In the end, they always leave.
Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 9:51 pm
It was 1989 when my father brought home the modem. We had a computer for, pssssssssssssh three years before, I guess? We were onto the IBM XT and off the PCjr. Three years. The PCjr didn't last three years.
More than anything in my life, more than making games even, I wanted to connect with people on forums. I went from not knowing about modems to running my own BBS in less than a year.
I had to get a job for the phone line. No problem. What motivated me to work was to pay for my phone line. What motivated me to work was to pay for a computer I could run a BBS on. Did I ever say what I did? I did this:
- I worked all summer at a driving range. I had bills to pay - gas, insurance. I was making minimum wage and inflation doesn't work the other way. $3.35 an hour was nothing! It was nothing then, even if someone says that it's the equivalent to $120 an hour in 2015 money.
I saved up $900. My father knew a guy who resold computers. I could get a 286! With an amber monitor. Well, it would be dumb for the family computer to be the XT and to run the BBS off the 286. So in a mishmosh of Sherwin logic, as a family we made the computer I bought be the family computer. I used the XT for the BBS. I bought an amber monitor because that's all I could afford. That went to the BBS/XT. We used the EGA monitor for the 286.
I ... did .... not..... care. I wanted a BBS.
I've lost so many good people over 26 years. Each one is a rejection. They don't all mean it, but it is. I had a dial-up BBS. I had Jolt Country the phpBB2 forum. I took control of Caltrops.
I wanted a place that was fun, that was clever, that didn't mod posts and that people could speak as adults. Not trying to be a jerk, but for the most part, my forums are the only place on the Internet where that happens. (OK, Flack's forum is like that. There have been other forums like that. It's rare.)
I miss those dial-up BBS days so much. So goddamn much. I'd do anything to return to it. I even setup a telnet BBS, but...
But... there is always a but...
But people -- other people! -- don't want that experience. They don't want any experience I can give them. They don't want to connect with a community or be able to say what they want or any of the stuff my forums provide.
On the Internet, I've only been able to successfully give people a place to speak that they get tired of and make games in a dead genre.
I made real friends thanks to dial-up bulletin boards. Because of long distance, we all called boards that were local to us. There was a warez scene in Rochester that I wasn't a part of. I am sure there was a phreaking scene. I am sure there was a hacking scene. I spent enough time as a SysOp that I was at one point considered an old man of BBSs. The kids ran WWIV boards. They weren't going to use old fogie BBSs! I was maybe 20 when this was happening.
I ache for those days. Everyone will forget. Everyone who wasn't there couldn't give a shit and everyone who was there pretty much forgets. Nothing will ever replicate the sensation of being in a bedroom and hearing the modem make the sounds it made when someone - a stranger!? - connected. Then they had sole access to the BBS and could read or post or download files. It was always a real person on the other end of that line.
I did a thing with the dial-up BBS that would be crazy now. The BBS was getting hung every so often. In 1998. So people would call and the BBS wouldn't answer. Argh! In Colorado, I would call my mother and she would cold boot the PC that ran Jolt Country BBS. Then it would work, again for a while.
I have so many ways to reboot computers now. Assembly interrupts. Unix restarts. Cron jobs. Remote tunneling. God. GOD. It's just .... it was just dumb. I was living in Denver. I was 24. Nobody was really calling dial-up boards anyway. I came home in November of 1998 and turned off Jolt Country, the dial-up experience, once and for all.
I regret that. My phone bill was $22 a month for a landline. (716) 392-8458. I'd do anything to have it running again, to be able to dial it. Anything!
I've lost so many good people, you understand.
None of you get along with each other. Many of you had kids. Kids take a lot of time. I suspect that many of you simply lost interest in posting and reading. I fear it was because of me. I blame myself regardless. I feel my jokes get old. My "style" of humor no longer interesting. People want me out of their lives so they go away and they drift and we exchange the occasional e-mail but the vibrancy of being a part of each other's lives is gone...
I have left forums, so I understand why people leave forums. Sometimes there are so many assholes that I have to leave because I would otherwise spend all my time fighting with assholes. Nobody gets Ben. Ben is the most important poster on any of my systems, but he's driven ... he's driven everyone off but the people reading this. But he posts the most content, is the funniest and is the most hilarious. Why do people act this way towards him? Why? Someone tell me FUCKING why. A guy that takes none of this seriously, who is affable in real life, who plays characters and wants everyone to speak like everyone has been friends for 20 years has driven everyone but Aardvark, Gerrit, Greg, Nikos and Roody away.
How? Why?
My friends got married and had kids. I would have guessed that I'd be the first to marry, that I'd be the first to have kids. I have a ... I have a shelf life. And people get sick of me. All but the people listed above and the Milker, I'm afraid. I have a lot of self-loathing and I feel that people constantly talk shit about me behind my back because that is what humans do. Regardless, they ALL leave.
On Caltrops we had a great collection of funny people. One by one, they all left. There's a few stragglers from 2002. They will leave too, some day. People outgrow posting -- I tell myself that. No. They outgrow my forums.
