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I'd like to ask Billy Mays a question about religion

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 2:11 am
by Tdarcos
There are two people on this board that have publicly admitted that they are atheists.

The first one is Pinback.

The second one is me.

Since everyone else here hasn't said, I have to presume everyone else here falls into the 90th percentile, that is, they're among the 90% of Americans who are religious and are almost certainly either Christian or they believe in the Bible.

This is where Pinback and I part ways. He has stated that he never had any religious faith. Which I guess he was lucky enough not to be indocrinated by religion.

In my case, I was a Christian before I discovered it was pure bullshit. Then I was an agnostic for 28 years, because I didn't know what the term "atheist" meant.

According to Aron Ra, an atheist is simply someone who does not have faith in God. All non-believers are atheists.

He and another You Tuber, Ozymandias Ramses II have a disagreement. Ozy says he and Aron are both Atheists by the usual definition, "a hard atheist": someone who has a positive belief in the nonexistence of a God or gods, and those who simply do not believe are "non-theists."

In short, Ozy argues "atheist" means "strong" or "hard" atheist," those who actually believe that there is no god. As opposed to a "weak or soft atheist" like myself who simply don't believe one exists but do not necessarily reject the possibility that one could exist.

Understand the difference, a "weak" atheist simply does not believe in a god or gods. A "strong" atheist actually believes there is no god of any kind. It's the difference between not believing in Santa Claus and believing he does not exist. These are not the same thing.

So given all this, if you care to answer - and if you don't, that's fine - are you a believer or non-believer in God?

If you do believe, are you a Christian, or some other major sect like Muslim, Buddhist, Jew or something else?

If you do not believe, would you classify yourself as
(1) a weak atheist (does not believe because there is no evidence but does not exclude the possibility a god might exist),
or (2) a strong atheist (specifically believes no gods exist or that they are impossible)?

And anyone else here who wants to is invited to respond (come to think of it, I never asked Pinback if he is a "strong/hard" atheist or a "weak/soft" atheist.)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 6:23 am
by RealNC
I highly doubt anyone on this board is not an atheist.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 8:38 am
by pinback
I'm strong and I'm hard.

Re: I'd like to ask Billy Mays a question about religion

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 12:11 pm
by Billy Mays
Tdarcos wrote:
According to Aron Ra...Ozymandias Ramses II

So given all this, if you care to answer - and if you don't, that's fine - are you a believer or non-believer in God?
First of all let me premise this by stating that I would be very apprehensive about taking advice from anybody who calls themselves "Aron Ra" or "Ozymandias Ramses II", as their monikers clearly indicate to me that they both reside high on the autism scale.

To answer your question: Yes, I am a Christian, a very bad Christian who will probably have a long time to mull things over a bit in an uncomfortably hot environment, but a Christian none the less. Here are my reasons behind it:

1. I was born Roman Catholic - This obviously has a lot to do with it. I have not been to church though since high school, and I am not sure when or if I will ever start going back to church. I have a very poor ability to delay gratification, so I am all about sleep in now/burn in hell later. Also, I have started drifting away from Roman Catholicism to I guess something similar to Protestantism (haven't made the switch yet), due to practices within the catholic church as well as catholic centric dogmas that I am having a difficult time coming to grasps with.

2. The West is the Best! - I really enjoy living in western civilization and experiencing its culture, and it is based entirely on Christian values. Now the intellectual elites can be enlightened and think whatever they want as long as they keep discovering cures for diseases and continue to invent shit that the rest of us like, but the plebs need religion. What history has shown us time and again, and you can see it happening in Europe today, is when the plebs get wishy-washy, then some other dominant culture moves in, takes over, and imposes their shitty beliefs on everyone. At the end of the day, you are going to be forced to follow somebody's shitty beliefs, so they may as well be your own.

3. "Karl Marx said religion is the opium of the people" - is one of the things said by idiots according to my litmus tests. This is because they same imbeciles always leave out the part where Stalin used these principals to kill over 10 million of his own people. Marx was referring to religion as it pertains to God or the divine. The plebs need a God to worship, so they end up substituting God with the State, and the State becomes their religion. Personally, between the choice of have some divine Almighty hanging out in the clouds and letting you do your own thing, and a totalitarian regime that sends you to death camps, I will always bibles over bullets.

