Acro topic suggestions?
Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 11:10 am
Jolt Country Games hosts an ACRO game on in channet #nightowlx. Please come and join! The more players the better!
However, the stock acrobot only has five or six topic suggestions, which is about 500 too few. So, reply to this thread with any suggestions you might have, on topics that people could create funny acronyms about.
Here's a website where a few people started to try to come up with a list, and then eventually gave up. We can start by stealing from them:
However, the stock acrobot only has five or six topic suggestions, which is about 500 too few. So, reply to this thread with any suggestions you might have, on topics that people could create funny acronyms about.
Here's a website where a few people started to try to come up with a list, and then eventually gave up. We can start by stealing from them: