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Hey, an arcade discussion where I came up!
Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 10:01 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
It's moments like this where I think that people more Internet-famous than I put up with this sort of thing all the time.
Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 10:45 am
by AArdvark
Why do they all sound like asshole douche trolls on that thread? Not one of them said that the idea of having a polybius mame cabinet is cooler than cool. I thought the whole point of home arcade machines is: "fun hobby", not: "you suck because..."
It's attitudes like that that make me want to find an original Pac-Man, paint it bright green and make a Hello Kitty AArdvark cabinet out of it.
What's that Williams game next to the Polybius that says vark on the marquee? I could see that in my basement with a PC tower in it, running a version of mame that plays anyting you wann.
Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 12:14 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Yeah, it's an anonymous forum, so of course their all jerks. There is a sort of attitude that I see all the time now online that I didn't used to, which is, "If I am seeing this, then it should be perfect."*
I took that picture of Polybius for the gang here. Somebody uploaded it to Wikipedia, some click baits site took it from Wikipedia and distributed it and it was off.
Meanwhile, all it ever was supposed to be was a, hey, look JC crew. And you are right, I'd rather have a multigame cab look like Polybius than anything else. :)
* The Amiga collection that was on the Internet Archive for a bit got the same reaction: a lot of douchebags sniffing the air going EWWWW call me when Obscure Puzzle Game #10,222 works."
Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 9:53 pm
by Billy Mays
I am not sure why I feel this is an appropriate place to post this, but I am compelled nonetheless...
A number of years back, I was at a discount book reseller checking what they had for sale. I saw a Steven King novel that seemed interesting, I was young and used to enjoy trash fiction, and proceeded to flip through the pages to check for any damages prior to purchasing it. While doing this, a polaroid photograph dropped onto the floor that was previously nestled between the pages of the book I had been examining. I should have known better, but my curiosity got the best of me, and I bent over to pick up the picture. The polaroid was of a middle aged man, incredibly hairy, and north of 600 pounds. The man was wearing nothing but a pair of tighty whities, and he was posing smiling maniacally in his bed whilst pointing at the book that I know held in my hands. Needless to say I never purchased that book, I returned the polaroid to its origin in the center of the book, and returned the book to its place on the shelf in hopes that one day somebody would purchase it who was not as careful in inspecting its contents as me.
Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 5:10 am
by AArdvark
Say Commander, have you ever read any Stephen King?
Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 6:56 am
by Billy Mays
Yeah, I caught the blaring typo on the name after I had hit the submit button. The last thing I can recall reading of his was 'Needful Things', but that was a long time ago. I had a voracious appetite for pulp horror and Dragonlance novels during my adolescence. King's books are very atmospheric, and enjoyable in a junk food sort of way, but they are just empty calories at the end of the day. I would much rather lurk on forums, posting half-illiterate nonsense until receiving the cold shoulder of an imminent ostracizing.
I believe I have developed enough social skills to prevent that from happening this time around, but only time will tell.
Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 8:40 am
by Flack
Anyway... back to Polybius.
ICJ, you and I have discussed this before. There's a righteousness that exists online -- not just in the arcade collecting community, but in all the big collecting circles -- where people feel entitled to not simply give their opinions, but tear down other people's work for not enjoying a hobby the same way they do.
There are video game collectors who only collect sealed games, and people who hate them for doing so. Same goes for toy collectors -- if you don't open a toy, one half of the toy collecting community will damn you; open it, and the other half will.
This sounds like a zen thing to say, but the only way to enjoy anything anymore is to not care what anyone else thinks about it.
I only skimmed that thread so I may have missed it, but I didn't see a single response that said, "ha ha, that guy made a multi-cab and painted it to look like Polybius, that's hilarious," which is the truth. It's a joke that up until a few years ago, only arcade collectors would have got. It's funny. A multicade has to look like something, so why not make it an in joke?
I hope all of those people choke on an old rusty token.
Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 9:15 am
by Billy Mays
After refreshing my memory on the Polybius urban legend, I can really appreciate the clever humor of what you did.
Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 4:44 pm
by AArdvark
Sorry, the joke I was making had to with TDarcos being hairy and over the 500 pound line. Maybe it was him that left a photo in The Dead Zone.
Look up his videos and you'll see what I mean.
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 2:07 am
by Billy Mays
AArdvark wrote:Sorry, the joke I was making had to with TDarcos being hairy and over the 500 pound line. Maybe it was him that left a photo in The Dead Zone.
Look up his videos and you'll see what I mean.
I haven't been able to find the video, is he the huge guy at the end of the Cyberganked demo that informs us they we just got "cyberganked"? Also, I am almost 100% positive that the book was "It".
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 4:48 am
by pinback
That fuckin Arkanoid looks like it fell on its face, too. What's going on at this guy's house?
I think this guy deserves an answer to his question.
Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 4:27 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
pinback wrote:That fuckin Arkanoid looks like it fell on its face, too. What's going on at this guy's house?
I think this guy deserves an answer to his question.
Yeah, I'll give them that one.
Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 4:41 pm
by AArdvark
Why should anonymous sneering arcade guy care about the state of your machines. Not HIS cabinets. Somehow he finds it deplorable that ICJ has a life NOT spent polishing every exterior carriage bolt-head to a mirror finish. F that guy, whoever he is. He just wants to feel superior somehow because Jonsey has a life.