4. "But religion kills people as well" - is another thing idiots like to say a lot. There are 19 religions in the world, and I have never turned on the television to see a group of Shinto priests going ape shit on a killing spree because somebody pissed off nature. While there is one religion that embodies the "why the fuck did you bring that asshole to the party", it is certainly not Christianity.

5. That one famous philosopher I can't be bothered to look up - Thomas Aquinas maybe? He made this 4 square grid that was labelled "Believe in God | Don't believe in God vs. God exists | God doesn't exist" which maps 4 major possibilities for what happens when you die, with the results being Heaven, a twofer on doesn't matter because you won't know anyways, Hell. He was basically making the argument that placing your money on God was a good bet. Basically, I put this here because I remember my philosophy prof. from university was smoking hot, and I am pretty sure I could have nailed her if I wasn't such a spaz at the time. Whatever.

6. The Ten Commandments - A pretty well thought out set of rules to go by. They basically simplify to: have a little humility because you are not that special, and don't be a dick to each other. Plus, have you ever been to a desert? Fuck that, if the desert itself doesn't do you in, you will want to kill yourself just for being in such a boring shithole. The Jews were able to survive for 40 years roaming across the desert just by having those two stone tablets, other stuff happened as well I am sure, but the Ten Commandments were pretty important, making them good for society.

7. Faith - Not much to say here, you either have it, find it, lose it, or not interested in it.

Tdarcos, In conclusion, I would highly recommend this:

1. Go see a competent doctor, and do what he or she tells you to do. I do not want to end up in a situation where the only person to talk to on this board with any regularity is that cunt pinback.

2. Becoming a Christian is pretty easy if you want to. You just say "I believe with all of my heart, mind, and soul that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, that he was sent here to die for my sins, and it is only through his blood that I will find salvation." You also have to do your best to believe that. I am not going to spend any effort debating this part, you either believe it or you don't, you either want to or you don't.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 12:20 pm
by Billy Mays
This forum has been acting particularly wonky today. First on the previous topic were I was maliciously attacking pinback, my posts kept deleting themselves the 5 different times I hit the preview button (luckily I know here to copy and paste to a word doc as a backup before doing anything too radical like using the board's basic services. Also, luckily, I made the correct observation that nobody really likes pinback and most rules regarding civility do not entirely apply to that fuckface)

And now, it just directly submitted this last post when I hit the preview button....So this last post on this topic is going to be particularly buggy.

Re: I'd like to ask Billy Mays a question about religion

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 4:03 pm
by Tdarcos
Billy Mays wrote:
Tdarcos wrote:
According to Aron Ra...Ozymandias Ramses II

So given all this, if you care to answer - and if you don't, that's fine - are you a believer or non-believer in God?
First of all let me premise this by stating that I would be very apprehensive about taking advice from anybody who calls themselves "Aron Ra" or "Ozymandias Ramses II", as their monikers clearly indicate to me that they both reside high on the autism scale.
I really think you should not try to make snap judgements of people's mental state based on the "nom de plume" they use as a stage name. These are people who use these names for the commentary value because they tend to evoke a non-religious context. And both of them are some of the sharpest people I've seen.
Billy Mays wrote:To answer your question: Yes, I am a Christian, a very bad Christian who will probably have a long time to mull things over a bit in an uncomfortably hot environment, but a Christian none the less.
I do not understand why you believe that to be the case. As an agnostic and later as an atheist I have had to become familiar with scripture in order to challenge people who tried to convince me I was wrong, by knowing where they are.

First of all, the provisions of salvation as a Christian are irrevocable, once you are saved you cannot lose salvation. First, you're probably aware that being a "Christian" means you accepted Jesus Christ as your savior (John 3:16). Having done so means you are granted salvation from everlasting damnation. Ephesians 2:8-9 states that salvation is a gift of God. Then Romans 11:29 states "The gifts and calling of God are irrevocable."

