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Why do gamers hate games?

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:07 am
by pinback
You don't see this in any other form of entertainment media, do you?

I mean, if there's a game released, and it's not perfect, and it's got some problems and/or bugs, but in general there's some fun to be found there, it's like a 2, 2.5 star movie. But since it's a game it gets ZEROS and angry, psychotic online reviews written about it.

It's like... it's like people WANT to find problems in games so they can RAIL ON 'EM instead of just trying to find some fun with 'em.

Take Destiny. I'm sure it's got issues. "DESTINY IS TERRIBLE!!! ZERO STARS!!!" you hear, though. That's not true. I've watched a couple hours of gametime, and there's fun there! YOU CAN HAVE FUN PLAYING DESTINY!

But it's not exactly perfect in every way, so it gets ripped.

I don't get it.

Thanks for your time.

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:29 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I think that with other forms of media, you don't have a leeching class of journalists accepting pay for promotion and good reviews, and you don't have a transparent, incompetent cabal of know-nothing zeroes trying to promote garbage to fuel their own agendas.

You have people who are pretending to be independent thinkers telling everyone who will listen how great Destiny, Titanfall, The Last of Us and Kane & Lynch are. Imagine if for two months all you heard from movie journalists was how revolutionary Prometheus was going to be. We can all agree that the movies had some fun parts, but it wasn't the pinnacle experience of entertainment.

So I think that's why. If all game websites went away, I think you'd see much happier people in the field.

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 10:48 am
by Flack
A review of Destiny that says it's an okay game will get 0 views. Everybody knows it's an okay game. Nobody cares.

A review of Destiny that says it sucks and is terrible goes against the grain. It'll get a few views.

A review of Destiny that says it's the worst game ever, uses the f-bomb 20 times, and compares it to the dingleberries hanging from a donkey's ass will make you the Angry Video Game Nerd. People will think you are hilarious and original and you'll get your own movie deal.

Video game reviews have little to do with reviewing games and everything to do with getting readers. The more outrageous, the better.

Thus, Destiny is the biggest rat turd ever to be shat by a giant rat in the history of video game shits.

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 2:39 pm
by RealNC
Don't miss out! Buy your Destiny Expansion Pass right now, for only $34.99, so that you get a complete game since half a billion dollars apparently wasn't enough to ship an actually completed game.

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 2:42 pm
by RealNC
Also, if your game cost half a billion dollars to make, then apparently the message you're sending is that it's 100 times better than a game that cost 5 million dollars to make.

Guess what happens if it turns out to be above average at best...

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 3:29 pm
by pinback
I'm just sayin', why is it different with movies, which also have Greedy Corporate Types spending $300 million to make a billion, and putting out "above average at (very very very) BEST" stuff on a weekly basis, and everyone's happy with "okay" reviews?

Is it because games cost more to play than movies cost to watch?

Is it because the average gamer is 20 years younger than the average movie-goer and thus hasn't learned what life's all about so they're still building an identity as a NON-MAINSTREAM HARDASS (who plays video games instead of nailing chicks)?

What is it?

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 6:58 pm
by Tdarcos
You can always watch a bad movie, even all the way to the end. In the case of running software package such as a game, you must load, initialize and run the installer program, successfully install the game, then load and initialize the game before you even get to see it.

Consider how you'd feel if you went to a theatre (back when movies were on film stock), paid admission, maybe paid 10 times retail price for some snacks, found a seat, waited for the show, then 5 seconds into the film, the film jams in the projector, melts the frame, and the announcement on the PA system was that you bought a ticket "as is" so you don't get a refund, now get out so the next crowd can be let in.

If you purchase a game and it won't run, the store probably won't take it back once opened, and the manufacturer can say they don't give refunds, talk to the store.

Usually game programs are not so badly compi9led that they won't even install but sometimes there is a problem. Whether you get it fixed is one thing, getting your money back if you can't is <s>another</s> probably almost impossible.

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:19 pm
by pinback
Tdarcos wrote:You can always watch a bad movie, even all the way to the end. In the case of running software package such as a game, you must load, initialize and run the installer program, successfully install the game, then load and initialize the game before you even get to see it.
As a PC owner, I just wish there was ONE piece of software that I could install, that if it ran, would prove that my PC was capable of running all other PC-compatible programs.

Does anyone know if there IS such a thing?
If you purchase a game and it won't run
This is not even close to the point of this thread, by the way. Don't you think after the ten-thousandth time in a row that people tell you that you've missed the point of a thread, you should maybe re-evaluate your reading comprehension skills?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 2:33 am
by RealNC
pinback wrote:I'm just sayin', why is it different with movies, which also have Greedy Corporate Types spending $300 million to make a billion, and putting out "above average at (very very very) BEST" stuff on a weekly basis, and everyone's happy with "okay" reviews?
Because half a billion is truly exceptional and unprecedented for a video game. People expect something amazing as a result. If your game cost that much, then it better cure cancer and world hunger or something.

If it were a movie, then it would need a budget of like 4 billion dollars and an extremely lot of hype in order to match what happened with Destiny. Now, imagine if such a movie were to be made, and perhaps directed by one of the most successful directors you can find (maybe Spielberg). 4 billions dollars and years of hype that this is going to be "the best movie in the history of mankind".

Then it comes out and it's "meh." Imagine the shitstorm. People wouldn't give it 3/5 ratings. They'd give it -100/5.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 7:57 pm
by Roody_Yogurt
I basically agree with pinback. So many gamers consider their love of games part of their identity, and sure, it makes sense. People look back at the thousands of hours of games they played as children or teenagers and they want to say, hey, that wasn't a waste of time! Being so protective of that identity, they're going to find slights all over the place. You've got your console-of-choice champions or nitpickers about this or that. With so many people eager to tear shit down, there's less room to say, "this game is okay, but you know what? I'm fine with that."

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 3:51 am
by RealNC
Dude.Half a billion dollars!

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 4:40 am
by pinback
You're too hung up on the money thing, man. Of course, you're Greek, so I get it.