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From "Nothing Being Everything", by Tony Parsons

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 2:16 pm
by pinback
I want to make a choice.

Well you dream you are someone who can do that.

I have to make the choice.

Why would you have to make a choice?

I don't know. It just happens.

Ah! Absolutely, it just happens. But what you add to it is the idea that you are doing it.

I thought that this was beingness just asking a question.

Yes it is beingness just asking the question.

But I had to make a choice.

No, you didn't have to. There isn't anyone. Asking a question just happened.

What did I do?

There is no you.

I thought I made a choice of speaking or not speaking.

No, it just happened. The dreamer doesn't think thinking happens ... thinking arrives and we think that we are thinking. Thinking just happens and we dream we are choosing to act out of our thoughts.

If I take my ego and completely dissolve into awareness or something, what would I do next?

[Laughing] I love it so much. It's always your ego, your awareness... you are such a rich man. There is no-one. Who's ever owned an ego?

Well I have an ego.

Oh, you do? So you have some ownership. Do you have a house? A flat? Maybe a flat. So do you own quite a small ego or is it semi-detached? There is no-one. No-one has an ego. This is about freedom from the idea of owning. Wouldn't it be lovely to just drop all these little bags called "ego", "free will" and "desire" and drop the person that owns them? Let them just be there. Let them just be what happens. Enjoy the utter nakedness of isness.

And what would you be left with?

You'd be left with nothing, but the strange this is you've never had anything anyway. You only dream you do. The idea that you're a separate person arises and then you think you own something. It's a dream. It's a dream called "being separate and owning things". Owning things makes you feel real. When all that's left is nothing then it is filled with everything. Liberation is absolute poverty and absolute abundance.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 4:27 pm
by Tdarcos
That shit and three bucks will buy you a latte at Starbucks. Then you'll be left starving and cold, Oh wait, you don't believe in property. Then there won't be a Starbucks either.

The greatest expansion of human freedom and lifestyle, and subsequently, human lifespan, resulted when human beings had the freedom and capacity to make and sell things and thus make money.

The crap you're talking about died off with the idea of Marxist utopias where supposedly nobody needed to own anything or the state owned everything.

And that sort of idea got us places that were real fun to live in, like Soviet Russia and North Korea.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 4:44 pm
by pinback
Just to clarify, the above post was NOT an except from Tony Parsons' "Nothing Being Everything".

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 4:45 pm
by pinback
(Also none of it has absolutely anything to do with the excerpt I posted. Humans making money and selling things was also "nothing being everything".)

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 4:58 pm
by Billy Mays
While Tdarcos did bring up a number a thought provoking points, I also really enjoyed reading what pinback offered in his original post.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:38 pm
by AArdvark
Dear Don Rogers,

More fart jokes please
