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Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 1:16 am
by Lex
Having a Urinate button does not necessarily make a game. "Dirty Games" have been around of-all-ages and for all-of-time. Custer's Revenge, anyone? Now there was a game that had many an individual in an uproar. It must've been so nice before there was an industry, so that there was no-one to complain too. From then on, thru the Hentai games, up to DOA XBV, and now Postal Series: Teh Suck Increaseses, we don't have much to go on.
I don't know about you, but must admit to enjoying, ever-so-slightly, the DOA XBV on precisely the level it was meant to be enjoyed. Then I realised, shouted "Fags." and stood on the disk, feeling mighty embarrassed. I said originally:

"DOA XBV is exactly what some fans want, one of those few letters actually read by Tecmo More Money Team written by the soggy right hand of some sad, lonely, and above all spotty Japanese male. I must admit I don't know if the Japanese can get spots, being particularly hairless, but that's not the point; the Japanese equivalent of spotty in their hairlessness; getting nosebleeds, I should think. They like that.

Like, let's say you're a Star Trek fan. You've appreciated all the lay-deez and plot-lines, whatever. Then you discover the long awaited new Series being all hush-hush is called “Star Trek: X-Treme Mud-Wrestling to Dah Max!” You just lose it. It's the best idea ever, but you know you'll never be allowed to say such a thing. You must be outraged at the Moral Indecency (TM); the political upshot of which is that you must now watch every episode. In slow-motion. And Zoomed. Just to make sure you know your enemy, natch.

This post had a point, but it got lost in there somewhere.

There's this girl I've seen all-of-twice in GAME (See the all-caps, RobB?); Admittedly, both times I've given her money, because I'm a sucker for a girl with not enough funds to buy a Game (One cap there Robb, you following?) Her thoughts are similar, but misplaced; Aside from generic "It sucks to be a game-girl duuude!" sentiment, because of course if there's one thing girl's hate it's being noticed by a bunch of guys, she more-or-less got it right. I think that we shouldn't be looking at just how much these women are treated as sex-objects, it's how much they're treated as objects, per se. If a woman appears to be human from a distance, moves like a human, and talks in the (pre-recorded) voice of a human, doesn't she deserve rights? It's not right that these programmers can force these poor women into any position they want, simply because they have absolutley no mind whatsoever. That, is what womens-libbers should be worried about. At this point, I would rather have sex with Robot Hitler from the end of Wolfenstein that one of the DOAx girls. Atleast I could say I had done it. Human Rights are one thing, but we must support our poor Digital Puppets, who have brought us so much joy only to be crushed into paperweight-like amusing shapes by bored programmers.

I will do all this campaining come break, until then...
Now, where's that Nude cheat?

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 12:50 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Lex wrote:There's this girl I've seen all-of-twice in GAME (See the all-caps, RobB?); Admittedly, both times I've given her money, because I'm a sucker for a girl with not enough funds to buy a Game (One cap there Robb, you following?)
Waitasec. Some girl comes into the store, says she cannot afford a game, and you buy her one?

How far into the hole are you at this job, anyway? You're going to have to take a second job just to afford working at this one.

Her thoughts are similar, but misplaced; Aside from generic "It sucks to be a game-girl duuude!" sentiment, because of course if there's one thing girl's hate it's being noticed by a bunch of guys, she more-or-less got it right. I think that we shouldn't be looking at just how much these women are treated as sex-objects, it's how much they're treated as objects, per se. If a woman appears to be human from a distance, moves like a human, and talks in the (pre-recorded) voice of a human, doesn't she deserve rights? It's not right that these programmers can force these poor women into any position they want, simply because they have absolutley no mind whatsoever. That, is what womens-libbers should be worried about. At this point, I would rather have sex with Robot Hitler from the end of Wolfenstein that one of the DOAx girls. Atleast I could say I had done it. Human Rights are one thing, but we must support our poor Digital Puppets, who have brought us so much joy only to be crushed into paperweight-like amusing shapes by bored programmers.
Excellent show. You know, if you made this longer I would post it on the front page. (I am presuming that you are kidding around here and that you are writing this, more-or-less, in jest.)


Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 2:05 am
by Guest
So, hey, you know that chick?


Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 9:54 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
You should really expand on that. Are you saying that she ripped your opinion off more or less verbatim? C'mon man, do some work here! This has all the makings of a great thread.

I am going to split this off from the Postal II stuff.

Additionally, here is my current favorite review of DOA:EBV:BACWTFLOLROFLST:TNGCDJACDFOD Volleyball.

Posted: Fri May 02, 2003 9:22 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:You should really expand on that. Are you saying that she ripped your opinion off more or less verbatim? C'mon man, do some work here!

This has all the makings of a great thread.
By "great" I meant, "utterly incomprehensible," natch.