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Spring Thing Reviews

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2003 9:01 pm
by RAIF Nutlumps
Radical Al wrote: Well, I see that <i><b>big flaming bitch</b></i> Emily Short won again. I can't believe <i><b>what a cunt</b></i> she is. Just because I told her I'd only buy her game in nonsequential zloties delivered to a dead drop in the middle of the night, and then I moved, leaving no forwarding address, and nothing but a lingering stench to indicate my whereabouts, and then when she announced the game I loudly and publically accused her of improprieties and bestiality....sheesh.

Also, everyone <i>owes me</i>. You've all been <b>REMISS</b>.
Jacek Pudlo wrote: Today Adam Thornton gang-raped seventeen more Muslims. Also, Magnus Olsson felches goats.
A.P. Hill wrote: Heh! Look at me! I'm just as funny as Al and Jacek! Do my homework! Pull my finger! Hey! Guys! Guys! I'm over here! Really! Guys! I'm right here! Doesn't anyone want to touch my AAS?

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 12:10 pm
by Corby the Comedy Critic
OK, the AP impression was a bit on the analytical side rather than a straight persiflage, but that can be excused because it made me chuckle nonetheless.

The other two fail entirely.

Al has no beef with Emily per se (and there are no indications that he would hold a grudge over any length of time). He has entitlement issues and feels equally threatened by anyone who he thinks doesn't share his take on his version of reality. To me he personifies everything the world loves to hate about the US of A.

And Jacek's trolling is way more sophisticated and therefore more insidious than this. Think of his elaborate argument about petit-bourgeois art reception that he threw in AC's face. It only had a chance of hurting its target because it came off as believable. For the exchange about muslim women he rode the popular wave of treehugging save-the-whales type of compassion, which again let him superficially appear sincere. Sure, there's the whole Risotto class of stunts which flies in the face of his other trolling, but that can't really detract from the cunning he otherwise displays.

For both, Al and JP, you'll have to actually slip into their frame of mind to pull off a successful troll parody. Just hamming on the outward symptoms won't be good enough.

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 12:15 pm
by Audience

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 12:32 pm
by Forum Socialist
The bit about the zloties was funny, though, because Radical Al has demonstrated his ability to send currency of... a most vexing manner through the post.

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 1:04 pm
by Roody_Yogurt
I think it's more so the case that Radical Al represents the aspects of the US that the rest of the world loves to laugh at. Personally, I've got a soft spot for that guy.

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 1:41 pm
by k. roo
Also, he's not technically trolling, while the other two are. The recent incident (yeah, the zlotys were funny) showed that he can be reasoned with. Still, figures like Ashcroft kind of take the good-natured chuckle right offa my face. (Yes, that stinks of guilt by association, but what can I do, my knee wants to jerk too.)