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About my (eventual) upcoming death

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:01 am
by Tdarcos
I do have a will, it is filed with Prince Georges County, which is a feature offered in some states. You can file a copy of your will with the Recorder of Wills in advance, where they will hold it for safekeeping until either you revoke it or you die. This is a big benefit since nobody has to figure out where the will was left. And the fee is only $5.

I have been putting off updating it, because it gave essentially everything to my friend Andrea, and she's been dead for three years, so I need to update it to give everything to my brother.

But I do want to make a list of all the people that have an interest in me. As far as I know that means Jizaboz, Pinback and Jonsey.

So I want to make up a paper with everyone's contact information, a copy of which will be sent to everyone on the list, which, absent anyone else indicating they want to be included, is those three people plus my sister Joanne and my landlord Davis Boucaud.

So, any of you that want to be included should e-mail me your contact information, specifically phone numbers and e-mail, and if you want me to mail you a copy, your address. If you would rather not have your address included, then let me know but it means you may not get notified if others on the list don't contact you.

I have phone numbers for the above three but I would like contact information for written messages. Please send me whatever you want to pass on to all (currently) five people on this list to, or write me. You can get my street address and landline telephone number by doing a WHOIS on,,,, or, as well as my address from Maryland and Virginia's corporate registration for "Viridian Development Corporation", Maryland's fictitious name registration for "Tansin A. Darcos", and Colorado and Maryland's corporate registration for "Viridian Development Corporation (Colorado)".

If you want to give me your mailing address but don't want it given to anyone else say so. (But I would like to give my sister all the information on everyone in case it is needed.) The idea is to have everyone who wants to know, all of the contact information for all of us so if any of you get information you can pass it on to anyone who might not know.

Hopefully we won't need this for years but it's best to have it done before it's needed. I mean, I had two incidents in the last year and a half, something else could happen.

Did I mention the reason I ended up going in the hospital to discover I had congestive heart failure was because my ball sack was the size of a cantaloupe? If that hadn't happened I would have just thought I was short of breath and might have died.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 12:25 pm
by loafergirl

Wow dude, sorry to hear that you've been going through all that. My husbands ball sack swelled up to the size of a softball, but that was vasectomy related. Taking care of yourself now that you have DX?


Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 1:08 pm
by Jizaboz
LG: Yeah, he got a juicer a few months ago! Still doing the juicing thing, Paul?

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 12:51 am
by Tdarcos
Jizaboz wrote:LG: Yeah, he got a juicer a few months ago! Still doing the juicing thing, Paul?
I've probably had the juicer for two years. I stopped using it for a while near when I had congestive heart failure, apparently I was using too much fruit and raising my blood sugar too high.

Now I've gone back to eating the usual toxic foods and soda, so maybe I should go back to juicing. I know when I first did it it did some amazing things.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 9:16 pm
by Morbid curiosity
Tdarcos wrote:
Jizaboz wrote:maybe I should go back to juicing. I know when I first did it it did some amazing things.
Yeah, please tell us what a juice diet did to your explosive bowel movements.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 12:34 pm
by Jizaboz
Tdarcos wrote: I've probably had the juicer for two years.
My sense of time is horrible.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 6:49 am
by loafergirl
We've been known to throw Kale and spinach in with pinapple (covers the the green stuff taste pretty well) in the blender... maybe a way to cut the sugar but still get the benefits?

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 11:43 am
by RetroRomper

You need fiber, otherwise that fruit juice is about as healthy as a bottle of coke (fiber assists in regulating digestion, slowing the processing of sugar from stomach to blood in your body, plus helps satiation in a huge way.)


My blood pressure shot up to 140 / 112, weight exploded to 264, cholesterol... Lets ignore that. And my liver is officially fatty. I have a handle on the conceptual / planning stages of a diet, plus am now working with a medical weightloss center, but the twin specters of either dying in my sleep from a preventable illness or even worse, living till old age in an infirm body, haunt me.

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 11:45 am
by RetroRomper
You are also the poster child for mediafast or another "eat this shit AND ONLY THIS SHIT until you drop 80% of the weight you need to lose" diet.

Then transition back to actual food (slowly, but surely.)

Have you talked to any one about a medical weightloss program? Does Medicare cover anything in your area?

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 3:25 pm
by Tdarcos
As far as I know, everyone who has expressed an interest in me received a copy of my emergency contact list.

Jizaboz and all non-Jolt Country contacts should have received a printed copy by U.S. Mail several months ago. Pinback and Jonsey should have received a copy by e-mail at about the same time.

