I'd like to ask Billy Mays a question about religion
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 2:11 am
There are two people on this board that have publicly admitted that they are atheists.
The first one is Pinback.
The second one is me.
Since everyone else here hasn't said, I have to presume everyone else here falls into the 90th percentile, that is, they're among the 90% of Americans who are religious and are almost certainly either Christian or they believe in the Bible.
This is where Pinback and I part ways. He has stated that he never had any religious faith. Which I guess he was lucky enough not to be indocrinated by religion.
In my case, I was a Christian before I discovered it was pure bullshit. Then I was an agnostic for 28 years, because I didn't know what the term "atheist" meant.
According to Aron Ra, an atheist is simply someone who does not have faith in God. All non-believers are atheists.
He and another You Tuber, Ozymandias Ramses II have a disagreement. Ozy says he and Aron are both Atheists by the usual definition, "a hard atheist": someone who has a positive belief in the nonexistence of a God or gods, and those who simply do not believe are "non-theists."
In short, Ozy argues "atheist" means "strong" or "hard" atheist," those who actually believe that there is no god. As opposed to a "weak or soft atheist" like myself who simply don't believe one exists but do not necessarily reject the possibility that one could exist.
Understand the difference, a "weak" atheist simply does not believe in a god or gods. A "strong" atheist actually believes there is no god of any kind. It's the difference between not believing in Santa Claus and believing he does not exist. These are not the same thing.
So given all this, if you care to answer - and if you don't, that's fine - are you a believer or non-believer in God?
If you do believe, are you a Christian, or some other major sect like Muslim, Buddhist, Jew or something else?
If you do not believe, would you classify yourself as
(1) a weak atheist (does not believe because there is no evidence but does not exclude the possibility a god might exist),
or (2) a strong atheist (specifically believes no gods exist or that they are impossible)?
And anyone else here who wants to is invited to respond (come to think of it, I never asked Pinback if he is a "strong/hard" atheist or a "weak/soft" atheist.)
The first one is Pinback.
The second one is me.
Since everyone else here hasn't said, I have to presume everyone else here falls into the 90th percentile, that is, they're among the 90% of Americans who are religious and are almost certainly either Christian or they believe in the Bible.
This is where Pinback and I part ways. He has stated that he never had any religious faith. Which I guess he was lucky enough not to be indocrinated by religion.
In my case, I was a Christian before I discovered it was pure bullshit. Then I was an agnostic for 28 years, because I didn't know what the term "atheist" meant.
According to Aron Ra, an atheist is simply someone who does not have faith in God. All non-believers are atheists.
He and another You Tuber, Ozymandias Ramses II have a disagreement. Ozy says he and Aron are both Atheists by the usual definition, "a hard atheist": someone who has a positive belief in the nonexistence of a God or gods, and those who simply do not believe are "non-theists."
In short, Ozy argues "atheist" means "strong" or "hard" atheist," those who actually believe that there is no god. As opposed to a "weak or soft atheist" like myself who simply don't believe one exists but do not necessarily reject the possibility that one could exist.
Understand the difference, a "weak" atheist simply does not believe in a god or gods. A "strong" atheist actually believes there is no god of any kind. It's the difference between not believing in Santa Claus and believing he does not exist. These are not the same thing.
So given all this, if you care to answer - and if you don't, that's fine - are you a believer or non-believer in God?
If you do believe, are you a Christian, or some other major sect like Muslim, Buddhist, Jew or something else?
If you do not believe, would you classify yourself as
(1) a weak atheist (does not believe because there is no evidence but does not exclude the possibility a god might exist),
or (2) a strong atheist (specifically believes no gods exist or that they are impossible)?
And anyone else here who wants to is invited to respond (come to think of it, I never asked Pinback if he is a "strong/hard" atheist or a "weak/soft" atheist.)