority, period. There are probably some real reasons to dislike her, but I've never cared much to go out of my way and discover them. (No doubt this would be different if I still lived in New York, I suppose.) But with her coming to the forefront, right or wrong, at the beginning of Clinton's first term there was bound to be a certain percentage of the populace who thought that Tipper would believe that her husband getting elected would mean carte blanche for her to go censor whatever media-of-the-week she happened to disagree with at the time.
Annnnnnnd then, funnily enough, we get a guy like Ashcroft into power who, while probably being OK with the citizens playing video games and listening to death metal, would really prefer things if he could detail absolutely any person within the physical bounds of this country for any length of time. We're in the position of having to ask which we'd prefer -- do you want your media taken from you or your liberty?
Censorship really bugs me. Bush's inability to separate church from state bugs me as well, but by marginally less. I guess that's why I "voted" for him by the Nader thing.
I mean, what if this crap existed back in the 30's? Good old FDR wouldn't have been able to jog with those polio-riddled steel-braced legs of his.
They need to keep a president or two on ice for when both parties really can't nominate anyone other than a thug. Like how Ted Williams is currently frozen. If we were going to end up in a patriarchy, which we practically are now, why couldn't it have been FDR or Taft or whoever who provided the brood? Why this Bush Sr "Read My Lips" horseshit?
fore more years
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 9:53 am
by Bugs
I, unlike some of you, have absolutely no faith in the electorate of this once-proud nation. The New Dumb eat their spoonfed bullshit and bald lies, and cheer for more.
This man-child of a president will be re-elected in 2004, thus furthering the downward spiral of conservatism that began with the election of Tricky Dick in 1968, and continues (almost) unabated, not counting Jimmy Carter (GOP took a mulligan on that one) and Clinton (even so, arguably the most conservative democrat president ever).
To paraphrase Senator Byrd of WV, I weep for my country.
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 9:59 am
by danzaland
chris wrote:Every person who voted for George Bush should get a swift kick in his tender vittles. It's pretty much a certainty that if Al Gore was leading this nation right now (as he should be, since he won the popular vote by 2 MILLION votes), we wouldn't have crap like the Patriot Act that's turning our country into a police state.
Rest assured that as soon as Dubya is kicked out of office in 2004, this Gestapo-esque transmogrification of our country will slowly be reversed.
You ALL are missing a huge point. The whole Left-Right paradigm is theater at this level. They all are groomed for years for these positions by the Globalists, the big money people. Either way Gore or Bush this war would have happened and we would be in the same shitty state we are in now.
The Patriot Act was written way before 9-11 but was pushed through by intimidation.
Look at the history of "The Project for The New American Century". Rummy was pushing this years ago and it was felt that no matter who was in power in Iraq, Iraq was to be invaded.
C'mon look around you. Things are going to hell very quickly. Our biggest export is our jobs, we can't protest, ie. Seattle in 99 the WTO Protest free zone, our police dress all in black with ski masks,but this is all for your protection. just watch the TV shows. This is highly organized propaganda. We are inundated each day with tons of information so that you can't be sure what the truth is.
Conspiracy Theory?
The truth is stranger than fiction. Look into this stuff.
and it is bigger than just you or just me, but together we can fight them back as the informed numbers grow.
I will send you a copy of Alex Jones' film 9-11 the Road to Tyranny all at my cost. This is not the way people should live. I cannot urge you enough to look into these things and get better informed about what is going on around here.