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Donald Trump and the Great State Fair

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 5:36 am
by Flack
Earlier this week, our local news announced Donald Trump would be appearing and speaking at the Oklahoma State Fair on Friday. Tickets to see Trump speak were free, but you had to register for the event online. My wife reserved 4 tickets for the event. What better way to spend a Friday evening than eating a deep fried burrito and listening to Donald Trump tell a crowd full of Mexican people about that wall he plans to build?

On the Thursday evening news it was announced that more than 12,000 people had reserved tickets. When it's in town, the Oklahoma State Fair is already crazy and packed on Friday evenings. My interest level dropped instantly. Also, they announced they would be broadcasting his speech live on the air.

Friday night, we watched (on television) Donald Trump standing on an outdoor stage I've seen a hundred times at the fairgrounds. Across the bottom of the screen were a few tweets with a hashtag referring to the Donald being in OK, so I decided to join in, partially to comment on the ridiculousness of the moment but more in hopes of getting one of my tweets to appear on television.

My tweets did not appear on television, but people were searching for the hashtags and soon I was getting favorited, retweeted, and more disturbingly, followed. I ended up with over a dozen new followers, all of which are big Trump supporters. (As of this morning I've blocked them all.) Many Trump supporters, none of whom have a sense of humor about their candidate, insulted me -- but I ALSO got insults from Trump OPPONENTS who do not understand sarcasm. So really the only two groups of people who made rude comments to me where people who are for Trump, and people who are against Trump. Got it.

I woke up this morning to find a couple of my tweets have been retweeted more than 100 times. I went ahead and deleted the tweets, not because they were embarrassing or anything, but because by the time Donald's appearance was done I was already over it and on to the next thing, but these people definitely are not.

I still need to make it down to the fairgrounds and get one of those deep fried burritos this year.

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 10:29 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Watching Flack go through it on a slight delay, it was amazing.

Trump Voters are morons. They are hugely protective of their candidate. Nobody should be allowed to joke about what a farce his candidacy is, but Trump should be allowed to say whatever he wants GRR POLITICAL CORRECTNESS!!

Trump Opponents are, somehow, even greater dickheads. To someone that hates Trump (because he's on the "other team") anyone tweeting about Trump who doesn't take 20 characters or so to say, "Now.... I hate this guy!!!" must be a dyed-in-the-wool Trump voter.

One guy looked at a picture Flack posted of a sizable crowd. I'd say there were easily a few thousand people in it. As smugly as possible, the shithead (a Trump Opponent) writes, "EWWW you think that's a big crowd? You must not get out much."

If there is one awful way to try to get Flack going, it would be telling him, "You don't get out much." He's seen more of the country than the NSA's spy satellites.

Any time I return from vacation, I try to identify any inherent negativity in my life because when I am ON vacation, after the first day I'm the most laid-back dude on the planet. Politics? Negative!!

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 10:40 am
by AArdvark
This is the reason why any facebook post that shows up on my feed is even close to some kind of opinion gets I Don't Want To See This-ed. I have enough of my own opinions and I don't need any more. Feel free to take pictures of food though...


Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 12:20 pm
by Flack
I don't understand why people argue about politics so vehemently online. Those people -- particularly the Trump supporters -- are quick to label you a moron, an idiot, or simply an "Obama lover" if you dare suggest that Donald Trump may not be the best suited person to lead the free world. I don't know what the perfect presidential candidate looks like, but in my mind it's just not a guy who sits around making fun of people on Twitter. A guy that thinks the best way to convey to voters that he's "the one" is by bringing out Willie from Duck Dynasty on stage as a character reference seems to still be living in the world of reality television.

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 5:38 pm
by Tdarcos Legal Department
Trump is either an unmitigated hypocrite of the worst kind, or he's a tinfoil-hat hater of the stupidest kind. And I don't think he's that stupid. I think he's a very shrewd businessman who uses the controversy to increase his publicity. I don't hate him, that's reserved for really dangerous people, I just think he's a buffoon and a worse asshole than I am.

It's like it's been asked whether some of the worst blowhards on the right like Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh are simply pandering to their base, like Trump clearly does, or if they actually believe some or any of the bullsht they spew.

I have street creds to say I'm no Obama lover, I said so in my blog back before he was elected in 2008 that he was basically a left-of-center liberal. I also like Obama as a person even though I disagree with most of his policies. I also said there probably wasn't much more than a dime's bit of differnce between him and Hillary. On the other habd I dislike Speaker of the House John Boehner as I find him to be sneaky and disingenuous. He always has this look like he's up to something.

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 6:33 pm
by Flack
Tdarcos Legal Department wrote:I have street creds

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 6:01 am
by Guest
Flack wrote:
Tdarcos Legal Department wrote:I have street creds
[Image Deleted]
That's a great photo, Flack. While I have ridden around naked in my wheelchair or occasionally outside in nothing but a diaper (usually because I'm throwing away a soiled one and I want to get it out of the house before it makes things smell), where do I find someone naked to push me around?

And, it would be preferable if they were female and cute.