So if you became a Christian you need to stop worrying, you're not going to hell because you cannot lose salvation no matter what you have done. Your Bible says so in black and white.
Billy Mays wrote:1. I was born Roman Catholic - This obviously has a lot to do with it.
I know all about how Catholics feel. I grew up Methodist but my mother was a serious Catholic who used contraception, swore like a sailor and (I found out after she died) had premarital sex with more than one guy. While at the same time condemning all of those practices. Typical Catholic behavior. My sister and I came up with the realization that Jews claim to suffer a lot but they have nothing on Catholics.
Billy Mays wrote:2. The West is the Best! - I really enjoy living in western civilization and experiencing its culture, and it is based entirely on Christian values.
Wrong. As the saying goes, "The First Amendment completely contradicts the First Commandment." We don't require anyone to believe in any religion. Also, while the founding fathers were all deists, they absolutely hated Christians. We also forbid slavery, an important action approved by the Bible. Most Western beliefs of any serious value are in spite of religion, not because of it.
Billy Mays wrote:4. "But religion kills people as well" - is another thing idiots like to say a lot. There are 19 religions in the world,
You might want to rethink that number as it is relatively low. I think the number is well over 100. Then you get various sects within a specific religion. Did you realize there are more than 1,000, and some say as many as 40,000, different Christian sects?
Billy Mays wrote:While there is one religion that embodies the "why the fuck did you bring that asshole to the party", it is certainly not Christianity.
The Muslims have not mellowed since their religion was invented by Mohammed (peace be upon him) back around the 6th Century. Christianity has had more than a thousand years to get its claws pulled and its fangs ground down, to the point now that the typical rabid Christian is something like the Westboro Baptist Church "God Hates Fags" campaign where they picket funerals of soldiers.

The worst that Christianity does, now, can't hold a candle to a Muslim suicide bomber who expects to pull the pin for Allah and get 72 virgins (presumably to fuck) as a reward for killing infidels. Which isn't really that much of a reward, a virgin is probably going to be lousy in bed because she won't know how to do anything.
Billy Mays wrote:5. That one famous philosopher I can't be bothered to look up - Thomas Aquinas maybe? [DELETED] He was basically making the argument that placing your money on God was a good bet.
You may be thinking of Pascal's Wager. Which is a really bad bet, when you think about it.

First, just because you believe Jehovah is the correct God, that does not mean you're right. Maybe it was Zeus. Or it's Allah. Or maybe it's some other god you've never heard of. Now, if that one has the same rules as the Christian God, and you're not believing in him, you picked the wrong god to believe in, buddy, and even if you were the most pious and devout Christian, you're going to hell for betting on the wrong God.

It's entirely possible that I might get better treatment from the presumed god who judges people after death, because I, as a human being who knows how to think, consciously rejected every god there is because there was no evidence to support the claim, but had there been evidence I would have been willing to accept it, but the typical religious person was a gullible fool who chose to believe the wrong thing and refused to consider that he might be wrong.

Speaking of Hell, the idea of fire and brimstone burning in torture for ever isn't from the Bible, it's more likely from some other author including Dante Alegheri's Inferno.
Billy Mays wrote:6. The Ten Commandments - A pretty well thought out set of rules to go by. They basically simplify to: have a little humility because you are not that special, and don't be a dick to each other.
As with most people who believe in the Bible or claim to be Christian, you clearly do not know what the Ten Commandments are, nor are you awaew that there are lots more than ten, and that the ones people talk about are the second set supposedly brought down from the mountain.

By the way, most scholars do not believe that Moses ever existed.

Are you aware of the Commandment from God not to boil a baby goat in its mother's milk? (Deuteronomy 14:21)
Billy Mays wrote:The Jews were able to survive for 40 years roaming across the desert

The Exodus story has been pretty much confirmed as fiction. The distance between Egypt and the place they ended up - if the story was true - is a relatively short distance that should not have taken more than a few weeks to walk.
Billy Mays wrote:Tdarcos, In conclusion, I would highly recommend this:

2. Becoming a Christian is pretty easy if you want to.
I know it is, because if you read what I wrote you would realize I said that I was a Christian until I discovered Christianity was wrong.
Billy Mays wrote:You just say "I believe with all of my heart, mind, and soul that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, that he was sent here to die for my sins, and it is only through his blood that I will find salvation."
You're preaching to the choir here, buddy. I can do John 3:16 from memory. But let me point out something to you. Think about this. John 14:6 says, 'Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."' On the other hand, compare this to Hosea 13:4, ''Yet I am the LORD thy God from the land of Egypt, and thou shalt know no god but me: for there is no saviour beside me."

