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Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 1:41 pm
by milkunits
Anybody had any experience with the T mobile Danger Sidekick phone? I am really interested in getting one and wanted to know if anyone has used it.
Anybody have a really cool PDA/cellphone they can recommend. The price on the sidekick is good. I would like to stay in the $200.00/$300.00 range.
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 2:30 pm
by Jack Straw
I think that's a good idea. A PDA phone would help you manage your time. You could keep track of important dates and times and learn the "graffitti" language.
And maybe RobB would get his DVD's..
He got them
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 2:38 pm
by milkunits
Robbs DVD's are there now. I had to reload my XP and then realized you sent 2 copies of the GBA games anyway.
He should have the games now in his hot little snatch.
Thanks for doing those burns again.
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 4:54 pm
by Jack Straw
No prob mang. I thought I sent one though on the RW and the N64 roms...
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2003 9:00 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
The Milker did indeed send the DVD to me. He took it upon himself to write "Robb's Gameboy DVD" and then make a little arrow on the second "b" and write "this is a lower case b."
I would like to take this opportunity to rant about something very close to my heart. If you are making a CD or DVD for somebody -- actually, scratch that -- if you are making a CD or DVD for me, please put either the name of the contents on the disc or nothing at all. Milker, you know that I consider you one of my very best friends but JESUS CHRIST I fucking hate having a bunch of idiot retard nonsense speak on my discs. You pulled this shit for that fucking snowboarding game as well.
Walrustitty does this too. I think he made me a copy of Thrill Kill (that "banned" game that EA thought was OMG too gruesome) and had to go write some inane statement like "Sega Drools, PSX Rules!" on it. Walrustitty also has, without question, the worst goddamn handwriting I have ever fucking seen in my life, so back when I was living with him it got to the point where he would not write anything on a disc after it was complete because he knew how much I hated seeing his chickenscratch scrawl on it.
I am making a few CDs for Roody. Roody will soon have these CDs. Upon these CDs will either be the contents, lovingly scripted in delicate detail by my own hand, or nothing at all. This is how it is. This is how it should be. I cannot stress this enough. The front of a CD is not a place for in-jokes, attempts at "comedy" or "bringing teh funney" or whatever else one might think is haw-haw-haw-haw-hawLARIOUS at the time.
I feel quite strongly about this.
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2003 12:26 pm
by milkunits
Hows the chicks these days Robb?
Man you need to get laid. Loosen up man, my god. I know caligraphy man and next time I will give you a small sample.
You remember that time you used to be nice to your friends? God!
Smell my poop,
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2003 1:01 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Ah! Ah! Ah!
Have no fear, motherfucker, you are NEVER sending me a disc again! Your shrill, bitchy script shall never cross mine eyes again! This friendship is OVER.
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2003 2:57 pm
by k. roo
ITYM "killfiled" HTH HAND
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2003 3:00 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2003 5:35 pm
by Worm
I have to admit I prefer having titles on them. Robb labeled the discs he sent me well. I really though wouldn't care.
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2003 5:37 pm
by Worm
Also he wrote:Upon these CDs will either be the contents, lovingly scripted in delicate detail by my own hand, or nothing at all.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:The Milker did indeed send the DVD to me. He took it upon himself to write "Robb's Gameboy DVD" and then make a little arrow on the second "b" and write "this is a lower case b."
So it wasn't a Gameboy DVD?
EDIT: Sorry.
So does this mean.......
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 8:52 am
by milkunits
Robb does the termination of said friendship mean that I am not obligated to give you first offer on purchasing my rare, collectible transformers (optimus prime)? They are more than meets the eye :)
I am headed up to Loveland tomorrow to get a lot of my cool collectible stuff from my mom and dads. Now that we are no longer friends, I doubt you care :)
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 11:36 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Come on now, Milker. We're still boys.
I may have tapped myself out buying pieces of my childhood from the 80s, though. The thing is, I am running out of areas to keep this crap around.
OK, this message is going to get very BOP here in a second. Anyone who still wants to look at my content with even a smidgen of respect should probably head over to the King's Quarters or something, where we will be talking about beer and hockey.
OK, on my desk at home (the "programming desk," natch) I've got my Magnetic Scrolls games and copy of Zork I for the IBM next to my speakers. The Bomberman guy is hanging from the wall. And "Blaster" there (you know, the red and yellow ghetto blaster) is also kicking about. I think that is juuuuuuuuuuust barely enough to provide a nice environment without causing it to be the anti-Spanish Fly. I don't think I can drop any more 80s crap around it without coming off as a doofus.
I dunno. I should post pictures. Maybe we should do that. "Post pictures of your work / computer area."
Ah, we'll see. What the hell, I speak to you on the phone like ten times a day anyway, Milk, we can surely settle this without there being a permanent written record.
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 7:16 pm
by Vitriola
>>I dunno. I should post pictures. Maybe we should do that. "Post pictures of your work / computer area." <<
I'll take some shots of Masamune Shirow's Cybergirls collection, which is nailed up around my computer desk. I'll be sure and get some close-ups. I also have flourescent solar-themed things glued to my monitor. And a sleeping cat seemingly welded to the top of it. I also have a Hello-Kitty steering wheel cover in my pickup.