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Matthew Good 4:16:03

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 4:50 am
by danzaland
Ya know? He's right.

From Nation of Cool
Racial stereotyping is subtly becoming the new weapon of choice.

Abu Abbas was captured recently in Iraq. A member of the Palestinian Liberation Front responsible for the hijacking of the Achille Lauro in 1985, Abbas has openly denounced the attacks on September 11th, among others. But the United States government will use his capture to try and form a link between the Iraqi state and groups that can be sold to the American public as “terrorist threats”. To your average American it matters little which organization has done what and which are affiliated. To most they are simply lumped into a single category. And that category has become “Arab Terrorist”. It’s no different than saying that all white men are probable terrorists because of Oklahoma City. The same logic applies. That’s not to say that the actions of terrorists are justifiable, quite the contrary, there are ways to achieve the change sought without resorting to violence at all. The point is that any example that can be served up to the general public to justify what’s going on in the Middle East will be used, no matter how vague its real connection to past events might be.

I made the mistake of wandering onto the Metro and adding my two cents to a debate about whether the war in Iraq is a good thing or not, one that I will not make again. Despite arguments to the contrary, it’s amazing how people regurgitate mainstream information. How they try and find new and interesting ways to spin narrow-minded views without calling into question what has brought all of this on. How they do their best to reinvent it so that it seems as plausible and black and white as can be. Racial stereotyping has become commonplace. In the United States right now a healthy segment of the population actually believes that Iraq had something to do with September 11th. In the United States right now many believe that the people of Afghanistan are free and that things are looking up in that country. Most obviously aren’t aware that the Taliban is not completely gone and that there is militant opposition to the current government in Kabul. Out of sight, out of mind as they say. Or at least off of television anyway.

Yet when it comes to even the slightest hint of American stereotyping by others Americans get extremely angry. Why is this? Perhaps it’s because they feel they are just and right and still believe that theirs is a nation that represents the pinnacle of freedom and all that it implies. Perhaps they simply don’t want to believe that their own government isn’t doing all of this purely for the noblest of reasons. Perhaps that is far worse a thought than all else. Perhaps we should stereotype Americans more often than we do. Members of our government run about like little girls worried that we’ve upset them while Americans call us traitors and cowards and so forth. Why not use it against them? Let’s call them arrogant to the point of nausea, ignorant of other peoples- nations- cultures, entirely self absorbed, self righteous, boisterous, and tacky to the furthest possible extreme, and the most militarily minded people in the world who are the only first world nation to still have the death penalty. Their love of guns and violence in general is unmatched by any other culture in the world. And yet…

Now, why do we seldom bother with such observations? Because we have manners and such pettiness is usually beneath us. We’ve no need for it. The majority of Canadians not only can name the capital of the United States but have a pretty good idea where it’s located. Ask your average yank what the capital of Canada is and the answers you’re likely to hear will stupefy.

It’s been officially announced that President Bush will not visit Canada as planned. There has been talk of rescheduling in the fall but most feel that he will wait until our current Prime Minister is out of office. Colin Powell said of the cancellation that the White House was still disappointed in the initial Canadian response to the war in Iraq.


People south of the border need to do their best to resist the sleeping pills that they’ve been slipped. None of this is as cut and dry as NBC or CNN makes it out to be. Once you come to the conclusion that your own government has a checkered past when it comes to foreign affairs then you must assume that not all of the information being presented to you is entirely accurate. And if you do choose to go to sleep and all of this gets out of hand you can only blame yourself for not at least voicing your opposition to it or the ill treatment of those that do want to exercise their rights and voice their opposition. Going along to get along is not something that works in a democracy. It is counter to its very principles. Perhaps that is why they seem to be failing these days.

Oil pipelines into Syria have been shut off. Guess who’s next. It’s just a matter of time until the laundry list of their “evil deeds” is released to the world. Can’t wait to read it.

Re: Matthew Good 4:16:03

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 3:59 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
danzaland wrote:Abu Abbas was captured recently in Iraq. A member of the Palestinian Liberation Front responsible for the hijacking of the Achille Lauro in 1985, Abbas has openly denounced the attacks on September 11th, among others.
Oh, he denounced the 9/11/02 attacks... how nice. Dahmer was probably denouncing the food served in the cafeteria at jail.

It's nice to see that Abbas has a "limit" to just what is and what is not denouncable, though. Throwing a handicapped 69 year old guy off a boat with his body still in the wheelchair? COMEDY GOLD! Hahahahahaha! Crashing four planes into three buildings and the ground? Wait, that's not funny.