God says there is no other savior while Christ says he is the savior. And Christ states he is not God but a separate person. So how do you reconcile this?

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 6:01 pm
by pinback
"There are 19 religions in the world."

I miss him already.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 6:02 pm
by pinback
At least, I'm ready to miss him, but it says he's still logged in.

Get outta here, already.

Re: I'd like to ask Billy Mays a question about religion

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 7:58 pm
by Billy Mays
Tdarcos wrote:I really think you should not try to make snap judgements of people's mental state based on the "nom de plume"
I make snap judgements about people all the time, it feels great! Those two burgs can jam nom de plumes straight down their cock holsters for all I care.

Tdarcos wrote:So if you became a Christian you need to stop worrying, you're not going to hell because you cannot lose salvation no matter what you have done. Your Bible says so in black and white.
The nuns used to tell me that I was going to hell.

Tdarcos wrote:"The First Amendment completely contradicts the First Commandment." Also, while the founding fathers were all deists, they absolutely hated Christians... Most Western beliefs of any serious value are in spite of religion, not because of it.
Western Civilization includes Europe as well. Constantine converting to Christianity, The Papacy, some variant of Christianity being the state religion of each European nation, the crusades, the protestant reformation, the Gutenberg bible, Europe's cathedrals, the puritans, the sermon on the mount, All Ivey league colleges in the US starting off so we could train more priests, the list could go on longer than I am even comfortable typing out, and when our founding fathers, with this ancestry, wrote in The Declaration of Independence "and of Nature's God entitle...are endowed by their Creator" there is still some doubt as to which God they were referring to? Look up how many Christian churches were around in the first hundred years of US history, as opposed to other places of worship. If you are arguing that the West was not founded on Christianity, then your argument is absurd.

Tdarcos wrote:You might want to rethink that number as it is relatively low.

The 19 was referring to major religious groups, I will not argue your 40k denominations claim.

Tdarcos wrote:The Muslims have
to go back. We warned them after 9/11, now they just have to go back. 5th generation Muslim-Americans make great 1st generation anywhere but heres. They have to go back.

Tdarcos wrote:You may be thinking of Pascal's Wager. Which is a really bad bet, when you think about it.
Yeah, I believe you are right, mainly I was just thinking about how hot my philosophy prof. was.

Tdarcos wrote:the Ten Commandments are, nor are you awaew that there are lots more than ten
The first ten seem to cover all the bases, I don't see a problem here.
Tdarcos wrote:The Exodus story has been pretty much confirmed as fiction.
Yeah, good luck telling that to my dentist.
Tdarcos wrote:because if you read what I wrote you would realize I said that I was a Christian until I discovered Christianity was wrong.
This part was more of an afterthought really, the main thing I was hoping you would clue in on was where I mentioned to go see a goddamn doctor so you could address what is killing you.
Tdarcos wrote:So how do you reconcile this?
Maybe God's into riddles? Any member on this forum would get their rocks off confusing the fuck out of their creations if they were a god...and we were created in His image after all...

Look, I appreciation the conversation, but like I said in the original reply: It's either your thing, or it isn't. The main thing is you need to see/listen to a fucking doctor.

Re: I'd like to ask Billy Mays a question about religion

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 6:23 am
by Tdarcos
Billy Mays wrote:Look, I appreciation the conversation, but like I said in the original reply: It's either your thing, or it isn't. The main thing is you need to see/listen to a fucking doctor.
I have and I did. I went to see my regular doctor and my cardiologist last month. I don't need to see either again for six months.

Oh, and by the way, the 10 Commandments are not what you think they are. There are two videos I'd like you to look at. Both of these rely directly on scripture, and they identify the passages so you can't claim they're misquoting since you can look them up in the Bible.

The first indicates the "Real" Ten Commandments end with the one I cited, "Don't boil a baby goat in its mother's milk."

