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Matthew Good 4:23:03

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 5:13 am
by danzaland
CBC-LONDON - Washington falsified evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq to justify invading the country, the United Nation's chief weapons inspector has suggested. Hans Blix made the comments in an interview with BBC Radio. Parts of the interview were released hours before Blix was to address the UN Security Council. He is hoping to convince member states to allow his team of weapons inspectors to return to Iraq. The inspectors left Iraq shortly before the U.S. military attack started. Blix said weapons inspectors had "no great difficulty" proving documents that passed U.S. and U.K. intelligence were fake. "Who falsifies this?" asked Blix. He also accused Washington of undermining the efforts of the weapons inspectors in order to gain support for the war. U.S. Republican Congressman Peter King flatly dismissed Blix's allegations and accused him of manipulating evidence. American troops have found no hard evidence of chemical and biological weapons in Iraq. There have been reports from Iraqi scientists that ingredients for the weapons do exist and have been buried.

So what do you think it’ll be? Personally, I’m going with heart failure.

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 7:03 am
by Bugs
Nonsense. Heart failure has no style.

I'm going to go with either:

a.) Eaten by a pack of wolves in Utah, or

b.) Plane crash over northern Minnesota.

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 8:07 am
by k. roo
Either are implausible for a swedish geezer. More credible would be collateral damage. But nothing beats heart failure.

That said, I tink nothing like that is going to happen. For practical purposes there is no accountability, hence the Men In Charge don't need to resort to Jimmy Hoffa's bag o' tricks. Rummy'll just say "piffle" and that'll be that.