What sort of forum did the guy use to "denounce" the attacks, anyway? Does turning a hostage situation into a poorly-organized Monty Python skit get you a half-hour television show somewhere, or did he just start moping and crying about how sorry he is that he's a reprehensible piece of human garbage on Diaryland, and then go be link buddies with the guys who are all shook up about blowing up that plane over Lacherbie?

Mood: Sad! :sad: This recent touch of flu has severely limited the number of groin-punches I've been able to give to the blind recently.
But the United States government will use his capture to try and form a link between the Iraqi state and groups that can be sold to the American public as “terrorist threats”.
Okay, but if America were really the Great Satan and did things according to fundamental Muslim law, Abu here would have his legs broken and be thrown into Mississippi to see how much fun he thinks it is.

OK, one other thing. In all honesty I don't necessarily disagree with the guy on much of what he has to say.

Oil pipelines into Syria have been shut off. Guess who’s next.
Er... whoever else Iraq was illegally supplying with oil?

Seriously, the guys doing the bang-up job running Syria right now ought to be praying nightly for the sheer number of Americans who really don't want to see us over in the Middle East, and the fact that they are as vocal as they are.

"hay guyz oops oh whats this p1pel1ne doing here heh lo11erz ops plz"

So, the French had oil contracts, the Russians had been selling the Iraqis weapons on the sly and the Syrians were sucking oil from Iraq in a manner not unlike some war protestors' wettest, sexiest dream. The only guys who were opposed to the war due to real principle and not because they didn't want their dirty little secrets being exposed seems to be Germany. FREAKING GERMANY. 50 years ago they had the most evil civilization in the history of the known universe, and now they are coming off as some kind of Superman and Optimus Prime-raised lovechild and the only guys left with any kind of moral highground.

If somebody had written all this up and sold it as a futuristic fiction novel 5 years ago, the author would be dragged from his home and set ablaze for making up too much unrealistic stupid shit.

Re: Matthew Good 4:16:03

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 6:09 pm
by chris
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:The only guys who were opposed to the war due to real principle and not because they didn't want their dirty little secrets being exposed seems to be Germany. FREAKING GERMANY.
Ganz falsch, Bloedmann! German companies built all of the bunkers Saddam had all over the country. I doubt the German government was looking out for their businesses, but they weren't standing firmly on the high ground.


Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 8:58 am
by Lex
I think that you're all a bunch of assjacks; everything is staged everywhere; everything is faked and re-faked and goes back 20 years. So much bad shit goes on that no-one can understand it all. Just accept that fact that everyone is piping everyone else bullshit and move on.

Carolina Bunky smells of ass.

Re: Matthew Good 4:16:03

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 9:40 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
chris wrote:Ganz falsch, Bloedmann! German companies built all of the bunkers Saddam had all over the country. I doubt the German government was looking out for their businesses, but they weren't standing firmly on the high ground.
Did they build them on the sly? In other words, did they have a "dirty little secret" like France, Syria, and Russia?

Re: Carolina

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 9:41 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Lex wrote:Carolina Bunky smells of ass.
What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you say something like that? This is why you won that poll, by the way.

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 2:05 pm
by looper
She said it herself, in another thread. I think he's giving her props. :D

Re: Carolina

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 7:14 pm
by chris
Lex wrote: Carolina Bunky smells of ass.
Bunky did NOT say was some assclown using a guest account.

The only person around here who smells of ass is Lex, and last I heard, it was only his dick. :smile:

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2003 4:26 am
by Colon Farrell
No that was his trunk ass, not his penis....

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2003 6:21 am
by Guest
What is with you Americans and your retarded-dates anyway? Seriously? If I'm asked when I was born it makes sense: The twelfth day of the 10th month of the whateverth year; Tell me why you insist on doing it this retarded way? Were your founding fathers a bunch of man-children?

As for Carolina: Yeah, she said she smelled of ass (Actually, I don't think she did, as it was a guest account, and I'm pretty sure she doesn't DO IT like Pinback likes to DO IT); I quote. PROPS TOOOO.

As for the previous nonsensical, violently-ill-sounding post; I apologise for posting drunk again. I have to ask; is there a way to stop this? Like immobolisers for cars? There must be something for the 'net, right? I'm assuming it would be quite expensive; but if one doesn't exist; we could make a bundle. All those guys who don't want to mail their boss the LOL YUR HOT mail but don't trust themselves.

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2003 12:40 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Anonymous wrote:What is with you Americans and your retarded-dates anyway? Seriously? If I'm asked when I was born it makes sense:
When you're asked something the answer VERY RARELY make "sense."

It's good to be thickheaded.

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2003 1:24 pm
by François Dumas
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:When you're asked something the answer VERY RARELY make "sense."
But her idea of the self-restraint administered from the remote, the how to say, immobilisateur, is useful, non?