I just wish it was 1990 and everyone was posting. I just wish that people would stop leaving because I love their posts so much and they are funny and creative and hilarious and inspiring and every SINGLE fucking one of them leave.
Please don't go.
More than anything in my life, more than making games even, I wanted to connect with people on forums. I went from not knowing about modems to running my own BBS in less than a year.
I had to get a job for the phone line. No problem. What motivated me to work was to pay for my phone line. What motivated me to work was to pay for a computer I could run a BBS on. Did I ever say what I did? I did this:
- I worked all summer at a driving range. I had bills to pay - gas, insurance. I was making minimum wage and inflation doesn't work the other way. $3.35 an hour was nothing! It was nothing then, even if someone says that it's the equivalent to $120 an hour in 2015 money.
I saved up $900. My father knew a guy who resold computers. I could get a 286! With an amber monitor. Well, it would be dumb for the family computer to be the XT and to run the BBS off the 286. So in a mishmosh of Sherwin logic, as a family we made the computer I bought be the family computer. I used the XT for the BBS. I bought an amber monitor because that's all I could afford. That went to the BBS/XT. We used the EGA monitor for the 286.
I ... did .... not..... care. I wanted a BBS.
I've lost so many good people over 26 years. Each one is a rejection. They don't all mean it, but it is. I had a dial-up BBS. I had Jolt Country the phpBB2 forum. I took control of Caltrops.
I wanted a place that was fun, that was clever, that didn't mod posts and that people could speak as adults. Not trying to be a jerk, but for the most part, my forums are the only place on the Internet where that happens. (OK, Flack's forum is like that. There have been other forums like that. It's rare.)
I miss those dial-up BBS days so much. So goddamn much. I'd do anything to return to it. I even setup a telnet BBS, but...
But... there is always a but...
But people -- other people! -- don't want that experience. They don't want any experience I can give them. They don't want to connect with a community or be able to say what they want or any of the stuff my forums provide.
On the Internet, I've only been able to successfully give people a place to speak that they get tired of and make games in a dead genre.
I made real friends thanks to dial-up bulletin boards. Because of long distance, we all called boards that were local to us. There was a warez scene in Rochester that I wasn't a part of. I am sure there was a phreaking scene. I am sure there was a hacking scene. I spent enough time as a SysOp that I was at one point considered an old man of BBSs. The kids ran WWIV boards. They weren't going to use old fogie BBSs! I was maybe 20 when this was happening.
I ache for those days. Everyone will forget. Everyone who wasn't there couldn't give a shit and everyone who was there pretty much forgets. Nothing will ever replicate the sensation of being in a bedroom and hearing the modem make the sounds it made when someone - a stranger!? - connected. Then they had sole access to the BBS and could read or post or download files. It was always a real person on the other end of that line.
I did a thing with the dial-up BBS that would be crazy now. The BBS was getting hung every so often. In 1998. So people would call and the BBS wouldn't answer. Argh! In Colorado, I would call my mother and she would cold boot the PC that ran Jolt Country BBS. Then it would work, again for a while.
I have so many ways to reboot computers now. Assembly interrupts. Unix restarts. Cron jobs. Remote tunneling. God. GOD. It's just .... it was just dumb. I was living in Denver. I was 24. Nobody was really calling dial-up boards anyway. I came home in November of 1998 and turned off Jolt Country, the dial-up experience, once and for all.
I regret that. My phone bill was $22 a month for a landline. (716) 392-8458. I'd do anything to have it running again, to be able to dial it. Anything!
I've lost so many good people, you understand.
None of you get along with each other. Many of you had kids. Kids take a lot of time. I suspect that many of you simply lost interest in posting and reading. I fear it was because of me. I blame myself regardless. I feel my jokes get old. My "style" of humor no longer interesting. People want me out of their lives so they go away and they drift and we exchange the occasional e-mail but the vibrancy of being a part of each other's lives is gone...
I have left forums, so I understand why people leave forums. Sometimes there are so many assholes that I have to leave because I would otherwise spend all my time fighting with assholes. Nobody gets Ben. Ben is the most important poster on any of my systems, but he's driven ... he's driven everyone off but the people reading this. But he posts the most content, is the funniest and is the most hilarious. Why do people act this way towards him? Why? Someone tell me FUCKING why. A guy that takes none of this seriously, who is affable in real life, who plays characters and wants everyone to speak like everyone has been friends for 20 years has driven everyone but Aardvark, Gerrit, Greg, Nikos and Roody away.
How? Why?
My friends got married and had kids. I would have guessed that I'd be the first to marry, that I'd be the first to have kids. I have a ... I have a shelf life. And people get sick of me. All but the people listed above and the Milker, I'm afraid. I have a lot of self-loathing and I feel that people constantly talk shit about me behind my back because that is what humans do. Regardless, they ALL leave.
On Caltrops we had a great collection of funny people. One by one, they all left. There's a few stragglers from 2002. They will leave too, some day. People outgrow posting -- I tell myself that. No. They outgrow my forums.
I just wish it was 1990 and everyone was posting. I just wish that people would stop leaving because I love their posts so much and they are funny and creative and hilarious and inspiring and every SINGLE fucking one of them leave.
Please don't go.