The second is by Aron Ra, where he points out the ones everyone thinks of, and how most Christians either don't know them, don't follow them, or that God and Jesus exempted his followers from having to practice them depending on the circumstances. You watch that, then try with a straight face to claim the guy is autistic.

Here's the first one, called "Which 10 Commandments?"


Here's the one by Aron Ra, called "The Ten Commandments"


Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 9:29 am
by Billy Mays
43alley - Check your local pedo database before inviting him over for any sort of function, also autistic.

Aron Ra - Clearly autistic, he uses patchouli oil to try and mask an obvious body odor problem.

Now compares these two jagoffs with:

Scott Moore - Has a healthy marriage with kids, is wild about Christ, wilderness survival instructor, primitive bow hunter, deacon:


Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 10:25 am
by pinback
Everyone believes in fairy tales, either God or Self. Have a good time, cuz there ain't either.

Re: I'd like to ask Billy Mays a question about religion

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 11:09 am
by CO
Billy Mays wrote:
Tdarcos wrote:]The Muslims have
to go back. We warned them after 9/11, now they just have to go back. 5th generation Muslim-Americans make great 1st generation anywhere but heres. They have to go back.
This is a JC first, I don't think we've had any Teaparty Alt-Right Crazy Racist Fucks posting here before.

Re: I'd like to ask Billy Mays a question about religion

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 11:12 am
by Billy Mays
CO wrote:
Billy Mays wrote:
Tdarcos wrote:]The Muslims have
to go back. We warned them after 9/11, now they just have to go back. 5th generation Muslim-Americans make great 1st generation anywhere but heres. They have to go back.
This is a JC first, I don't think we've had any Teaparty Alt-Right Crazy Racist Fucks posting here before.
Islam isn't a race, you fucking cuck retard.

Re: I'd like to ask Billy Mays a question about religion

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 11:42 am
by Casual Observer
Billy Mays wrote:Islam isn't a race, you fucking cuck retard.
The dilbert guy said that too. Sure you're not lying that you read his blog?

Yeah, sure, ok. I'm quite sure that your views on people of arabic decent exist independently from your hatred of islam. I really don't even remotely want to know your wretched thoughts about black lives matter or affirmative action.

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 11:51 am
by Billy Mays
This is obviously pinback, nice try, you almost had me.

Re: I'd like to ask Billy Mays a question about religion

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 12:01 pm
by Billy Mays
Casual Observer wrote:Yeah, sure, ok.
Bravo pinback , I salute you!

So I attack you pretty good, you are ok with that, Tdarcos warns me to watch out for you, you act unusually friendly towards me, and then...all of a sudden...and for no reason...this Casual Observer/CO guys come out of nowhere to dogpile on me?

You know what really gave it away?

The fact that they all came on all of a sudden around the same time you came on! This board is dead, no way in hell it would have that amount of traffic on it ever! I think I was on here the other day for 17 hours during peak traffic time, and only saw Tdarcos pop on for about 30 seconds the entire time!

If you had spread out the time between your different accounts, you probably could have strung me along for a week or so instead of just those two comments.


Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 12:37 pm
by pinback
Well, CO isn't me. I don't post about politics on this or any other BBS.

Re: I'd like to ask Billy Mays a question about religion

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 5:20 pm
by RealNC
Billy Mays wrote:Islam isn't a race, you fucking cuck retard.
It's time for bed, kid.

Re: I'd like to ask Billy Mays a question about religion

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 5:45 pm
by Billy Mays
RealNC wrote:
Billy Mays wrote:Islam isn't a race, you fucking cuck retard.
It's time for bed, kid.
Yeah, maybe I used some inappropriate humor to state that after bombing an opposing value system mercilessly for 15 years straight, maybe we should hold off on then inviting millions of them to live in our communities, because they may have a bit of grudge, as seen all across Europe, and recently in Florida, New York, New Jersey and Minnesota.

So then, I am attacked as being a racist? Can anybody please explain to me how a religious/political ideology that you chose is equivalent to DNA? And how this ideology is at all equivalent to western values? I guess I should just happily get dog piled on, because it would be way out of line for me to respond in kind?

Also, fuck off.