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Jolt Country Games is hiring!

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:57 pm
by pinback
Do you miss the days when games were fun? Help us at Jolt Country Games bring back the glory days with your skills!

We are looking for creative people to help us bring our vision to life, in a fun, dynamic development community with a shared goal of making games fun again!

More details will be available soon, but JCG's first two projects are:

- A sprawling 4X strategy game set in an environment never before explored by the genre.

- A Ultima III-like with a modern, edgy twist.

We have positions available in the following creative fields:

- Graphics: Both in-game rendered sprites/environments, as well as background "flavor" art to bring life to the screen.

- Sound: Know how to make things go bump in the night? We need you!

- Novelization/lore. A great game is better when you know the story behind it and care about what's happening on the screen. Help us write that story!

- Game design, testing, and even implementation!

If any of this sounds like something you want to be a part of, we want you to be a part of it to!

If interested, send a list of your skills/qualifications to or and GET ON BOARD!

It's going to be a wild ride. Why not take it with us?

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 10:19 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I would like to add my opinion to this, desperately.

Perhaps it is the mild intoxication, perhaps it is the fact that for the first night in ages there was no unspoken understanding that I would be moving objects from location A to location B.

I want desperately to believe that right now, this instant, we are in our prime.

I have experienced primes. The Usenet interactive fiction days was one prime. When everyone was posting on Old Man Murray, it was a prime. When ClickFox had at least 8 of the best developers I've ever met in my life all working at the same place, it was a prime.

I don't want to think that I have passed my prime.

We will do fun things in gameplay with these games. We will because Ben and I don't give a shit about anything remotely resembling the way "things" ough to be. You can't hurt us and we have nothing to be afraid of. A 4x game? If we finish it, will be the funniest 4x game ever made. A Ultima 3-inspired RPG? When I do that you're going to love every turn.

But I want to believe my skills get better each and every year. That I stay sharp, that I give my limited, minuscule, "287 yes votes after 22 days on Steam" audience a reason to return.

Every day Ben logs onto IM and we shoot the shit and I try to make this guy laugh. The best things I've written since I finished up Retro-Nemesis (definitely not one of the 5 best-written text adventures of 2012) go into those chats so I can stay as sharp like a griffin's razor blade.

I won't let you down. We are in our goddamn fucking prime.

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 1:40 am
by Tdarcos
You missed a few important details:

* What is the target environment, is it using an authoring system, a set of support libraries and glue code, a start-from-scratch development?
* What is the target programming language?
* On language, are you supporting closed captioning, internationalization (other human languages such as French, Rusian, etc.)?
* what is the target genre, western, old Rome , King Arthur's time, now, future outer space?
* What are you offering, some payment, points in any money the game produces, or just the fun in doing a project bigger than one person can do? (Since you don't have much money you can't be paying on salary.)
* What art targets are expected, backgrounds, icons, sprites, images, video, cut scenes?
* what's the environment, flat board (this is how that game with the Zerg appears), rail shooter, 3d emulation (like Doom or Duke Nukem 3D), 3d sandbox (like Half Life 2/3)?

If you consider these pproprietary info then respond privately but I think thinking about it will clarify your thoughts.

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 6:01 am
by pinback
Paul is also in his prime.

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 3:42 pm
by Tdarcos
So much for this bullshit game; nobody is doing any4hing because nothing has been done regarding any work on this thing. It's about as active as The Don Rogers Show.

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 4:52 am
by pinback
Meetings and development are going on "behind the scenes". Half the current team doesn't even know this place exists, so it's an inappropriate place to carry out business.

JCG is just fine, Paul.

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 7:28 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I've been moving, Paul. From one house to another. It sucks and it is a pain in the ass. Sort of like how regular moving is for you.

MY game is right on schedule for a release.

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 9:17 am
by Tdarcos
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I've been moving, Paul. From one house to another. It sucks and it is a pain in the ass. Sort of like how regular moving is for you.

MY game is right on schedule for a release.
To mix a couple of metaphores, is that the one where a bunch of assholes in the Steam forums are jerking off all over the place?

"We're a bunch of dicks... [they] are a bunch of assholes. And [the rest] are pussies. And they don't like it because dicks fuck pussies. But they also fuck assholes, too. Because assholes just want to shit all over everything..."
- Gary, Team America World Police

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:31 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Yes. You play the "objectivist" enemy in the game, and you are IN the trailer.