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"StayFocusd" Chrome Extension
Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:28 am
by pinback
This is great. You can select as many time-wasting websites that you know are sucking your life away but you can't stop, and then lets you set an aggregate total time per day you can be on any of them before being blocked for the rest of the day.
I instantly put,,, and on it. So I get 10 minutes total per day to waste my life on that shit.
JC isn't on the list...
Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 7:11 pm
by AArdvark
How is search enging like Yahoo sucking your time away?
Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:06 pm
by pinback
Yahoo is a "search engine".
That's what you're on this website, saying to all of the people reading.
You're putting that out there. It's the internet, you know. There's no "erase" button.
Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 3:59 am
by AArdvark
I use Google. I use it to navigate to sites and look stuff up. How does doing that use up too much of your time?
Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:16 am
by AArdvark
Yahoo is loaded with click bait. Now I see the problem
Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 6:30 am
by pinback
Alright, I'm adding JC to the list, but bumped the time up to 30 minutes per day. Remember, that's total, so that includes now, this, Facebook, youtube, etc, etc.
My time here is precious, people.
Use it wisely.
Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 9:55 am
by Tdarcos
pinback wrote:Yahoo is a "search engine".
While Yahoo does include a search engine, that's not what he said.
You're putting that out there. It's the internet, you know. There's no "erase" button.
Some stuff does get forgotten if not indexed, but he didn't say that. He questioned use of a "search enging" like Yahoo. Therefore he said yahoo is a "search enging" not a "search engine."
Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 11:53 am
by pinback
Well, it's a great extension, but I uninstalled it.
Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 5:49 pm
by RetroRomper
I installed StayFocusd with the hope that it would let me essentially block sites (as opposed to editing a host file) and... Yes! It does this!
How does it work? Set the time allowed per day to 1 minute.
I've already started to break out of my muscle memory in regards to having a free moment, with the downside of not actually knowing what to do with all of my free time.
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 7:53 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
pinback wrote:Alright, I'm adding JC to the list, but bumped the time up to 30 minutes per day. Remember, that's total, so that includes now, this, Facebook, youtube, etc, etc.
My time here is precious, people.
Use it wisely.
What the fuck are you doing? I need you here! I need you on this wall!
This is the last place you need to do that shit to. Come on, man.
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 7:54 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
RetroRomper wrote:I installed StayFocusd with the hope that it would let me essentially block sites (as opposed to editing a host file) and... Yes! It does this!
How does it work? Set the time allowed per day to 1 minute.
I've already started to break out of my muscle memory in regards to having a free moment, with the downside of not actually knowing what to do with all of my free time.
This has to be an all-time low for me as a SysOp.
"I keep going to your site too much, so I installed an extension to effectively block it."
I need you here. I need you ALL HERE. Of all the fourteen quintillion sites in the world, this one I'm asking you not to block. Post something! Post anything!
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:58 pm
by RetroRomper
Jolt Country will never be blocked, limited, throttled, etc.
This is just for Reddit and other sites that are designed around supplying meaningless streams of information to ignite the part that makes me feel validated.
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 7:30 pm
by Flack
Do they offer this plug-in for tubs of ice cream?
Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 10:13 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
You've destroyed a person today. You have all destroyed me and everything I stood for.
Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 10:57 am
by Tdarcos
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:You've destroyed a person today. You have all destroyed me and everything I stood for.
It took you this long to discover you've been destroyed? I knew that,
years ago. Besides, what does it mean to you to be "destroyed"? Ruined, reduced to worthlessness, having no value, demolished and pulverized, what?
"It took you this long to figure that out? You're not as bright as I thought you were."
- Supervisor 246
Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 6:05 pm
by AArdvark
I deleted my Facebook account this weekend. I just got sick of seeing stupid e-card slogans. Like:
"My wine diet isn't working.
So far I've only lost two weeks."
Too many pictures of food and people I don't know smiling at me over bottles of beer. And right wing propaganda.
In fact, there's nothing there for me that I can't get here and on TGC.
Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 6:57 pm
by Donald Ebinsen
AArdvark wrote:"My wine diet isn't working.
So far I've only lost two weeks."
I recommend the "eat too much only when totally sloshed" diet. If you can't remember it (because you passed out) then it didn't happen!
Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 7:51 pm
by Flack
AArdvark wrote:In fact, there's nothing there for me that I can't get here and on TGC.
I hate Facebook, but there are so many people now that use it as their sole means of communication that I can't part with it. That being said, I am looking forward to seeing more of your shiny face both here and over at the 'chamber!
Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 3:47 pm
by AArdvark
I like posting here and there because entire paragraphs can be written. I noticed on FB that if anybody posted something that was more than two sentences long I hesitated to read it at first. It started to bug me after a while because I used to be a voracious reader. Back when people went to where the books were, instead of the other way around, I would check out dozens of books a month. Dozens. Now if I read one new book a year it's a lot. I keep reading all my old stuff over and over. That's another thing that bugs me, the lack of new stuff to read. I totally blame social media for stuffing information at me 24/7. It's keeping me from discovering new authors. But no more, I tell you. No more.
Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 8:15 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I think we computer guys had forums pretty well figured out by the time Facebook came along.
They started doing this awful, awful thing where if you wrote too much in a reply they'd put ellipses up and have a link that people would have to click to read.
Nope. Nooooooooope. That's when Facebook became a piece of shit site. I mean, it always existed to serve Facebook and not its users, but still.
THEN they did a thing where they hid replies. Replies! You'll see "1 reply. Click to read it." They put that there instead of putting the reply there. Amazing.
I hate it too but there's people there whom I don't catch up with in any other way. (Fantasy football was great at that until all my friends left my league.)
But I've got a theory going that says that everything our generation figured out will one day be broken in stupidity on the web.