Anybody who feels they should be on the emergency contact list should send me an email with their information to with the subject "Emergency Contacts" or for my street address to send it to me by US Mail, use this link and enter the captcha code for my address and phone number: ... id=GoDaddy

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 8:28 pm
by Knuckles the CLown
I call your fridge. I imagine it's massive and spotless since Coke bottles dont really leave any residue and you don't seem the type to have leftovers in there.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 9:06 pm
by Billy Mays
You should probably consider stitching a gold watch inside one of your thighs now for whatever med student ends up getting shafted in their gross anatomy lab.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 12:46 am
by Tdarcos
Knuckles the CLown wrote:I call your fridge. I imagine it's massive and spotless since Coke bottles
Bzzt! Thank you for playing, we have some nice parting gifts.

The reason you lose is I do not consume any product with the name "Coke" or "Coca-Cola" in it. I will drink Mello Yello, Mr. Pibb or Fanta. I do not like the taste of Coke. I have not drank any Coke product in at least 40 years. (I clarified the items above to indicate I do drink some products manufactured by Coca Cola Industries but no Coca-Cola branded product.)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 6:53 am
by Knuckles the CLown
Great... So I can have the fucking fridge or what?

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 2:39 pm
by Tdarcos
Knuckles the CLown wrote:Great... So I can have the fucking fridge or what?
It's not mine to give, it belongs to the landlord. I do not know why you think I own a refrigerator.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 3:01 pm
by Billy Mays
Tdarcos wrote:I do not know why you think I own a refrigerator.
While I can't speak for knuckles the clown, I would imagine that most people would make that assumption based off of the fact that it is the 21st century, that refrigerators have been around for a very long time, and are easily in the top 5 of most important inventions of all time.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 3:20 pm
by Read better fairy
Billy Mays wrote:
Tdarcos wrote:I do not know why you think I own a refrigerator.
While I can't speak for knuckles the clown, I would imagine that most people would make that assumption based off of the fact that it is the 21st century, that refrigerators have been around for a very long time, and are easily in the top 5 of most important inventions of all time.
Did you read his whole post? He rents so his landlord owns the appliances (except his george forman grill)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 4:17 pm
by Billy Mays
Read better fairy wrote:
Billy Mays wrote:
Tdarcos wrote:I do not know why you think I own a refrigerator.
While I can't speak for knuckles the clown, I would imagine that most people would make that assumption based off of the fact that it is the 21st century, that refrigerators have been around for a very long time, and are easily in the top 5 of most important inventions of all time.
Did you read his whole post? He rents so his landlord owns the appliances (except his george forman grill)
The sequence of events as they occurred in which Tdarcos' indignant fridge question was uncalled for, and the fairy's comments not needed:

1. Tdarcos is setting up some sort of will, and asked who wants to be included.

2. Most people responded with a series of healthy dietary patterns that could prolong his life so that he does not need to worry about giving away all of his stuff.

3. Knuckles asked for Tdarcos' fridge, and made a coke reference.

4. Tdarcos became indignant towards Knuckles for believing he would drink coke, when he prefers generic soda more.

5. Knuckles again asked for the fridge. (Knuckles, and everyone reading this post, does know Tdarcos' fridge situation.)

6. Tdarcos says he does not own a fridge, and then proceeds to ask why everybody thinks he owns a fridge.
(the problem here is with the sequence of events, Tdarcos should have stated that he does not currently own a fridge in this post prior to him becoming indignant about the questioning.)

7. I proceed to give a very logical response as to why so many people would jump to than conclusion. (A very rational response considering Knuckles was not informed of the fridge situation)

8. Sarcastic fairy comes on to try and blast me....(completely unnecessary, and has missed the key factor in the sequence of events)

To demonstrate how the sequence of events could have occurred, making Tdarcos' fridge question, and the fairy's concern legitimate:

1. Tdarcos is setting up some sort of will, and asked who wants to be included.

2. Most people responded with a series of healthy dietary patterns that could prolong his life so that he does not need to worry about giving away all of his stuff.

3. Knuckles asked for Tdarcos' fridge, and made a coke reference.

4. Tdarcos became indignant towards Knuckles for believing he would drink coke, when he prefers generic soda more. Also, Tdarcos says he does not own a fridge.

5. Knuckles again asked for the fridge. (Knuckles, and everyone reading this post, already knows that Tdarcos does not own a fridge.)

6. Tdarcos says he does not own a fridge, and then proceeds to ask why everybody thinks he owns a fridge.
(Tdarcos already stated that he does not currently own a fridge in this post prior to him becoming indignant about the questioning. A very reasonable response)

7. I proceed to give a very logical response as to why so many people would jump to than conclusion. (A very irrational response considering Knuckles was informed of the fridge situation)

8. Sarcastic fairy comes on to try and blast me....(completely necessary, and has correctly identified the key factor in the sequence of events)


Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 4:31 pm
by Look who's new
There are hundreds of posts that say he rents. Any slumlord will tell you he owns the fridge.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 4:32 pm
by slumlord John tricky
I always own the fridge, stupid.